Harmon Lewis

Harmon Lewis    



Tochter Zion, Freue Dich From "Judas Maccabaeus"(시온의 딸이여, 기뻐하라) (George Friedrich Handel)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Tchaikovsky: Andante Cantabile   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Caccini: Avemaria   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Lehar: Villa Lied   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Ravel: Pavane Pour Une Infante Defunte   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Massenet: Elegie   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Beethoven: Adagio Cantabile   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Dvorak: Songs My Mother Taught Me   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Grieg: Jeg Elsker Dig!   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Bach: Bist Du Bei Mir   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Pachelbel: Canon   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
Barber: Adadio For Strings   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
I Vow To Thee, My Country(jupiter From "The Planet", 내 조국이여, 나 그대에게 맹세하노라) (Gustav Holst)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Lacrimosa From Requiem(눈물의 날) (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Pie Jesu From Requiem(자애로운 예수) (Gabriel Faure)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Respighi: Siciliana   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor (2007)
O Thou My Soul, Bless God The Lord(오 당신은 나의 영혼, 축복하소서 주 하나님이시여) (Greene)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty(거룩, 거룩, 거룩, 전능하신 주 하나님) (J.b. Dykes)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Laudato Sia Dio Mio Signore(나의 주 하나님을 찬양하네)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)
Pie Jesu From Requiem(자애로운 예수) (Maurice Durufle)   Gary Karr
from Gary Karr, Harmon Lewis - The Religious Songs And Hymns (2002)

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