Anthony Dean Griffey

Anthony Dean Griffey    
uploaded by guest
uploaded by guest
1990s -
88 / 미국

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말러: 교향곡 8번 내림 마장조 - '천인 교향곡' / 2부: "Alles Vergängliche" (Live)   American Boy Choir, Angela Meade, Anthony Dean Griffey, Elizabeth Bishop
from Mahler : Symphony No.8 In E Flat Major `Symphony Of A Thousand` Part.II - Alles Vergangliche (Live) (2019)
Act I: I can see again the old garden at Passy (Peter, Voice of Mme Seraskier, Voice of Pasquier de la Mariere, Mrs Deane)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)
Act II Scene 1: Who is that lady yonder, in the carriage? (Peter, Victorine, Chorus of the Dream)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)
Act II Scene 3: My God…Mimsey! (Peter, Mary)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)
Act III Scene 2: Is it time? (Peter, Chaplain)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)
Act III Scene 3: En revenant d`Auvergne (Chorus of the Dream, Peter)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)
Act III Scene 3: She does not hear! (Peter, Mary)   Anthony Dean Griffey
from Gerard Schwarz - TAYLOR, D.: Peter Ibbetson (Opera) (Griffey, Flanigan, Zeller, Seattle Symphony, Schwarz) (2009)

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