Ingvar Wixell

Ingvar Wixell    

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Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Ah! chi mi dice mai" - "Udisti? qualche bella"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Alfin siam liberati"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Batti, batti, o bel Masetto" - "Guarda un po' come seppe questa strega"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Bisogna aver corragio" - "Protegga il giusto cielo"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Chi è là?"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Ecco il birbo" - "Trema, trema scellerato"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Fin ch'han dal vino"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Giovinette, che fate all'amore" - "Manco male, è partita..."   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Io deggio ad ogni patto"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Wladimiro Ganzarolli
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Là ci darem la mano" - "Fermati, scellerato!"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Mirella Freni
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Mi par ch'oggi il demonio si diverta"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Non ti fidar, o misera" - "Povera sventurata"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Notte e giorno faticar" - "Leporello, ove sei?"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Luigi Roni, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Orsù, spicciati presto"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Wladimiro Ganzarolli
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Presto, presto... pria ch'ei venga" - "Tra quest' arbori celata"   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Riposate, vezzose ragazze"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 1 - "Venite pur avanti" - "Da bravi, via, ballate"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Martina Arroyo
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Ah! ah! ah! questa è buona!"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Luigi Roni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Ah! taci, ingiusto core"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Amico, che ti par?"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Deh! vieni alla finestra" - "V'è gente alla finestra"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Richard van Allan
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Don Giovanni, a cenar teco m'invitasti"   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, Luigi Roni
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Eh via, buffone, non mi seccar" - "Leporello!"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Wladimiro Ganzarolli
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Già la mensa è preparata"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House, Wladimiro Ganzarolli
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "L'ultima prova"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Kiri Te Kanawa, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Metà di voi qua vadano"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "O statua gentilissima"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Luigi Roni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Mozart: Don Giovanni / Act 2 - "Zitto... Lascia ch'io senta... Ottimamente"   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Mirella Freni, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Mozart: Don Giovanni (Complete Mozart Edition) (1991)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Alla Vita Che T'arride'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Finisci Il Vaticinio'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Il Cenno Mio'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 Signori: 'Oggi D'ulrica'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ahimè. S'appressa Alcun'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Seguitemi'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ve', Se Di Notte'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'A Tal Colpa'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ah! Dessa è Là'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ah! Perché Qui! Fuggite'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Alzati; Là Tuo Figlio'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ella è Pura'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Eri Tu Che Macchiavi Quell'anima'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Il Messaggio Entri'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Saper Vorreste'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Siam Soli. Udite'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Che V'agita Cosi?'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Chi Voi Siate'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Di'tu Se Fedele'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'E Scherzo Od è Follia'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Posa In Pace'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'S'avanza Il Conte - La Rivedrà Nell'estasi'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Su, Fatemi Largo'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Jonathan Summers
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Su, Profetessa'   Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Gwynne Howell
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Volta La Terrea'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Robin Leggate
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 1 'Zitti...l'incanto Non Dèssi Turbare'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Patricia Payne 외
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ecco L'orrido Campo'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'M'ami, M'ami'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Ma Dall'arido Stelo Divulsa'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 'Teco Io Sto'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Montserrat Caballe
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 2 Preludio   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Forse La Soglia Attinse'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Ma Se M'è Forza Perderti'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, José Carreras, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera / Act 3 'Morrò, Ma Prima In Grazia'   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Montserrat Caballe, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Un Ballo In Maschera Overture   Covent Garden, Covent Garden Royal Opera House Orchestra, Sir Colin Davis
from Jose Carreras, Montserrat Caballe - Verdi: Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.I - Alla Vita Che T'arride   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.I - Finisci Il Vaticinio   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.I - Il Cenno Mio   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.I - Signori. Oggi D'ulrica   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.II - Ahime. S'appressa Alcun   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.II - Seguitemi   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.II - Ve', Se Di Notte   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - A Tal Colpa   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, Montserrat Caballe
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Ah! Dessa E La   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Ah! Perche Qui! Fuggite   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Alzati. La Tuo Figlio   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Ella E Pura   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Eri Tu Che Macchiavi Quell'anima   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Il Messaggio Entri   Colin Davis, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell, Montserrat Caballe
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Saper Vorreste   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Ingvar Wixell, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera Act.III - Siam Soli. Udite   Colin Davis, Gwynne Howell, Ingvar Wixell, Montserrat Caballe
from Verdi : Un Ballo In Maschera (2012)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Abasso, Abbasso L'autor!   Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Ehi! Rodolfo! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 1막 - 헤이! 로돌포!)   Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Katia Ricciarelli
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Io Resto   Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Pensier Profondo! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 1막 - 심각하도다!)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Questo Mar Rosso (푸치니 : 라 보엠 1막 - 홍해의 파도)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.I - Si Puo / Chi E La? (푸치니 : 라 보엠 1막 - 누구 없소? / 누구요?)   Colin Davis, Giovanni De Angelis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Aranci, Datteri! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 카라멜과 엿을 사시오!)   Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Beviam! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 마시세!)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Caro! Fuori Il Danaro! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 사랑! 돈을 떠나!)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Hakan Hagegard
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Chi Guardi? (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 무얼 보시오?)   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Francis Egerton, Hakan Hagegard
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Quando M En Vo Soletta (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 내가 혼자 거리를 걸어가면)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.II - Viva Parpignol! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 2막 - 만세 파피뇰!)   Colin Davis, Covent Garden Chorus of the Royal Opera House, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.III - Addio, Dolce Svegliare (푸치니 : 라 보엠 3막 - 안녕, 나의 아름다운 사랑을 일깨워 준 사람)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.III - Marcello. Finalmente (푸치니 : 라 보엠 3막 - 마르첼로. 여기있군)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.III - Mimi E Tanto Malata! (푸치니 : 라 보엠 3막 - 미미는 병이 들었네!)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Katia Ricciarelli
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.III - Mimi E Una Civetta (푸치니 : 라 보엠 3막 - 미미는 무정한 여자)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.III - Mimi! / Rodolfo Mama E Mi Fugge   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, Katia Ricciarelli, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.IV - C'e Mimi... (푸치니 : 라 보엠 4막 - 미미가...)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.IV - Che Ha Detto Il Medico? (푸치니 : 라 보엠 4막 - 의사는 뭐하고 있는 거야?)   Ashley Putnam, Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.IV - Gavotta (푸치니 : 라 보엠 4막 - 가보트)   Colin Davis, Hakan Hagegard, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)
Puccini : La Boheme Act.IV - In Un Coupe? (푸치니 : 라 보엠 4막 - 마차에서?)   Colin Davis, Ingvar Wixell, José Carreras, Orchestra Of The Royal Opera House
from Puccini : La Boheme (2015)

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