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from 그림속에 갇힌 랩퍼 [single] (2011) | |||||
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from 그림속에 갇힌 랩퍼 [single] (2011) | |||||
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from 우디 - Super Man [single] (2011)
I was a rebel in L.A. My aunt always used to call me. My day with a friend selling crack and she was dancing in the streets. Blunt and women, sometimes drunk, went to live. I became a long time ago already expelled. I think it would not fit me. The teacher was always treated me a rebel. Once a teacher tried to tell me, "If you pick the kids get out of you!" No No fuck the world. I never once distressed students. I don't know why you think so. Nobody would want to, I could not understand a person. Others think that I've had problems in the child. It is not all visible. But it was all for them. Today, I sell Crack for a friend and went back to the city. However, when someone shot at my friend, two friends were dead. <Chorus1> Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. <Verse2> The police came in, we's been taken into police custody. Police said that they called me a criminal. Fucking. In fact I sold crack, but we did not kill my friends. But the police didn't listen to us. Son of the street selling crack or problems frankly confess Do not you dare shut. What is a crack, or selling a rebel? Admit it. but I did not kill my friend. I didn't kill them. No No No. We have no evidence that was released after three days. As soon as I got out of prison i started to find a person who killed my friends. I knew that's who. I've fired a gun towards him soon For anyone, whether I thought it was a wise choice. I had to do it. So, never regret. And d I really became a murderer I'm sorry, Aunt. <Chorus2> Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. Bridge -Sabi- Even though I got a murder, but it was for my friends. <Chorus3> Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. Super Man and No One Step Two Step I said Now Get up. Super Man and No no no no no no no no no no. |
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from 우디 - XXX Put Your Hands Up [single] (2011)
I came here to bring you guys down. Who's gonna make the first move? Watch out, My skills are out of control I'm the best when I bust to this groove. Better bring your best styles, even the world greatest I'll bring him down to size. I can see you think I'm the easy one to beat because I'm alone, I can see this from the expression on your face. I've got my money on me, because I'm confident of the heat I bring, I never lose, I never give up. It's already started but you're trying to provoke me with the skills of a baby. If that's all you've got you better bet on me. In fact you'd be better off watching me than participating in this battle. your leader looks shocked with my flawless skills, but he doesn't even realized that I'm just warming up. Don't worry little bitch, I'll buy your bus fare home, that will be your reward from this battle. So show some respect, biatch! I'm not here trying to ruin your reputation, I'm just a guy who likes to dance. Don't try to bring any dirty moves on me, I'm outta your league and your whole fucking team. <chorus1> a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. <verse2> My groove, turn and routine, is so tight you will all be kneeling down, amazed at my flow with the music. If I were you I wouldn't even bother to try, you picked the wrong person to mess with. Because some of your team members are even betting on me. I told you, I never Lose, I am getting bored of this, I want to battle a real dancer. Hey hey hey hey, leader, what do you think? why are youstanding there frozen, where did your confidence go? I'm sorry that your girl friend is now in my corner, cheering for me, but don't worry too much, I'm not interested in her. I don't like your arrogant attitude. I don't know about your past, but I couldn't bear how your act. "Hello Hello Hello Welcome freshman registration is $$$$$", what a shitty insult. I feel sorry for you losers, I'm going to end this now. If you felt threatened then put your hands up! <chorus2> a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. a motherfucker put your hands up. <Hook> This is not a game, it's not a movie, this is reality. motherfucker. |
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from 우디 - We Can`t Go Back [single] (2011)
