John Gielgud

John Gielgud    본명:Sir Arthur John Gielgud
1904년 04월 14일
2000년 05월 21일

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Julius Caesar   James Mason, John Gielgud, Marlon Brando
from James Mason, Marlon Brando - Julius Caesar [digital single] (2008)
The Importance of Being Earnest   John Gielgud, Margaret Rutherford, Pamela Brown
from John Gielgud, Margaret Rutherford - The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde [digital single] (2010)
Hamlet: Part One   Dorothy McGuire, John Gielgud, Pamela Brown
from John Gielgud, Pamela Brown - Shakespeare: Hamlet [digital single] (2010)
Hamlet: Part Two   Dorothy McGuire, John Gielgud, Pamela Brown
from John Gielgud, Pamela Brown - Shakespeare: Hamlet [digital single] (2010)
Hamlet: Part Three   Dorothy McGuire, John Gielgud, Pamela Brown
from John Gielgud, Pamela Brown - Shakespeare: Hamlet [digital single] (2010)
Measure For Measure: Act I   John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson
from John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson - Shakespeare: Measure For Measure [ep] (2012)
Measure For Measure: Act II   John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson
from John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson - Shakespeare: Measure For Measure [ep] (2012)
Measure For Measure: Act III   John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson
from John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson - Shakespeare: Measure For Measure [ep] (2012)
Measure For Measure: Act IV   John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson
from John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson - Shakespeare: Measure For Measure [ep] (2012)
Measure For Measure: Act V   John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson
from John Gielgud, Ralph Richardson - Shakespeare: Measure For Measure [ep] (2012)
Act I, Scenes 1-3 (Beginning)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Act I (Concl.); Act II, Scene 1   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Act II (Concl.); Act III, Scene 1   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Act III, Scenes 2-3   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Act III (Concl.); Act Iv; Act V, Scene 1   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Act V (Concl.)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - King Richard II [ep] (2012)
Much Ado About Nothing: Act I   Various Artists
from John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft & Gary Watson - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare [ep] (2013)
Much Ado About Nothing: Act II   Various Artists
from John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft & Gary Watson - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare [ep] (2013)
Much Ado About Nothing: Act III   Various Artists
from John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft & Gary Watson - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare [ep] (2013)
Much Ado About Nothing: Act IV   Various Artists
from John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft & Gary Watson - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare [ep] (2013)
Much Ado About Nothing: Act V   Various Artists
from John Gielgud, Peggy Ashcroft & Gary Watson - Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare [ep] (2013)
The Importance of Being Earnest - Introductions to each act (discarded from original recording): Introduction to Act I (music: Study in F sharp Op. 2 No. 6)   Anonymous, Gerald Moore
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): (Schubert: Moment musical No. 3 in F minor)...Did you hear what I   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): How are you, my dear Ernest? (Algernon, Jack, Lane)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Old Mr Thomas Cardew, who adopted me (Jack, Algernon, Lane)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Good afternoon, dear Algernon (Lady Bracknell, Algernon, Gwendolen   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Charming day it has been, Miss Fairfax (Jack, Gwendolen)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Mr Worthing! Rise, sir, from this semi-recumbent posture (Lady Bra   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): You can take a seat, Mr Worthing (Lady Bracknell, Jack)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Now to minor matters (Lady Bracknell, Jack)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): (Mendelssohn: Wedding March)...Oh, do stop playing that ghastly tu   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act I (Algernon Moncrieff`s flat in Half-Moon Street, London W): Gwendolen, upon my word! (Algernon, Gwendolen, Jack, Lane)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - Introductions to each act (discarded from original recording): Introduction to Act II (music: Song without Words in A flat `Duetto` Op. 38 No. 6)   Anonymous, Gerald Moore
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Cecily, Cecily! (Miss Prism, Cecily)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Dr Chasuble! This is indeed a pleasure (Miss Prism, Chasuble, Cecily)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Mr Ernest Worthing has just driven over from the station (Merriman, Cecily, Algernon)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): You are too much alone, dear Dr Chasuble (Miss Prism, Chasuble)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Mr Worthing! (Chasuble, Miss Prism, Jack)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Uncle Jack! Oh, I am pleased to see you back (Cecily, Miss Prism, Chasuble, Jack, Alge   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): You young scoundrel, Algy (Jack, Merriman, Algernon)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Oh, I merely came back to water the roses (Cecily, Algernon, Merriman)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Uncle Jack would be very much annoyed (Cecily, Algernon)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): A Miss Fairfax has just called to see Mr Worthing (Merriman, Cecily, Gwendolen)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Shall I lay tea here as usual, Miss? (Merriman, Cecily, Gwendolen)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): Ernest! My own Ernest! (Gwendolen, Jack, Cecily, Algernon)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act II (Garden at the Manor House, Woolton): This ghastly state of things is what you call Bunburying, I suppose? (Jack, Algernon)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - Introductions to each act (discarded from original recording): Introduction to Act III (music: Waltz in G flat Op. 70 No. 1) (middle section)   Anonymous, Gerald Moore
