Schutz Choir Of London

Schutz Choir Of London    

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Beethoven : Fantasia In C Minor Op.80 'Choral Fantasy' - III. Allegro-Allegretto Ma Non Troppo   Caroline Trevor, Evelyn Tubb, London Classical Players, Mary Nichols
from Roger Norrington, Melvyn Tan - Beethoven : Choral Fantasy, Piano Concertos Nos. 3 & 5 "Emperor" (2022)
Brahms : Begrabnisgesang Op.13 (브람스 : 장례의 노래 작품번호 13)   London Classical Players, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - I. Selig Sind, Die Da Leid Tragen (Zemlich Langsam) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 1번. 애통하는 자는 복이 있나니)   London Classical Players, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - II. Denn Alles Fleisch, Es Ist Wie Gras (Langsam, Marschmassig) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 2번. 모든 육체는 풀과 같고)   London Classical Players, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - III. Herr, Lehre Doch Mich (Andante Moderato) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 3번. 주여, 가르쳐 주소서)   London Classical Players, Olaf Bar, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - IV. Wie Lieblich Sind Deine Wohnungen, Herr Zebaoth! (Massig Bewegt) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 4번. 주의 장막이 어찌 그리 사랑스러운지요, 만군의 여호와여!)   London Classical Players, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - V. Ihr Habt Nun Traurigkeit (Langsam) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 5번. 지금은 너희가 근심하나)   London Classical Players, Lynne Dawson, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Brahms : Ein Deutsches Requiem Op.45 - VII. Selig Sind Die Toten, Die In Dem Herrn Sterben (Feierlich) (브람스 : 독일 레퀴엠 작품번호 45 - 7번. 주 안에서 죽는 자들은 복이 있도다)   London Classical Players, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45: VI. Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt   London Classical Players, Olaf Bar, Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Agnus Dei (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 천주의 어린 양)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Benedictus (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 주의 이름으로부터 오는 이에게 축복 있을지어다)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Communio. Lux Aeterna (Completed By Duncan Druce)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Introitus. Requiem Aeternam (Completed By Duncan Druce)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Kyrie Eleison (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 주님 자비를 베푸소서)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Offertorium. Domine Jesu Christe (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 주 예수 그리스도)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Offertorium. Hostias Et Preces Tibi (Completed By Duncan Druce)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sanctus (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 거룩하시다)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Amen (Completed By Duncan Druce)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Confutatis Maledictus (Completed By Duncan Druce)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Dies Irae (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 진노의 날)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Lacrimosa (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 눈물의 날)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Recordare (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 헤아려 주소서)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Rex Tremendae (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 지엄하신 대왕이시여)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
Mozart : Requiem Mass No.19 In D Minor K.626 - Sequenz. Tuba Mirum (Completed By Duncan Druce) (모차르트 : 진혼 미사곡 19번 라단조 - 놀라운 나팔소리)   Alastair Miles, Catherine Robbin, John Mark Ainsley, London Classical Players
from Roger Norrington - Brahms & Mozart Requiem (2013)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act I: Duet. "Come, Let Us Leave the Town"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act I: First Act Tune. Jig   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act I: Scene of the Drunken Poet. "Fill up the Bowl"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II. Song. "Come All Ye Songsters of the Sky"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II. Song. "I Am Come to Lock All Fast"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II. Song. "One Charming Night"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II. Song. "See, Even Night Herself Is Here"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Chorus. "Now Join Your Warbling Voices All"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Dance for the Followers of Night   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Echo   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Prelude   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Second Act Tune. Air   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Song and Chorus. "Hush, no More"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Song and Chorus. "Sing While We Trip It"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act II: Trio. "May the God of Wit Inspire"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III. Song and Chorus. "If Love's a Sweet Passion"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III. Song. "When I Have Often Heard"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III. Symphony While the Swans Come Forward   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dance for the Fairies   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dance for the Green Men   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dance for the Haymakers   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Dialogue Between Coridon and Mopsa. "Now the Maids and the Men"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Duet. "A Thousand, Thousand Ways"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Song. "Ye Gentle Spirits of the Air"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act III: Third Act Tune. Hornpipe   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Chorus."Hail! Great Parent of Us All"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Chorus."Hail! Great Parent of Us All" (Reprise)   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Duet. "Let the Fifes and the Clarions"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Entry of Phoebus   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Fourth Act Tune. Air   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song and Chorus. "Now the Night Is Chased Away"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song and Chorus. "When a Cruel Long Winter"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. "Here's the Summer, Sprightly, Gay"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. "Now Winter Comes Slowly"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Song. "See, See My Many Colour'd Fields"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act IV: Symphony   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V. Epithalamium. "Thrice Happy Lovers"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V. Prelude   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Chaconne   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Duet and Chorus. "Sure the Dull God"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Duet. "Turn Then Thine Eyes"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Entry Dance   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Monkey's Dance   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Prelude   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song and Chorus. "Thus Happy and Free"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "Hark! How All Things"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "Hark! the Echoing Air"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "My Torch Indeed"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "See, I Obey"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "Thus the Gloomy World"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Song. "Yes, Daphne"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Symphony   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: The Plaint. "O Let Me Ever, Ever Weep"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629, Act V: Trio and Chorus. "They Shall Be as Happy as They're Fair"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: First Music. Hornpipe   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: First Music. Prelude   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Overture   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Second Music. Air   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Second Music. Rondeau   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
The Fairy Queen, Z.629, Act IV: Song. "Thus the Ever Grateful Spring"   Catherine Pierard, David Wilson-Johnson, Howard Crook, London Classical Players
from The Fairy Queen (2001)
Berlioz: Hymne à la France (Second Chorus from Vox Populi)   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Irelande (9 melodies), Op.2 - Chanson à Boire (Gounet)   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington, Ryland Davies
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Irelande (9 melodies), Op.2 - Chant Guerrier (Gounet)   David Thomas, Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Irelande (9 melodies), Op.2 - Chant Sacré   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington, Ryland Davies
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: La Menace des Francs   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Le Ballet des Ombres   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Le Chant des Bretons   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Le Temple Universel, Op.28   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington, Ryland Davies
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Prière du matin H.112   Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Berlioz: Tantum Ergo   Gillian Hull, Hazel Holt, Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Peter Smith
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)
Ravanello: Veni Creator   Gillian Hull, Hazel Holt, Heinrich Schutz Choir and Chorale, Roger Norrington
from Roger Norrington, Schutz Choir Of London - Berlioz: Songs for Chorus (1969)

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