Silvetre Revueltas

Silvetre Revueltas    


[Disc 1]
1. Et Expecto Resuurectuionem Mortuorum: Out Of The Dephs Have I Cried Unto Thee,o Lord; Lord,hear My (Olivier Messiaen) - Olivier Messiaen / 2. Et Expecto Resuurectuionem Mortuorum: Christ Being Raised From The Dead Dieth No More; Death Hath No - Olivier Messiaen / 3. Et Expecto Resuurectuionem Mortuorum: The Hour Is Coming When The Dead Shall Hear The Voice Of The - Olivier Messiaen / 4. Et Expecto Resuurectuionem Mortuorum: They Shall Be Raised In Glory,with A New Name,when The Morning - Olivier Messiaen / 5. Et Expecto Resuurectuionem Mortuorum: And I Hear The Voice Of A Great Multitue - Olivier Messiaen / 6. Homenaje A Garcia Lorca: Baile (Silvetre Revueltas) - Olivier Messiaen / 7. Homenaje A Garcia Lorca: Duelo - Olivier Messiaen / 8. Homenaje A Garcia Lorca: Son - Olivier Messiaen / 9. Angels For Musted Brass (Carl Ruggles) - Olivier Messiaen

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