Merlin Channon

Merlin Channon    
2000s -
0000년 / 미국


Britten: Noye's Fludde, Op. 59 - "Noye, Noye, Take Thou Thy Company"   Caroline Clack, Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto
from The World of Britten (1993)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Ha! Children, Me Thinkes My Botte Removes'   Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto, English Opera Group Orchestra
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Have Done, You Men and Wemen All'   Caroline Clack, Darian Angadi, David Pinto, Eileen O'Donovan
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'I God, That All This Worlde Hath Wroughte'   English Opera Group Orchestra, Merlin Channon, Norman Del Mar, Owen Brannigan
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Lord Jesus, Think On Me'   English Opera Group Orchestra, Merlin Channon, Norman Del Mar, The Congregation
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Now Forty Dayes Are Fullie Gone'   English Opera Group Orchestra, Merlin Channon, Norman Del Mar, Owen Brannigan
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Now In the Name Of God I Will Begyne'   Darian Angadi, David Pinto, English Opera Group Orchestra, Merlin Channon
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Noye, Heare I Behette Thee a Heste'   English Opera Group Orchestra, Merlin Channon, Norman Del Mar, Trevor Anthony
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Noye, Noye, Take Thou Thy Company'   Caroline Clack, Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Noye, Take Thy Wife Anone'   Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto, English Opera Group Orchestra
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'The Spacious Firmament On High'   Caroline Clack, Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 'Wiffe, Come In! Why Standes Thou Their?'   Darian Angadi, David Pinto, English Opera Group Orchestra, Gillian Saunders
from Benjamin Britten - Britten conducts Britten Vol.3 (2005)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 Noye, Noye, Take Thou Thy Company   Caroline Clack, Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto
from Moonrise Kingdom (문라이즈 킹덤) by Alexandre Desplat [ost] (2012)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 Noye, Take Thy Wife Anone (Edit)   Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto, English Opera Group Orchestra
from Moonrise Kingdom (문라이즈 킹덤) by Alexandre Desplat [ost] (2012)
Noye's Fludde, Op.59 The Spacious Firmament On High (Edit)   Caroline Clack, Chorus Of Animals, Darian Angadi, David Pinto
from Moonrise Kingdom (문라이즈 킹덤) by Alexandre Desplat [ost] (2012)

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