4반세기 역사를 자랑하는 인디 록의 지존 R.E.M이 돌아왔다!! 한층 더 진일보한 새 앨범 [AROUND THE SUN]
단언컨대, 알이엠은 대중 음악계에서 가장 성공한 언더그라운드 밴드다. 상업적인 성공과 대중들의 인기를 얻은 아티스트가 여전히 '언더그라운드 밴드'라는 건 너무도 심한 아이러니겠지만, 알이엠에게 만큼은 이 요상한 공식이 성립된다. 아직까지도 이들을 설명하는데 있어서 '인디 록'이라든지 '컬리지 록' 따위의 용어가 등장하는 걸 보면 그 점을 실감할 수 있다. 물론 이러한 정의 내지는 분류가 일부 평론가들과 골수 팬들의 고집스런 욕심일지도 모르겠으나, 이것은 데뷔시절부터 초심을 잃지 않고 달려온 알이엠에게도 일말의 책임은 있다. 무려 4반세기동안이나 자신의 음악을 굳건히 지켜온 '장인 밴드'에게 내려지는 팬들의 찬사일수도 있을 테고 말이다.
1980년 조지아주 애신즈ATHENS에서 결성된 알이엠은 잘 알려진 대로, 수면 시의 빠른 안구 운동RAPID EYE MOVEMENT을 그룹명으로 정했다. 보컬리스트 마이클 스타이프MICHAEL STIPE, 기타리스트 피터 벅PETER BUCK, 베이스와 키보드의 마이크 밀스MIKE MILLS, 드러머 빌 베리BILL BERRY로 구성된 알이엠이 전 세계적인 지지를 얻게 된 시기는 90년대부터. 하지만 알이엠은 이미 그 전부터 나름대로 스타였다. 될 성 부른 나무의 떡잎을 먼저 알아 본 건 대학가의 음악팬들과 록 음악 전문 잡지 '롤링 스톤'이었다. 상업적인 흐름과는 상반된 음악, 즉 지성의 목소리를 꾸준히 탐색하고 있던 대학가 라디오 프로그램은 알이엠의 음악을 줄기차게 틀어댔고, 이를 계기로 수많은 대학들이 알이엠을 초청했던 것이다. 우리 식으로 말하면 대학 축제 공연의 스타라고나 할까. 아무튼 대학가에서의 폭발적인 인기는 데뷔 앨범이 백 만장 고지에 오르는 쾌거를 이룩케 했다. 인디 레이블에서 발매된 무명 밴드의 앨범이 플래티넘을 기록한다는 건 그야말로 쾌거다. 뿐만 아니라 롤링 스톤은 마이클 잭슨과 마돈나 등 당시 톱 클래스의 가수들을 제쳐두고 [MURMUR]를 '올해의 음반'에 선정했을 정도였다. 비록 일부 팬들에게 한정된 것 일수도 있지만, 알이엠의 인기는 바로 이 지점에서부터 출발한 셈이다.
87년에 발표한 5집 [DOCUMENT]까지 매년 한 장의 앨범을 발표했던 알이엠은 인디 레이블 'IRS'와의 5년 계약을 성심 성의껏 수행했다. 이제 이들을 좀 더 넓은 세상으로 데려갈 대형 음반 회사와의 계약이 기다리고 있었다. 600만 달러의 몸값을 받고 '워너 브라더스'와 계약을 맺고는 여섯 번째 앨범 [GREEN]을 내놓았다. 수록곡 'STAND'가 빌보드 싱글 차트 6위까지 오르는 등 가시적인 효과가 나타나기 시작했다. 그러나 알이엠의 진가를 보여준 작품은 알이엠 최고의 명반으로 꼽히는 [OUT OF TIME]이었다. 'LOSING MY RELIGION' 한 곡만으로도 의미를 지니는 이 앨범으로 밴드는 난생 처음으로 빌보드 앨범 차트와 영국 차트 정상의 주인공이 되었으며, 미국에서만 400만장의 판매고를 올렸다. 물론 전 세계적인 주목은 당연한 것이었다. 이듬해 2월에 열린 제 34회 그래미 어워드에서도 이들의 이름은 명단에서 빠지지 않았고, [OUT OF TIME]으로 '최우수 얼터너티브 앨범'상을, 'LOSING MY RELIGION'을 통해서 '최우수 팝 그룹 보컬'과 '최우수 뮤직 비디오'를 수상했다. 국내에서 유난히 많은 사랑을 받았던 발라드 'EVERYBODY HURTS'가 수록된 [AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE]은 92년에 발매돼, 차트 2위까지 올랐다. 이전 앨범들보다 하드한 사운드로 화제를 모았던 94년 작 [MONSTER]는 성공과 함께 이들에게 악재로 작용한 작품이기도 했다. 5년만에 나선 대규모 순회 공연 중, 드러머 빌 베리가 뇌동맥 파열로 수술을 받았기 때문이다. 다행히도 빌의 병세가 호전되어 두 달 후에는 다시 투어를 재개할 수 있었지만, 마이클 스타이프와 마이크 밀스도 잇따라 건강이 악화되는 불운을 겪었다. 허나 이들의 수고는 곧 막대한 돈으로 보상됐다. 바로 '워너 브라더스'와 8천만 달러에 재계약을 하게 된 것. 96년에 통산 10집이자 빌 베리가 참여한 마지막 앨범 [NEW ADVENTURES IN HI-FI]가 공개됐다. 이 앨범은 전작들에 비해 상업적인 성과는 덜했지만 그래도 차트 2위를 달성하는 등 꾸준한 모습을 보여줬다. 