Dickie Valentine

Dickie Valentine    본명:Richard Bryce
1929년 11월 04일
1971년 05월 06일


[Disc 1]
1. All the Time and Everywhere (Original Mix) / 2. A Blossom Fell (Original Mix) / 3. A Teenager in Love (Original Mix) / 4. Broken Wings (Original Mix) / 5. Christmas Alphabet (Original Mix) / 6. Christmas Island (Original Mix) / 7. Cleo and Me (Original Mix) / 8. Climb Every Mountain (Original Mix) / 9. Come to My Arms (Original Mix) / 10. Come to My Arms (Version 2) (Original Mix) / 11. Endless (Original Mix) / 12. Fickle Fingers (Original Mix) / 13. Finger of Suspicion (Original Mix) / 14. Free Me (Original Mix) / 15. In a Golden Coach (Original Mix) / 16. I Ve Got You Under My Skin (Original Mix) / 17. I Wonder (Original Mix) / 18. King of Dixieland (Original Mix) / 19. Lorelei (Original Mix) / 20. Ma Cherie Amie (Original Mix) / 21. Mr Sandman (Original Mix) / 22. One More Sunrise (Original Mix) / 23. Rosita (Original Mix) / 24. Snowbound for Christmas (Original Mix) / 25. Venus (Original Mix) / 26. Where Are You Tonight (Original Mix) / 27. With These Hands (Original Mix) / 28. You Made Me Love You (Original Mix) / 29. You Touched My Hand (Original Mix)
[Disc 1]
1. Standing On the Corner / 2. You Touched My Hand / 3. One More Sunrise / 4. Venus / 5. Once, Only Once / 6. My Favourite Song / 7. How Unlucky Can You Be / 8. Walkin` My Baby Back Home / 9. Too Close for Comfort / 10. (Where) in the Old Home Town / 11. Sometimes I`m Happy / 12. Climb Every Mountain / 13. A Teenager in Love / 14. Let Me Sing and I`m Happy / 15. Hold Me in Your Arms / 16. Roundabout (Live) / 17. Moon River (Live) / 18. Medley: I`ll Sing You an Old Fashioned Song / By the Light of the Silvery Moon / Shine On Harvest Moon (Live) / 19. Shalom (Live) / 20. Medley: Carolina in the Morning / Toot Toot Tootsie (Live) / 21. Hound Dog / 22. Bye Bye Blackbird (Live) / 23. Foggy Dew (Live) / 24. Knees Up Mother Brown (Live) / 25. Broken Hearted (Live) / 26. A Fool That I Am (Live) / 27. Old Pianna Rag (Live)
[Disc 1]
1. All the Time and Ev`rywhere / 2. That Lovely Weekend / 3. The Finger of Suspicion / 4. King of Dixieland / 5. I See You Again Every Night / 6. I Could Have Told You / 7. Snowbound for Christmas / 8. A Blossom Fell / 9. In a Golden Coach (There`s a Heart of Gold) / 10. Mother Nature and Father Time / 11. The One I Love (Belongs to Somebody Else) / 12. Where Are You Tonight / 13. The Old Pi-Anna Rag / 14. I Wonder / 15. Birth of the Blues / 16. Mister Sandman / 17. Chapel of the Roses / 18. No Such Luck / 19. Christmas Alphabet / 20. You Belong to Me / 21. Don`t Leave Me Now / 22. The Star You Wished Upon Last Night / 23. A Kiss to Build a Dream On / 24. Christmas Island / 25. The Clown who Cried

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P362599


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