Jonathan Cohen

Jonathan Cohen    

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A. Valente: Gagliarda Napolitana   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Falconieri: Chaconne in G Major   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Falconieri: La Suave Melodia   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Stefan Maass, Stefan Rath
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Falconieri: Passacaglia in G Minor   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Leclair I: Tambourin   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Marini: Passacalio in G Minor   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Matteis I: "La Vecchia Sarabanda"   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Matteis I: Ground After the Scotch Humour   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Ortiz: Ricercata Segunda   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Pachelbel: Canon and Gigue in D Major, P 37 - I. Canon   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Pachelbel: Canon and Gigue in D Major, P 37 - II. Gigue   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Westhoff: Sonata "La guerra" In A Major - La Guerra cosí nominata di sua maestà   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Westhoff: Sonata for Violin and Continuo III - Imitazione Delle Campane   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen
from Daniel Hope - Air - a baroque journey (2009)
Dentro il mio petto (La finta giardiniera: Act 1, No.3)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Fuor del Mar (Idomeneo: Act 2, No.12)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Il desio di vendetta (Lucio Silla: Act 1, No.5)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Il mio tesoro (Don Giovanni: Act 2, No.22)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Il padre Adorato (Idomeneo: Act 1, No.7)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
In qual fiero contrasto — Tradito, schernito (Cosi fan tutte: Act 2, No.27)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Misero! o sogno, K.431   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Quercia annosa (Il sogno di Scipione: Act 1, No.7)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Se all`imperio (La Clemenza di Tito: Act 2, No.20)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Se vicendo (Il rè pastore: Act 2, Scene 4)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Sol può dir (Il rè pastore: Act 2, Scene 10)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Sposa cara (La finta semplice: Act 2, No.17)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Un`aura amorosa (Cosi fan tutte: Act 1, No.17)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Vedrommi intorno (Idomeneo: Act 1, No.6)   Jeremy Ovenden, Jonathan Cohen, Orchestra Of The Age Of Enlightenment
from Jeremy Ovenden - Mozart: An Italian Journey (2011)
Porpora: Dal povero mio cor: I. Recit. Dal povero mio cor che vuoi, speranza?   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Dal povero mio cor: II. Aria. Menzognera dici spera   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Dal povero mio cor: III. Recit. Pallido, ancor tremante   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Dal povero mio cor: IV. Aria. Ha scogli e rie procelle   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Destatevi, o pastori: I. Recit. Destatevi, o pastori, ecco il mattino   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Destatevi, o pastori: II. Aria. Nei campi e nelle selve   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Destatevi, o pastori: III. Recit. Tornerò fra le gregge   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Destatevi, o pastori: IV. Aria. Silvio amante disperato   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh Dio, che non è vero: I. Recit. Oh Dio, che non è vero   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh Dio, che non è vero: II. Aria. Quella ferita   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh Dio, che non è vero: III. Recit. Passano i fiumi e i rivi   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh Dio, che non è vero: IV. Aria. Se mi prestasse i vanni   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh se fosse il mio core: I. Recit. Oh se fosse il mio core   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh se fosse il mio core: II. Aria. Se lusinga il labro e 'l ciglio   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh se fosse il mio core: III. Recit. Mi fa barbara e ingrata   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Oh se fosse il mio core: IV. Aria. Sento pietade   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Or che una nube ingrata: I. Adagio – Recit. Or che una nube ingrata – Quando in quel fior   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Or che una nube ingrata: II. Aria. Senza il misero piacer   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Or che una nube ingrata: III. Recit. M'intendi? Io tutto dissi. ahi qual tormento!   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Or che una nube ingrata: IV. Aria. Contemplar almen chi l'ama   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Veggo la selva e il monte: I. Recit. Veggo la selva e il monte   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Veggo la selva e il monte: II. Aria. Le direi, mormorando tra' sassi   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Veggo la selva e il monte: III. Recit. Poscia, quando il pastor guida la greggia   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Porpora: Veggo la selva e il monte: IV. Aria. Ma la selva, il monte intanto   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Porpora: Cantatas (2011)
Arne: Alfred, Act II: Aria. Vengeance, O Come Inspire Me!   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
C.P.E. Bach: Sinfonia in D Major, H. 663: I. Allegro di molto   Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
C.P.E. Bach: Sinfonia in D Major, H. 663: II. Largo   Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
