Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach

Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach    
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Introitus 'Ecce, Advenit Dominator Dominus' (Epiphanie) - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Leonhard Schmidinger, Martin Grubinger, Martin Grubinger sen. 외 / 2. Introitus 'Dominus Dixit Ad Me' (First Mass For Christmas) - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Heiko Jung, Ismael Barrios, Leonhard Schmidinger 외 / 3. In Splendoribus Sanctorum - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Burcu Karadag, Gerhard Reiter, Hakki Özpinar 외 / 4. Kyrie Xiv - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Leonhard Schmidinger, Louis Sanou, Martin Grubinger 외 / 5. Sancuts Xiv - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Leonhard Schmidinger, Martin Grubinger, Pater Godehard Joppich 외 / 6. Agnus Dei Xiv - Albrecht Mayer, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Heiko Jung, Martin Grubinger 외 / 7. Crucem Tuam Adoramus - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Leonhard Schmidinger, Martin Grubinger, Martin Grubinger sen. 외 / 8. Victimae Paschali Laudes - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Leonhard Schmidinger, Martin Grubinger, Pater Godehard Joppich / 9. Pascha Nostrum Immolatus Est - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Martin Grubinger, Pater Godehard Joppich / 10. Alleluia I - Ascendit Deus - Albrecht Mayer, Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Dieter Kolbeck, Heiko Jung 외 / 11. Psallite Domino - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Dieter Kolbeck, Heiko Jung, Ismael Barrios 외 / 12. Veni, Sancte Spiritus - Benedictine Monks of the Abbey Munsterschwarzach, Ismael Barrios, Leonhard Schmidinger, Martin Grubinger
[Disc 1]
1. Introitus: Dominus Dixit Ad Me / 2. Kyrie Iv / 3. Gloria Iv / 4. Graduale: Tecum Principium / 5. Alleluia - Dominus Dixit Ad Me / 6. Offertorium: Laetentur Caeli / 7. Sanctus Iv / 8. Agnus Dei Iv / 9. Communio: In Splendoribus Sanctorum / 10. Communio: Exsulta Filia Sion / 11. Introitus: Puer Natus Est Nobis / 12. Alleluia - Dies Sanctificatus / 13. Communio: Viderunt Omnes Fines Terrae / 14. Introitus: Ecce, Advenit Dominator Dominus / 15. Graduale: Omnes De Saba Venient / 16. Offertorium: Reges Tharsis / 17. Communio: Vidimus Stellam Eius / 18. Graduale: Propter Veritatem / 19. Alleluia - Adducentur Regi Virgines / 20. Offertorium: Offerentur Regi Virgines
[Disc 2]
1. Tractus: Domine, Exaudi Orationem Meam / 2. Acclamation: Ecce Lignum Crucis / 3. Improperia: Popule Meus, Quid Feci Tibi? / 4. Antiphona: Crucem Tuam Adoramus / 5. Introitus: Resurrexi / 6. Graduale: Haec Dies / 7. Alleluia - Pascha Nostrum / 8. Sequentia: Victimae Paschali Laudes / 9. Offertorium: Terra Tremuit Et Quievit / 10. Communio: Pascha Nostrum Immolatus Est Christus / 11. Offertorium I: Ascendit Deus / 12. Communio: Psallite Domino / 13. Sequentia: Veni, Sancte Spiritus / 14. Communio: Factus Est / 15. Kyrie Xiv / 16. Gloria Xiv / 17. Sanctus Xiv / 18. Agnus Dei Xiv

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