[Disc 1]
I Miss Nothing / 2.
Glass Shard Teeth / 3.
It`s a Little Sickness / 4.
Finger in the Wall Socket / 5.
Thread 0 Crashed / 6.
Feline Demise / 7.
Respite 1 / 8.
Am I Not Poisoned? / 9.
Cindy`s Fit / 10.
Allam, allam! / 11.
Dysgeusia / 12.
Respite 2 / 13.
Immobilize the Alkaloid / 14.
Phage T-4 / 15.
Resident Crockhead / 16.
Respite 3 / 17.
That Which Is Most Precious and Maligned / 18.
Coffee Bean / 19.
Wonder`s Jam / 20.
Twinkle / 21.
The Dream / 22.
Autopsy & Lunch (MMVII) / 23.
In Odio Circulus Sonus / 24.
Ian, the Reluctant