C.P.E. Bach: Sinfonia in D Major, H. 663: III. Presto   Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30, Act II: Arioso. Che puro ciel! (Orfeo)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30, Act II: Ballo. Dance of the Blessed Spirits   Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30, Act III: Aria. Che farò senza Euridice? (Orfeo)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice, Wq. 30, Act III: Recit. Ahimè! Dove trascorsi? (Orfeo)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Gluck: Telemaco, Wq. 34, Act II: Aria. Ah! non turbi il mio riposo (Telemaco)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Guadagni: Aria. Pensa a serbarmi, o cara   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Handel: Belshazzar, HWV 61, Act III: Aria. Destructive War, Thy Limits Know (Cyrus)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Handel: Saul, HWV 53, Act I: No. 32, Aria. O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless (David)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Handel: The Choice of Hercules, HWV 69: No. 15, Air. Yet, Can I Hear That Dulcet Lay (Hercules)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Handel: Theodora, HWV 68, Act I: No. 9, Aria. The Raptur'd Soul (Didymus)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Hasse: Didone abbandonata, Act I: No. 19a, Accompagnato. Ah che dissi! (Enea)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Hasse: Didone abbandonata, Act I: No. 19b, Aria. Se resto sul lido (Enea)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Hasse: Didone abbandonata, Act III: No. 8a, Fanfare & Recit. Odi colà la frigia tromba? (Enea)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Hasse: Didone abbandonata, Act III: No. 8b, Aria. A trionfar mi chiama (Enea)   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Smith: The Fairies: Air. Say, Lovely Dream!   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Arias for Guadagni: The First Modern Castrato (2012)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In D Major, Bwv 1028 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - I. Adagio   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In D Major, Bwv 1028 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Ii. Allegro   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In D Major, Bwv 1028 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Iii. Andante   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In D Major, Bwv 1028 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Iv. Allegro   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Major, Bwv 1027 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - I. Adagio   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Major, Bwv 1027 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Ii. Allegro   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Major, Bwv 1027 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Iii. Andante   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Major, Bwv 1027 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Iv. Allegro Moderato   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Minor, Bwv 1029 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - I. Vivace   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Minor, Bwv 1029 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Ii. Adagio   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Bach: Viola Da Gamba Sonata In G Minor, Bwv 1029 (Arr. For Cello And Harpsichord) - Iii. Allegro   Jonathan Cohen, Nicolas Altstaedt
from Nicolas Altstaedt, Jonathan Cohen - Bach, J.S.: Viola Da Gamba Sonatas, Bwv 1027-1029 (Arr. For Cello) (Altstaedt, Cohen) (2013)
Handel : Rinaldo HWV.7a/7b - Furie Terribili   Anna Prohaska, Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Bravo! - The Classical Album 2014 [omnibus] (2013)
Falconieri: Chaconne In G Major   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Falconieri: La Suave Melodia   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Stefan Maass, Stefan Rath
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Falconieri: Passacaglia In G Minor   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Leclair: Tambourin   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Marini: Passacalio In G Minor   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Matteis: "La Vecchia Sarabanda"   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Matteis: Ground After The Scotch Humour   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Ortiz: Ricercata Segunda   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Pachelbel: Canon And Gigue In D Major, P 37 - 1. Canon   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Pachelbel: Canon And Gigue In D Major, P 37 - 2. Gigue   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Lorenza Borrani
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Valente: Gagliarda Napolitana   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Westhoff: Sonata "La guerra" In A Major - La Guerra cosí nominata di sua maestà   Daniel Hope, Hans-Kristian Kjos Sorensen, Jonathan Cohen, Kristian Bezuidenhout
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
Westhoff: Sonata For Violin And Continuo III - Imitazione Delle Campane   Daniel Hope, Jonathan Cohen
from Daniel Hope - It's Me - The Baroque & Romantic Albums (2016)
J.S. Bach: Falsche Welt, dir trau ich nicht!, BWV 52: I. Sinfonia   Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Bach: Cantatas 54, 82 & 170 "Widerstehe", "Ich habe genug" & "Vergnügte Ruh" (2016)
J.S. Bach: Ich habe genug, BWV 82: I. Aria: Ich habe genug, ich habe den Heiland   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Bach: Cantatas 54, 82 & 170 "Widerstehe", "Ich habe genug" & "Vergnügte Ruh" (2016)
J.S. Bach: Ich habe genug, BWV 82: II. Recit. Ich habe genug! Mein Trost ist nur allein   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Bach: Cantatas 54, 82 & 170 "Widerstehe", "Ich habe genug" & "Vergnügte Ruh" (2016)
J.S. Bach: Ich habe genug, BWV 82: III. Aria: Schlummert ein, ihr matten Augen   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Bach: Cantatas 54, 82 & 170 "Widerstehe", "Ich habe genug" & "Vergnügte Ruh" (2016)
J.S. Bach: Ich habe genug, BWV 82: IV. Recit. Mein Gott! wenn kommt das schöne: Nun!   Arcangelo, Iestyn Davies, Jonathan Cohen
from Jonathan Cohen, Arcangelo - Bach: Cantatas 54, 82 & 170 "Widerstehe", "Ich habe genug" & "Vergnügte Ruh" (2016)

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