National Gugak Center's Game Sound Series
국립국악원 X 모두의마블 MODOOMARBLE
[Album Review]
음악은 경계를 넘나들며 사람들을 이어줍니다.
실제로 음악으로 얘기하면 모두가 알아 듣습니다.
음악은 누군가에게 큰 선물이 되기도 하고, 때로는 평안과 위로를 가져다 주지요.
우리 음악이 생활국악으로 자리 잡길 바라며 이번 앨범을 기획했습니다.
이 앨범을 게임 유저를 비롯한 많은 사람들과 나눌 수 있게 되어 대단히 부듯합니다.
Music crosses boundaries and connects people.
Indeed, when music speaks, everybody understands.
Music can be a great gift to some people while also bringing peace and solace to others.
I curated this album with the fervent hope that traditional Korean music can also become a part of people's lives in our time.
Whether or not you are a fan of traditional Korean music, I am very proud to be able to share this album with a wider range of listeners, including those into gaming.
[Song Review]
01. 모두의마블송 Everybody's Marble Song (feat. 이주은, 국립국악중학교 학생들)
반복되는 가사와 멜로디가 특징인 곡으로 '모두의마블'게임을 모르더라도 한 번쯤은 들어본 적 있는 낯익은 곡이다."말판에서 주사위를 던지며 캐릭터가 돌아다니는" 게임 컨셉에 판소리, 마당놀이, 사물놀이 등을 결합시켜 더욱 흥겹고 재밌게 들을 수 있도록 편곡하였다. 기존 곡에서 스트레이트(서양음악의 2소박)했던 리듬을 3연음 계열(민요처럼 3소박)로 바꾸었고, 드럼과 국악기가 결합된 흥겨운 리듬 위에서 국악중학교 성악전공 학생들과 이주은 명창이 참여하여 대중성과 전통음악 시김새가 조화롭게 구현될 수 있도록 편곡하였다.
This piece is one of the two tracks in this project that includes lyrics. With its repeated characteristic lyrics and melody, this song would be familiar even to people who are unfamiliar with the game Modoo Marble. The game's concept of "throwing dice on the board and moving the characters around" is combined with pansori, madang nori, and samul nori in this rearrangement to add excitement and fun to the mix. The rhythm of the original song was changed from a straight (two sobak as found in Western music) to a triplet (three sobak as found in minyo). The piece was arranged to create a harmony of pop music and the traditional sigimsae by combining the festive rhythm of drums and traditional instruments with the voices of students majoring in vocal music at the National Gugak Middle School and the traditional singer Lee Joo Eun.
Arrangement: Jinhwan Kim
Lyrics: Eunbi Oh
Voice: Jooeun Lee, Students at National Gugak Middle School(Junmo Yang, Eunchan Youn, Yeonnwoo Son, Jieun Yoon, Ayin Jeong, Heeyeon Jo)
Original song's copyright owner: Net Marble (Lyrics: Junhyuk Bang, Composition: Gunho Lee)
02. 모두의마블송 Everybody's Marble Song (Inst.)
Arrangement: Jinhwan Kim
Original song's copyright owner: Net Marble (Composition: Gunho Lee) ....