Steven Rickards

Steven Rickards    

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J.S. Bach: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, Cantata BWV 131 - 1. Chor: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, Cantata BWV 131 - 3. Chor: Ich harre des Herrn   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, Cantata BWV 131 - 4. Aria & Choral: Meine Seele wartet auf den Herrn   Edmund Brownless, Joshua Rifkin, Steven Rickards, The Bach Ensemble
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, Cantata BWV 131 - 5. Chor: Israel, hoffe auf den Herrn   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Cantata, BWV 106 "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" - 2d. Chor & Arioso: Es ist der alte Bund   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Cantata, BWV 106 "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit" - 3. Aria: In deine Hände befehl' ich meinen Geist   Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin, Steven Rickards, The Bach Ensemble
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, Cantata BWV 106 - 2a. Chor: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
J.S. Bach: Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, Cantata BWV 106 - 4. Chor: Glorie, Lob, Ehr und Herrlichkeit   Ann Monoyios, Edmund Brownless, Jan Opalach, Joshua Rifkin
from Joshua Rifkin, The Bach Ensemble - Bach, J.S.: Cantatas Nos. 106 & 131 (1987)
Author Of Light   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Beauty, Since You So Much Desire   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Come Let Us Sound With Melody (Thomas Campion)   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Come You Pretty False-ey`d Wanton   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Faire, If You Expect Admiring   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Fire, Fire, Fire, Fire!   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Her Rosie Cheekes, Her Ever Smiling Eyes   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
I Care Not For These Ladies   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
It Fell On A Sommers Daie   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Jacke And Jone They Think No Ill   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Miserere My Maker (Anon.)   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Most Sweet And Pleasing Are Thy Wayes   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
My Sweetest Lesbia   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Never Weather-beaten Saile   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Shall I Come, Sweet Love, To Thee?   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Sweet Exclude Mee Not   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
The Sypres Curten Of The Night   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
There Is A Garden In Her Face   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
There Is None, O Nine But You   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Thou Joy`st, Fond Boy   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Though You Are Yoong And I Am Olde   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
To Musicke Bent Is My Retyred Minde   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Tune Thy Musicke To Thy Hart   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Turne All Thy Thoughts To Eyes   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
Vaile, Love Mine Eyes   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
What Is It All That Men Possesse?   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
What Then Is Love But Mouring?   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)
When To Her Lute Corrina Sings   Thomas Campion
from Steven Rickards, Thomas Campion - Lute Songs/ Steven Rickards (2002)

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