
2020s -


[Disc 1]
1. Intro / 2. Turhan makeeta sokerii / 3. Aitopaat! / 4. Maailma nayttaa rumalta (Feat. Pauliina Saarinen) / 5. Nakemiin / 6. Big Bear / 7. Horolife / 8. Kiiltaa se pinta / 9. Idylli / 10. Peili operation (Feat. Ronskibiitti) / 11. Liikkeel ja elossa
[Disc 1]
1. Lansimaalaisen mantra / 2. Se menee niin / 3. Legendoi / 4. Kaipuu / 5. Maksamakkara / 6. Jumalation / 7. Luomisen juhla / 8. Siihen tarvitaan pari / 9. Suoraan silmille / 10. Ei nailla kilsoilla ft. Steen1 - Pono, Steen1 / 11. Niskat jumis / 12. Onko pakko lahtea? / 13. Muusat
[Disc 1]
1. B69 / 2. In Search of (War) / 3. Cambodia / 4. Regular Life / 5. Lost At Sea / 6. Rusty / 7. You a Virgin? / 8. Bukowski
[Disc 1]
1. come to the fire / 2. that`s close to my everything / 3. the unverse is sound / 4. on all fours / 5. hear me / 6. itcho skitcho / 7. war: bringin` friends together / 8. grace / 9. indie rock to the blues / 10. thanks paul (live) / 11. new defense system / 12. get you skiddle / 13. short song I / 14. conflagration / 15. bloo / 16. chinese water / 17. jackson street serenade
[Disc 1]
1. Pono (version 1.6180339...) / 2. Kyfmo / 3. Waterman / 4. 66 Seconds / 5. The Crown / 6. Shout Out / 7. Peter Steele`s Thing / 8. How You Feel About Me / 9. Harley / 10. Henry`s Ghost / 11. Calculus / 12. Ruldolph the R-N-R / 13. Clean Clothes, Dirty Thoughts / 14. Home On a Wednesday Night / 15. A `Dear Seth` Experience / 16. Supermarket Bliss / 17. Obscene
[Disc 1]
1. Pono / 2. Grande / 3. Library / 4. Be With Me / 5. The Wonderous Boat Ride / 6. Who Made You DoG? / 7. The Roach Song / 8. Dec. 31 1999 / 9. Box / 10. The Touchdown Dance / 11. The Girl from Ipanema / 12. Shake Your Clitoris / 13. Love Me Like You Used To / 14. The End of Meaning

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P446899


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