1. Act I: Dear Lady, shall we dance? (Colonel Ibbetson, Mrs Deane, Mrs Glyn, Madge, Charlie, Guy, Diana) - Paul Gudas / 15. Act II Scene 3: Par ici, Madame la Duchesse (Achille, Mary, Victorine) - Paul Gudas / 8. Act II Scene 1: Par ici, monsieur (Achille, Peter, Victorine) - Paul Gudas
10. Act I: Scratch a Roundhead, find a rebel … Thrones of Earth be idle things (Prence, Scrooby, Tewke, Bradford, Puritans, Cavaliers) - Paul Gudas / 11. Act I: Right rev`rend priest, our holy joy … Respect the Sabbath day (Prence, Scrooby, Tewke, Bradford, Puritans, Cavaliers) - Paul Gudas