14. Sullivan: 13. Lords, it may not be - John Ayldon, John Reed, Malcolm Williams, Michael Rayner 외 / 16. Sullivan: 15. When Darkly Looms The Day - John Ayldon, Judi Merri, Malcolm Williams, Michael Rayner 외 / 17. Sullivan: 15a. Oh, Shameless One, Tremble'... - John Ayldon, John Reed, Lyndsie Holland, Majorie Williams 외 / 26. Sullivan: 24. If You're Weak Enough To Tarry - Michael Rayner, Pamela Field, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Royston Nash / 29. Sullivan
10. Sullivan: 27. A wonderful joy our eyes to bless (Goldbury) - Michael Rayner, Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Royston Nash / 11. Sullivan: 28. Then I may sing and play? - James Conroy-Ward, Judi Merri, Julia Goss, Michael Rayner 외