1. Rock My Boat - David Linx, Diederik Wissels
1. Follow the Songlines : Introduction - Diederik Wissels, Orchestre National De Porto / 1. When words become books: Introduction - Diederik Wissels, Orchestre National De Porto / 2. Follow the Songlines - Christophe Walleme, Diederik Wissels / 3. Joao Song - Christophe Walleme, Diederik Wissels / 4. Songs & Lines - Christophe Walleme, David Linx, Diederik Wissels / 6. Sangre - Christophe Walleme, Diederik Wissels, Maria JoãO / 7. Mati Mati - Christophe Walleme, Dieder