Gincarlo Simonacci

Gincarlo Simonacci    진카를로 시모나치
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Bacchanale - John Cage / 2. And The Earth Shall Bear Again (1942) - John Cage / 3. Primitive (1942) - John Cage / 4. In The Name Of The Holocaust (1942) - John Cage / 5. Our Spring Will Come (1943) - John Cage / 6. Totem Ancestor (1943) - John Cage / 7. A Room (1943) - John Cage / 8. Tossed As It Is Untroubled (1943) - John Cage / 9. The Perilous Night (1943 - 44) (9-14) - John Cage / 10. Root Of An Unfocus (1944) - John Cage / 11. The Unavailable Memory Of (1944) - John Cage / 12. Spontaneous Earth (1944) - John Cage / 13. Tripled Paced (Second Version) - John Cage / 14. A Valentine Out Of Season (1944) (19-21) - John Cage / 15. Prelude For Meditation (1944) - John Cage / 16. Mysterious Adventure (1945) - John Cage
[Disc 2]
1. [Sonatas And Interludes (1946 - 48)] Sonata I - John Cage / 2. Sonata Ii - John Cage / 3. Sonata Iii - John Cage / 4. Soanata Iv - John Cage / 5. First Interlude - John Cage / 6. Sonata V - John Cage / 7. Sonata Vi - John Cage / 8. Sonata Vii - John Cage / 9. Sonata Viii - John Cage / 10. Second Interlude - John Cage / 11. Third Interlude - John Cage / 12. Sonata Ix - John Cage / 13. Sonata X - John Cage / 14. Sonata Xi - John Cage / 15. Sonata Xii - John Cage / 16. Fourth Interlude - John Cage / 17. Sonata Xiii - John Cage / 18. Sonata Xiv And Xv "Gemini" After The Work By Richard Lippold - John Cage / 19. Sonata Xvi - John Cage / 20. Amores For Prepared Piano And Percussion (1943) (20-23) - John Cage
[Disc 3]
1. Daughters Of The Lonesome Isle (1945) - John Cage / 2. Music For Marcel Duchamp (1947) - John Cage / 3. Works Of Calder (1949 - 50) (3-4) - John Cage / 4. Two Pastorales (1952) (5-6) - John Cage / 5. Concerto For Prepared Piano And Chamber Orchestra (1950 - 51) (7-9) - John Cage

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