I feel your heart. But you know. <Verse1> I know you want to blame me for the circumstances that we're in. I tried to imagine your future. But I couldn't see anything that you told me about. Nice cadillac replacing your dad's old car, a palace with a pond for your mom, a woman who truly loves you, and the best musical instruments. Everybody is going to laugh at you. You can be afraid of dreaming, things you have to do, getting yourself together, and upcoming future. so you need to prove something. Prove that you are different from other guys. Why are you so scared? If it is. about your dark future, put it out of your mind. If not, if you don't have any will to do it, just keep dream. But you'd better not to believe there will be a change of your life. You must not have fear of your future as wasting of your time. <Chorus1> We can't go back. So prove something not to want to go back. The show is over. Everyone in this world will laugh at you. x2 <Verse2> I don't know who to believe. I picked up the phone but I couldn't press any number. Time has changed everything. I have thought about the end of this rap game. But that's not harmonious with my current circumstance at all. Even if this fucking life goes on just like this, nobody can guarantee how my future is going to turn out. Somebody wanted to take everything that I have my dance and my music and even my enthusiasm. They called me idiot but they couldn't take anything from me. I know what is important to you now. But unless you get rid of all your pride, you don't have any money. I don't care what you spend the money with. But you need it I know your heart is broken. But it wouldn't last long. If that goes on. it doesn't mean that it's going to take your sadness. They can't take anything from you. You need to live your life with what you have now. Nobody can be sure about the future. But it is not too late yet. you know. how our lives are like. <Chorus2> We can't go back. So prove something not to want to go back. The show is over. Everyone in this world will laugh at you. x2 <Bridge> It's too late to take everything back. you know. x2 <Chorus3> We can't go back. So prove something not to want to go back. The show is over. Everyone in this world will laugh at you. x2 We can't go back. x4 |
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4:27 | ![]() |
from 우디 - 2.5 [digital single] (2012)
<Verse1> 매일 나 의미없이 눈을 뜨고 의미없는 시간들로 밤을 지새워. 온갖 더러운 것들에 밀려 나락으로 떨어진 내 모습은 모두의 웃음 거리가 되기에 나 너무 충분해. 그래 나 병신이야. 지금껏 그래왔고 앞으로 나 그럴꺼야. 왜 항상 이런 상황일지 생각해 본적도 있어. 하지만 떠오르는 생각은 단 한가지뿐이야. 바로 나의 엿같은 탄생의 시작. 차리리 매스에 두동강이 나서 나타지 않았더라면 이런 엿같은 가사는 쓰지 않아도 되겠지. 거리 공원에서 경찰한테 쫒겨나지 않아도 되겠지. 그래 광대짓을 하다 손가락질 당하지 않아도 되겠지. 화장실에서 나 잠이 들고 거지 같은 모습으로 이곳에 오지 않아도 되겠지. 이런 개같은 번호표나 붙이고 CD를 주지 않아도 되겠지. 그럼 너희들의 웃음 거리가 나 되지 않아도 되겠지. 지금 이 엿같은 랩 때문에 너희들에 기분이 나쁘지 않아도 되겠지. 하지만 아직 할말이 나 많이 남아있지. 나머지 벌스도 이런 엿 같은 가사로 채워질껀데 당신들은 나를 병신 처럼 생각해도 내가 하고 싶은 말은 다할꺼야. <Chorus1> 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그렇게 그냥 도망가. 절대 너는 일어나지마. 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그냥 그렇게 도망가. 너는 절대 일어나지마. <Verse2> 아직 이 엿같은 가사는 끝나지 않았지. 세상에서 가장 형편없는 실력도 아직은 죽지 않았지. 내가 유일하게 잘 할 수 있는게 바로 이런 짓거리지. 병신 같은 가사와 병신 같은 실력으로 외쳐대는 일류 최강의 병신 짓거리. 그래 내가 하고 있는게 병신 짓이란 걸 너무나도 잘 알고 있어. 그걸 알고 있는 놈들은 모두 날 말려야 할껄. 나 무대위에 올라갔지만 사람들은 나 잘 모르지 그래 그건 너무나도 당연해. 난 그냥 혼자 말하고 나 혼자 즐길 뿐이지. 가사는 나 잊지 않았어. 하지만 벌스 하나도 나 제대로 나 하질 못해. 나 무대밖으로 쫒겨나도 내가 가야할 곳이 나 정말 어딘지를 몰라. 나 버스에 타는 순간부터 완전 빈털터리가 돼. 나 집에 가는 길은 너무 초라하고 병신 같에 보여. 나 집에 가도 아무도 없는 공간일뿐. 종이 한 장과 펜을 들고 다시 가사를 써봐도 떠오르는 게 이런 엿같은 가사뿐이야. 나에 대한 비난이 멈추지를 않는데 세상 모두가 나를 비난 하는데 너 하나쯤은 그냥 무시할 수도 있어. 하지만 누가 좀 말려봐. 나와 같은 두뇌를 가진 네가. <Chorus2> 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그렇게 그냥 도망가. 절대 너는 일어나지마. 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그냥 그렇게 도망가. 너는 절대 일어나지마. <Verse2> 기차의 종착역에 가까워져가. 그냥 거기서 내가 폭팔하는 모습만 지켜보면 돼. 내게 묘비나 무덤 따위는 필요가 없어. 어차피 재가 되어 사라질 몸이니까. 그냥 내가 사라지면 넌 기뻐하기만 하면 돼. 그냥 날 저주하면 돼. 그런것 따위에 난 절대 슬퍼하지 않아. 다만 지금이 폭팔할것 같은 내 자신과 분노를 난 억제할 수 없는 것 뿐이야. 이미 내 삶은 오래전부터 저주를 받아서 사람들의 비난의 소리는 멈추질 않아. 나또한 미쳐버릴 만큼이나 정신이 나가있어. 누구든 다 박살내고 지옥에 떨어질 각오도 되어있어. 신이 내게 손가락질 한다면 통조림으로 만들어서 먹어치울 수도 있어. 노래가 끝나기 전까지 아무도 날 멈추게 할 수는 없어. 비트는 계속 되고 정신병자의 헛소리는 계속 진행이 돼. 의사를 만나기도 전에 병원 환자들을 모두 죽여 버릴 수 도 있어. 의사를 만나기도 전에 병원 환자들을 모두 죽여 버릴 수 도 있어. 다음은 니 차례 어서 빨리 경찰에게 전화해. 하지만 경찰들이 오기 전에 넌 이미 몸과 마음이 분리 되어 있겠지. <Chorus3> 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그렇게 그냥 도망가. 절대 너는 일어나지마. 그냥 일어나지마. 그냥 그렇게 비겁하게 늙어가. 그냥 일어나지마. 누구나 걷는 길을 향해 그냥 그렇게 도망가. 너는 절대 일어나지마. |
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from 우디 - 나쁜여자 [digital single] (2015) | |||||
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from 우디 - 나쁜여자 [digital single] (2015) | |||||
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from 우디 - 이든사운드 프로젝트 앨범 Vol.7 [digital single] (2014) | |||||
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from 우디 - 이든사운드 프로젝트 앨범 Vol.7 [digital single] (2014) | |||||
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from 우디 - Madness [digital single] (2011) | |||||
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from David Guetta, Chris Willis - Kontor Top Of The Clubs The Classics [omnibus] (2010) | |||||
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from Blasti - Blasted (2017) | |||||
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from 권디엘, 안재우 - 뚝뚝뚝 [digital single] (2023) | |||||
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from iLLA - Just Do [digital single] (2016) |