The Four Aces

The Four Aces    더 포 에이시스
2010s -


[Disc 1]
1. A Garden In The Rain / 2. A Woman In Love / 3. Amor / 4. Don't Forget Me / 5. Dream / 6. False Love / 7. Heart / 8. Heart And Soul / 9. Honey In The Horn / 10. I Understand / 11. If You Take My Heart Away / 12. I'll Never Smile Again / 13. I'm Yours / 14. It's A Woman's World / 15. Just Squeeze Me (But Don't Tease Me) / 16. La Rosita / 17. Laughing On The Outside (Crying On The Inside) / 18. Let's Fall In Love / 19. Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing / 20. Melody Of Love / 21. Mister Sandman / 22. Of This I'm Sure / 23. Organ Grinder's Swing / 24. Perfidia / 25. Shine On Harvest Moon / 26. Should I / 27. Sin / 28. So Long / 29. Stranger In Paradise / 30. Take Me In Your Arms / 31. Tell Me Why / 32. The Gang That Sang / 33. There Goes My Heart / 34. There Is A Tavern In The Town / 35. Three Coins In A Fountain / 36. Two Little Kisses / 37. Wedding Bells (Are Breaking Up That Old Gang Of Mine) / 38. Whose To Blame / 39. You Brought Me Love / 40. You Fooled Me

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