Ed Macfarlane

Ed Macfarlane    본명:Edward David Macfarlane
uploaded by guest
uploaded by guest
2000s -
1984년 05월 15일 / 영국


[Disc 1]
1. Offline - Friend Within, Friendly Fires / 2. Offline (PBR Streetgang Remix Edit) / 3. Tijuana / 4. Run The Wild Flowers (Icarus Remix) / 5. Dive Into Your Eyes / 6. Offline (Cosmo’s Midnight Remix) / 7. Offline (PBR Streetgang Remix)
[Disc 1]
1. Can`t Wait Forever / 2. Heaven Let Me In / 3. Silhouettes / 4. Offline - Friend Within, Friendly Fires / 5. Sleeptalking / 6. Kiss And Rewind / 7. Love Like Waves / 8. Lack Of Love / 9. Cry Wolf / 10. Almost Midnight / 11. Run The Wild Flowers
[Disc 1]
1. Friendly Fires Late Night Tales Continuous Mix - Late Night Tales / 2. Under The Sun - Junior Boys / 3. Change Your Style - Renee / 4. Love Vibration - Joe Simon / 5. Like An Eagle - Dennis Parker / 6. Carry On, Turn Me On - Space / 7. Attention Seeker - Iron Galaxy / 8. Don`t Summarise My Summer Eyes - Bibio / 9. The Black Arts - Stereolab / 10. Hold On (feat. Sampha) - SBTRKT / 11. Why Don`t You Answer? (Original Version) / 12. One Most Memorable - Sonna / 13. Embassy - Laurel Halo / 14. Invisible - Grouper / 15. Endless Shore - Melody`s Echo Chamber / 16. Cherry-coloured Funk - Cocteau Twins / 17. Shine - Slowdive / 18. Love Song - Olivia Newton John / 19. Over There, It`s Raining - Nils Frahm / 20. Flat of Angels (Part 1) - Benedict Cumberbatch
[Disc 1]
1. Live Those Days Tonight / 2. Blue Cassette / 3. Running Away / 4. Hawaiian Air / 5. Hurting / 6. Pala / 7. Show Me Lights / 8. True Love / 9. Pull Me Back To Earth / 10. Chimes / 11. Helpless
[Disc 1]
1. Jump In The Pool / 2. In The Hospital / 3. Paris / 4. White Diamonds / 5. Strobe / 6. On Board / 7. Lovesick / 8. Skeleton Boy / 9. Photobooth / 10. Ex Lover

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P465246


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