
유케이    UK
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2010s -
0000년 / 대한민국


[Disc 1]
1. With Coffee / 2. Sunlight / 3. In the Street / 4. Relax / 5. The way home / 6. Wild Flower / 7. Hope / 8. Travel / 9. Serenity / 10. Afternoon
[Disc 1]
1. Autumn Leaves / 2. Whenever / 3. Street Trees / 4. Don't Cry / 5. Evergreen / 6. Sunflower / 7. Before Sunset / 8. Miss You / 9. Vanilla Wind / 10. Blue Sky
[Disc 1]
1. You don't know yet / 2. After a year / 3. Clover / 4. A day in kindergarten / 5. Perfect love / 6. Be good / 7. A Picnic at forest / 8. When morning comes / 9. Sleepless Night / 10. Rainy Park
[Disc 1]
1. Summer Breeze / 2. Malibu / 3. Evening Sun / 4. Perhaps Love / 5. Sunshine of Beach / 6. Escape / 7. I dreamed / 8. Shooting Star / 9. Reminiscence / 10. Journey
[Disc 1]
1. Look out the window / 2. Snail / 3. Blue Rain / 4. Midnight / 5. Open your eyes / 6. Teardrop / 7. Memory of cloudy day / 8. Forget about me / 9. Shower / 10. Remember
[Disc 1]
1. All Yours / 2. Toddle / 3. Time Goes By / 4. August 1 / 5. Shining Days / 6. Sweet Dreams

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P545193


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