Shirley Rumsey

Shirley Rumsey    

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Ricercar (69)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (2)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (82)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (70)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia Quinta   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar Prima   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (63)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (73)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (30)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (64)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (67)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia Sexta   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar Terza   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (55)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (56)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (65)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (81)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (66)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar Seconda   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia Quarta   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Fantasia (83)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (76)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (13)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Canon   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
La Spagna   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (10)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
Ricercar (79)   Francesco Da Milano
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Fantasias, Ricercars And Duets (2004)
The Delight Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Galliard To The Delight Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Carman`s Whistle   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Short Almaine   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Dump   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Rogero   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Piece Iwthout Title (Galliard)   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Omnino Galliard   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Almaine   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Johnson`s Jewel   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Quadro Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Galliard   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Chi Passa   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
La Vecchia Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Galliard To La Vecchia Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
The Marigold Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Galliard   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
A Ground   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
The Flat Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Galliard To The Flta Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Dump   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Passingmeasures Pavan   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Walsingham   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Goodnight   John Johnson
from Christopher Wilson, Shirley Rumsey - Lute Music (2003)
Anonymous: Guardame Las Vacas   Shirley Rumsey
Dall'aquila: Saltarello, La Traditora   Shirley Rumsey

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