Joe Beats

Joe Beats    조 비츠
1990s -
1977년 10월 04일


[Disc 1]
1. Don't Front, I'm Yo Trophy / 2. Live My Life / 3. Me Talk Pretty / 4. Slivers / 5. Doing The Nothing / 6. Sleep Or Bust / 7. Caught Up / 8. Friday Afternoon / 9. Hellfire / 10. Pour Me One / 11. Big Eyed Son / 12. The Buzz Off / 13. Merc Ret / 14. No Burn / 15. Indian Summer / 16. Cutie Pie / 17. Eta / 18. Fade
[Disc 1]
1. Sad, Sad Song (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - M. Ward / 2. When We Reach The Hill (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Black Heart Procession / 3. Exploration Vs. Solution, Baby (Joe Beats Remix) - 90 Day Men / 4. Spaceboy Dream (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Belle & Sebastian, DJ Signify / 5. Ice On The Sheets (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Ugly Casanova / 6. Xiy (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Pinback / 7. Naomi (Joe Beats Remix) - Neutral Milk Hotel / 8. Doomsday (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - June Of 44 / 9. Open Ended Interview (Joe Beats Remix) - Neil Hamburger / 10. I (Joe Beats Remix) - Andrew Bird / 11. Panda, Panda, Panda (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Deerhoof / 12. Save Yourself (Joe Beats Remix) - The Make Up / 13. Coxcomb Red (Joe Beats Remix,remix) - Songs:Ohia
[Disc 1]
1. The Clock With No Hands / 2. Wanderer's Lust / 3. Born Mimic / 4. # 4 Disease / 5. One Trick Pony / 6. Andy Kaufman / 7. Confessions Of A Trump Card / 8. Impatient / 9. Escape Velocity / 10. Ghetto Celeb Samba / 11. Infidelity / 12. Someday / 13. Smurfette Syndrome / 14. Fire! / 15. Narcissist / 16. Game Recognize Game / 17. To Ritual From Romance / 18. Truth Be Told / 19. Supercult Mansion / 20. I Keep Calling

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