Christian Immler

Christian Immler    
uploaded by guest
uploaded by guest
1990s -
88 / 독일


12. Danzi: Der Berggeist, P. 13 "Schicksal und Treue" / Act II - No. 11, Es kann nicht sein - Christian Immler, Daniel Ochoa, Frieder Bernius, Hofkapelle Stuttgart 외 / 21. Danzi: Der Berggeist, P. 13 "Schicksal und Treue" / Act II - No. 20, O schreckliches Erwachen - Christian Immler, Colin Balzer, Frieder Bernius, Kammerchor Stuttgart 외 / 5. Danzi: Der Berggeist, P. 13 "Schicksal und Treue" / Act I - No. 4, Wohl wankt auf Erden weit und breit - Christian Immler, Colin Balzer, Daniel Ochoa, Frieder Bernius
10. Albéniz: Henry Clifford (Opera in 3 Acts) - Edición crítica de José De Eusebio - Act 1 - All the night our force he led - Alessandra Marc, Christian Immler, Jose De Eusebio, Orquesta Sinfónica de Madrid / 6. Albéniz: Henry Clifford (Opera in 3 Acts) - Edición crítica de José De Eusebio - Act 2 - These honest men against their will are outlaws - Aquiles Machado, Christian Immler, Coro Y Orquesta Sinfonica De Madrid, Jane Henschel 외 / 9. Albéniz: Henry Clifford (Opera in 3 Acts) - Edición crítica de José De Eusebio - Act 1 - Sir John Saint John approaches! - Alessandra Marc, Christian Immle

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