Thomas Wilkins

Thomas Wilkins    

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A Prayer for the World (Audience) - The Over Soul Sends to Us (Chorus)   Rackham Symphony Choir
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
A Prayer for the World (Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Bass, Chorus)   Janice Chandler Eteme
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
For We Have Walked the Streets of Babylon, Forty Thousand Strong (Chorus)   Rackham Symphony Choir
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
In Sacrifice (Chorus)   Rackham Symphony Choir
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
For the Future (Chorus)   Rackham Symphony Choir
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
Seeds of the World (Bass, Chorus)   Kevin Deas
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
Songs from Heaven Falling (Soprano, Chorus)   Janice Chandler Eteme
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
Like Luminous Rain Upon the Daughters of Isis (Mezzo-soprano, Chorus)   Jevetta Steele
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
Giving Their Children the Will to Continue (Child Soprano, Chorus)   Taylor Lee Gardner
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)
Singing a Prayer for the Souls of the World (All)   Janice Chandler Eteme
from Thomas Wilkins - LOKUMBE, H.: Dear Mrs. Parks (Chandler-Eteme, Steele, Deas, Rackham Symphony Choir, Brazeal Dennard Chorale, Detroit Symphony, Wilkins) (2009)

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