Pat Barrett

Pat Barrett    팻 바렛
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uploaded by guest
2010s -
1984년 12월 18일 / 미국,조지아 애틀랜타


[Disc 1]
1. Better Hands / 2. Every Good Thing / 3. Shelter / 4. Beautiful Life / 5. Praise Him! - Katie Torwalt, Pat Barrett / 6. How We Remember / 7. Scatter / 8. No Body / 9. Hopes For You / 10. Seen Known Loved / 11. Sing Soul Sing / 12. You Know What I Need
[Disc 1]
1. Nothing / Something (Live) - Dante Bowe, Pat Barrett / 2. Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly (Live) / 3. As For Me (Live) - Chris Tomlin, Pat Barrett / 4. Morning By Morning (Live) - Mack Brock, Pat Barrett / 5. Heavenly (Live) / 6. By The Spirit (Live)  featuring Franni Cain - Jon Reddick, Pat Barrett
[Disc 1]
1. Long Way Home / 2. Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly / 3. So Real / 4. Morning By Morning / 5. As For Me - Chris Tomlin, Pat Barrett / 6. Heavenly / 7. Slow And Steady / 8. By The Spirit / 9. No Weapon / 10. Sudden Awakening (Prelude) / 11. Strike Your Harp / 12. To Have and To Hold / 13. Lightning - Harolddd, Pat Barrett / 14. When I Look At The Blood / 15. This Is The Day / 16. Praise Upon Praise / 17. Canvas And Clay
[Disc 1]
1. This Is The Day (Live) / 2. Let Everything (Praise The Lord) (Live) / 3. Canvas And Clay (Live)  featuring Ben Smith / 4. You're Making Something Beautiful (Spontaneous/Live) / 5. I Am Held (Live) / 6. Praise Upon Praise (Live) / 7. Better (Live) / 8. Land Of The Living (Live) / 9. Hymn Of The Holy Spirit (Live) / 10. I Will Follow (Spontaneous/Live)
[Disc 1]
1. Into Faith I Go / 2. God Is So Good (You Are Worthy) / 3. The Way (New Horizon) / 4. Everything Is Sacred / 5. Better / 6. My Hallelujah / 7. Be Still My Soul / 8. Build My Life / 9. Hymn Of The Holy Spirit / 10. Sparrows And Lilies / 11. Sing To The Lord (Banner) / 12. Sails  featuring Steffany Gretzinger

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