David Leisner

David Leisner    
2000s -



Largo Misteriosso-allegro - Trio (10-13tracks)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Andantino - Mountain Song (22tracks)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Compline (Nightfall)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Vespers (Evensong)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
None (Mid-afternoon)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Sext (Noon)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Terce (Mid-morning)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Prime (6 A.m.)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Lauds (Sunrise)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Matins (Nocturne) - Book Of Hours (14-21tracks)   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Allegro Molto   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Andante   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Largo   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Khrimian Hairig, Op.49   Alan Hovhaness
from David Leisner, Lars Ranch - Symphony No.60/ Gerard Schwarz (2006)
...never Was A Story Of More Woe   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
...empty Tigers   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
Come Weep With Me   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
...it Was The Nightingale   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
...sad Hours Seem Long   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)
O Serpent Heart...   Ned Rorem
from Fenwick Smith, David Leisner - Chamber Music With Flute/ Fenwick Smith (2003)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P242043


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