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): The fact that they did not follow us at once into the house (Gwendolen, Cecily,   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): Gwendolen! What does this mean? (Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, Jack, Algernon, Cec   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): Pretty child! your dress is sadly simple (Lady Bracknell, Jack, Algernon, Cecil   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): Everything is quite ready for the christenings (Chasuble, Lady Bracknell, Jack)   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): I was told you expected me in the vestry, dear Canon (Miss Prism, Lady Bracknel   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
The Importance of Being Earnest - A trivial play for serious people, Act III (Morning-room at the Manor House, Woolton): Is this the hand-bag, Miss Prism? (Jack, Miss Prism, Lady Bracknell, Algernon,   Dame Edith Evans, John Gielgud
from John Gielgud, Dame Edith Evans - Oscar Wilde - The Importance Of Being Earnest (2006)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 5   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 5, `Where is the Beauteous Majesty` Opheila   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 5, `O` Thou Vile King` (Laertes)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 5, `O` Heat Dry Up My Brains` (Laertes)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 6   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 7   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 7, `I Bought an Unction of a Mountebank...` (Laertes)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 7, `There is a Willow Grows Aslant...` (Gertrude)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 1   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 1, `In Youth When I Did Love...` (Clown)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 1, `Alas Poor Yorick!` (Hamlet)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 1, `But Soft, But Soft!` (Hamlet)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 2   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 2, `Your Lordship is Right Welcome...` (Osric)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 2, `Come Hamlet, Come and Take This Hand` (Claudius)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 5 - Scene 2, `Where is This Sight?` (Fortinbras)   John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 4 & Act 5 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `How Does My Good Lord Hamlet?` (Polonius) (Part II)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `You Go to Seek the Lord Hamlet` (Polonius)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `There Are the Players` (Guildenstern)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `Y` Are Welcome Masters, Welcome All.` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `Anon He Finds Him, Striking Too Short` (1 Player)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 2 - Scene 2, `O` What a Rogue and Peasant Slave Am I` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 1   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 1, ` To Be or Not to Be, That is the Question` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 1, Ophelia ` Oh What a Noble Mind is Here O`erthrown!` (Ophelia)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2, `They are Coming to the Play` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2, `Full Thirty Times Hath Phoebus` (Player King)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2, `Thoughts Black, Hands Apt, Drugs Fit` (Lucianus)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2, `Oh the Recorders, Let Me See One` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 2, `Tis Now the Very Witching Time of Night.` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 3   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 3, `Oh My Offence is Rank, It Smells...` (Claudius)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 3, `Now Might I Do It Pat...` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 4   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 4, `Look Here Upon This Picture` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 4, `Save Me and Hover O`er Me...` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 3 - Scene 4, `This is the Very Coinage` (Gertrude)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 1   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 2   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 3   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 4   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Hamlet: Act 4 - Scene 4, ` How All Occasions Do Inform` (Hamlet)   John Gieldgud & John Gielgud
from John Gielgud - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Acts 2 - 4 (2011)
Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` - Prelude. Andante Maestoso (본-윌리엄스 : 교향곡 7번 `남극 교향곡` - 1악장)   Adrian Boult, John Gielgud, London Philharmonic Choir, London Philharmonic Orchestra
from John Gielgud - Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` ; Symphony No.8 (2013)
Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` - II. Scherzo. Moderato (본-윌리엄스 : 교향곡 7번 `남극 교향곡` - 2악장)   Adrian Boult, John Gielgud, London Philharmonic Orchestra
from John Gielgud - Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` ; Symphony No.8 (2013)
Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` - III. Landscape. Lento (본-윌리엄스 : 교향곡 7번 `남극 교향곡` - 3악장)   Adrian Boult, John Gielgud, London Philharmonic Orchestra
from John Gielgud - Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` ; Symphony No.8 (2013)
Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` - IV. Intermezzo. Andante Sostenuto (본-윌리엄스 : 교향곡 7번 `남극 교향곡` - 4악장)   Adrian Boult, John Gielgud, London Philharmonic Orchestra
from John Gielgud - Vaughan-Williams : Symphony No.7 `Sinfonia Antartica` ; Symphony No.8 (2013)

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