Robbie van Leeuwen

Robbie van Leeuwen    로비 반 로이벤
1944년 10월 29일 / 네덜란드


[Disc 1]
1. Venus / 2. Mighty Joe / 3. Send Me A Postcard / 4. Long And Lonesome Road / 5. Never Marry A Railroad / 6. Ink Pot / 7. Rock In The Sea / 8. Dream On Dreamer / 9. Hello Darkness / 10. Shocking You / 11. Sally Was A Good Old Girl / 12. Blossom Lady / 13. Out Of Sight Out Of Mind / 14. Eve And The Apple / 15. Let Me Carry Your Bag / 16. Oh Lord / 17. This America / 18. Good Times / 19. Gonna Sing Me A Song / 20. Jury And The Jungle / 21. Body And Soul / 22. Love Is In The Air / 23. Lucy Brown Is Back In Town
[Disc 2]
1. Roll Engine Roll / 2. Pickin' Tomatoes / 3. Waterloo / 4. Harley Davidson / 5. Fireball Of Love / 6. Hot Sand / 7. Wild Wind / 8. Keep It If You Want It / 9. Give My Love To The Sunshine / 10. I Saw You In June / 11. Is This A Dream / 12. I Like You / 13. Broken Heart / 14. When I Was A Girl / 15. In My Time Of Dying / 16. Everything That'S Mine / 17. Where The Picknick Was / 18. I Won'T Be Lonely Long / 19. Come My Way / 20. Get It On / 21. I Am Hanging On To Love / 22. Angel / 23. What You Gonna Do / 24. Fix Your Hair Darling
[Disc 1]
1. Venus / 2. Mighty Joe / 3. Never Marry A Railroad Man / 4. Hello Darkness / 5. Shocking You / 6. Blossom Lady / 7. Ink Pot / 8. Rock In The Sea / 9. Send Me A Postcard / 10. Long And Lonesome Road / 11. Out Of Sight Out Of Mind / 12. Oh Lord / 13. This America / 14. Good Times / 15. Gonna Sing Me A Song / 16. Love Is In The Air / 17. Lucy Brown Is Back In Town / 18. Eve And The Apple / 19. Let Me Carry Your Bag / 20. Dream On Dreamer

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