Danny Piccione

Danny Piccione    
2020s -

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Batuu Wilderness (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Tara Rashin (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Guavian Death Gang (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Baron Attsmun (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Dok-Ondar Treasures (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Age of Jedi (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Shadows (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Ady's Theme - Hyperdrive (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Pinteeka Dub (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Danny Piccione
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Desert Dance (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Danny Piccione
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Ghenza Shuffle (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Danny Piccione
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Cyinarc (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Danny Piccione
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Azu Ragga (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Danny Piccione
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
IG-88 (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Life Wind (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Sacred Garden (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Patience (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Fountain - The Message (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
The First Order (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
I Would Do It Again (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)
Tales from the Galaxy's Edge End Credits (From "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge"/Score)   Bear McCreary, Danny Piccione, Joseph Trapanese
from Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge (Original Soundtrack) (스타워즈: 갤럭시 엣지) by Joseph Trapanese, Bear McCreary [ost] (2021)

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