오랜 시간동안 함께 했던 동료 빌 베리가 건강상의 이유로 탈퇴한 후, 나머지 멤버들은 고심 끝에 그냥 3인조의 편성으로 알이엠을 이끌어가기로 합의했다. 이들은 98년에 [UP], 2001년엔 [REVEAL]을 발표하면서 세 명의 알이엠이 표현하는 음악 또한 여전히 유효하다는 사실을 증명했다. 알이엠은 작년 말에 [IN TIME: THE BEST OF R.E.M. 1988-2003]이라는 타이틀을 내걸고 베스트 앨범을 발매했다. 데뷔 앨범이 세상에 나온 지 정확히 20년만의 일이었다. 워너 브라더스 시절의 곡들만을 모았기 때문에 초기 음악들에 굶주린 팬들은 다소 아쉽겠지만, 알이엠 에게는 이 자체로도 상당한 의미를 지니고 있다. 두 곡의 신곡 'BAD DAY'와 'ANIMAL'을 수록하며 상당한 공을 들인 베스트 앨범은 지난 세월을 정리하는 동시에 새로운 출발을 다짐하는 성격을 포함하고 있다. 여느 아티스트들 모두 그렇겠지만, 음악 활동을 정리하는 의미의 베스트 앨범 후에 등장하는 새로운 작품은 아무래도 좀 더 큰 노력이 수반되게 마련이다. 그래서 자연스럽게 알이엠의 새로운 앨범이 기대될 수밖에 없는 것이다.
이번에 선보이는 통산 열 세 번째 앨범 [AROUND THE SUN]은 전작으로부터 3년만에 발표되었다. 오래 기다린 만큼 팬들의 기대 역시 상당할텐데, 역시나 그 기대는 차트 성적이 대변해 줬다. 신보는 10월 11일자 UK 앨범 차트에 1위로 핫 샷 데뷔했다. 미국과는 달리 여전히 '알이엠 스타일'이 먹히고 있는 영국 시장에서의 정상 등극은 이들의 순조로운 출발을 예고하고 있다. 미국 시장에서는 지난 10월 5일 앨범이 풀렸기 때문에 결과는 조금 더 기다려봐야 할 듯하다. [AROUND THE SUN]은 외형적으로 그다지 변한 것이 없어 보인다. 멤버도 그대로이고 98년 작 [UP]에서부터 함께 한 프로듀서 팻 매카시PAT MCCARTHY와의 공동 작업도 변함없다. 하지만 음악 색깔은 확실히 달라졌다. .... ....
Comes calling back A brilliant night I'm still awake
I looked ahead I'm sure I saw you there
You don't need me To tell you now That nothing can compare
You might have laughed if I told you You might have hidden A frown You might have succeeded in changing me I might have been turned around
It's easier to leave than to be left behind Leaving was never my proud Leaving New York, never easy I saw the light fading out
Now life is sweet And what it brings I tried to take But loneliness It wears me out It lies in way
And all not lost Still in my eyes The shadow of necklace Across your thigh I might've lived my life in a dream, but I swear This is real Memory fuses and shatters like glass Mercurial future, forget the past It's you, it's what I feel
You might have laughed if I told you (it's pulling me apart) You might have hidden a frown (change) You might have succeeded in changing me (it's pulling me apart) I might have been turned around (change)
It's easier to leave than to be left behind (it's pulling me apart) Leaving was never my proud (change) Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) I saw the light fading out You find it in your heart, it's pulling me apart You find it in your heart, change ...
