Hidetake Takayama

Hidetake Takayama    히데타케 타카야마 / 본명:ヒデタケ タカヤマ
2010s -


[Disc 1]
1. One Dream  featuring Sam Ock - Re:Plus / 2. Jenny (Re:plus Remix)  featuring Daichi Diez,Shaira - Robert de Boron / 3. Forever Yours (Re:plus Remix)  featuring Stacy Epps,Toby From Inverse - Hidetake Takayama / 4. A Fall and Rebirth - Re:Plus / 5. Change  featuring J. Sands,Madness,Shuanise,Tislam The Great - Robert de Boron / 6. Motion (Robert De Boron Remix)  featuring Raashan Ahmad From Crown City Rockers,Shea Soul - Hidetake Takayama / 7. Time Goes By (Robert De Boron Remix)  featuring Anika,Hydroponikz - Re:Plus / 8. Walk On  featuring Kitano Shuka,MO - Robert de Boron / 9. Believe  featuring Amanda Silvera,Matt Brevner - Hidetake Takayama / 10. Overcome (Hidetake Takayama Remix)  featuring Butta P,Gigi - Re:Plus / 11. Focus (Hidetake Takayama Remix)  featuring Othello - Robert de Boron / 12. Blink - Hidetake Takayama
[Disc 1]
1. Puke / 2. Forever Yours  featuring Stacy Epps,Toby From Inverse / 3. Motion  featuring Raashan Ahmad,Shea Soul / 4. Komorebi / 5. Blue  featuring Valentina Cidda / 6. ID-01-37-22-8923A / 7. Ready Set Go  featuring Mo&Grazz / 8. Rain Won't Last Long, So... / 9. Clair De Lune / 10. Madorom  featuring Hus,Kissey Asplund / 11. The Tree  featuring Michael Nelson / 12. Inscape / 13. Forever Yours (Re:plus Remix)

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P382049


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