I told you, forever I love you, forever I told you, I love you I love you, forever I told you, forever You never, you never You told me forever
You might have laughed if I told you You might have hidden the frown You might have succeeded in changing me I might have been turned around
It's easier to leave than to be left behind (it's pulling me apart) Leaving was never my proud (change) Leaving New York never easy (it's pulling me apart) I saw the life fading out (change) Leaving New York, never easy (it's pulling me apart) I saw the light fading out (change) Leaving New York never easy (it's pulling me apart) I saw the life fading out (change)
You're on your ear, the ocean's near The light has started to fade Your high is timed, you found the climb It's hard to focus on more than what's in front of you Electron Blue Adventure rings with a page and When it dawns on you It singes blue Your buzz beginning to wane
Adventure has laid its claim on you It's all you want to do You You know where to run You run Electron Blue
And who am I? I'm just a guy I've got a story like everyone But in your eyes You looked surprised And didn't know where to run I looked to her She's found the cure Her future's already begun
Tomorrow's gaining speed on you It's all you want to do You You know where to run You run Electron Blue You You know where to run You run electron blue
So bide your time You'll feel the climb Your high it builds like a lightning storm It sings like pearls You know that girl And no one is any the wiser So as if on cue ..... Electron Blue
Tomorrow's gaining speed on you It's all you want to do You You know where to run You run, Electron Blue You You know where to run You run, Electron Blue You You know where to run You run, Electron Blue
You took me to the restaurant where we first met You knocked a future shock crowbar upside my head I got caught with the stop of the tick-tock, tick-tock clock When you told me what you knew
Lost in the moment The day that the music stopped And I do remember you
Drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth Promising volcanic change of plot Where will this lead us - I'm scared of the storm The outsiders are gathering, a new day is born
I tried to tell you I am not afraid You looked up and saw it all across my face So am I with you or am I against I don't think it's that easy - we're lost in regret
Now I'm trying to remember The feeling when the music stopped When you told me what you knew
Lost in the moment The day that the music stopped And I do remember you
Drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth Promising volcanic change of plot Where does this leave us - I'm scared of the storm The outsiders are gathering, a new day is born
Drawing patterns with a cork on the tablecloth Promising volcanic change of plot Where does this leave us - I'm scared of the storm The outsiders are gathering, a new day is born
The outsiders are gathering, a new day is born The outsiders are gathering
A man walks away when every muscle says to stay How many yesterdays - they each weigh heavy Who says what changes may come? Who says what we call home? I know you see right through me, my luminescence fades The dusk provides an antidote, I am not afraid I've been a million times in my mind This is really just a technicality, frailty, reality
Uh, it's time to breathe, time to believe Let it go and run towards the sea They don't teach that, they don't know what you mean They don't understand, they don't know what you mean They don't get it, I wanna scream I wanna breathe again, I wanna dream I wanna float a quote from Martin Luther King I am not afraid I am not afraid I am not afraid
I am not afraid I am not afraid I am not afraid I am not afraid
You threw away the ballast and you rowed your boat ashore Didn't you, now? Didn't you? You made your ultimatum too big to ignore Didn't you, now? Didn't you?
So you worked out your excuses, turned away and shut the door. The world's too vast for us now, and you wanted to explore
It's a long, long long road And I don't know which way to go If you offered me your hand again I'd have to walk away.
When I saw you at the street fair, you called out my name Didn't you, now? Didn't you? You said we could start over, try and make it all okay. Didn't you, now? Didn't you?
So our past has been rewritten and you threw away the pen. You'd said that I was useless, but now you'll take me in again
Well Jesus loves me fine. And your words fall flat this time.
Was it my imagination, or did I hear you say, "We don't have a prayer between us."
Didn't you believe that I have finally turned away? Didn't you, now? Didn't you? Anything to hold onto to help me through my day. Didn't you, now? Didn't you?
Jesus loves me fine. But his words fall flat this time.
It's a long, long long road And I don't know which way to go If you offered me your world, did you think I'd really stay? If you offered me the heavens, I would have to turn away. Was it my imagination, or did I hear you say, "We don't have a prayer between us." Didn't you, now? Didn't you, now? Didn't you?
As I raise my head to broadcast my objection As your latest triumph draws the final straw Who died and lifted you up to perfection? And what silenced me is written into law.
I can't believe where circumstance has thrown me And I turn my head away If I look I'm not sure that I could face you. Not again. Not today. Not today.
If hatred makes a play on me tomorrow And forgiveness takes a back seat to revenge There's a hurt down deep that has not been corrected There's a voice in me that says you will not win.
And if I ignore the voice inside, Raise a half glass to my home. But it's there that I am most afraid, And forgetting doesn't hold.
It doesn't hold. Now I don't believe and I never did That two wrongs make a right. If the world were filled with the likes of you Then I'm putting up a fight. Putting up a fight. Putting up a fight. Make it right. Make it right.
Now love cannot be called into question. Forgiveness is the only hope I hold. And love... love will be my strongest weapon. I do believe that I am not alone.
For this fear will not destroy me. And the tears that have been shed It's knowing now where I am weakest And the voice in my head. In my head.
Then I raise my voice up higher And I look you in the eye And I offer love with one condition. With conviction, tell me why. Tell me why. Tell me why. Look me in the eye. Tell me why.
You know where I come from You know what I feel You're Yul Brenner Westworld Reporting from the field I threw it into reverse Made a motion to repeal You kicked my legs from under me And tried to take the wheel
I told you I wanted to be wrong But everyone is humming a song That I don't understand
Now I know that the sun has shined on my side of the street The basket of America, the weevils and the wheat The milk and honeyed congregation, scrubbed and apple-cheeked Salute Apollo 13 from the rattle jewelry seats
Mythology's seductive and it turned a trick on me That I have just begun to understand
I told you I wanted to be wrong But everyone is humming a song That I don't understand
The rodeo is staged, gold circle goat-ropers and clowns A rumble in the third act, tie 'em up and burn 'em down We're armed to the teeth, born a little breech Blue-plate special analysts, cells and SUV's
We can't approach the Allies cause they seem a little peeved And speak a language we don't understand
I told you I wanted to be wrong But everyone is humming a song That I don't understand
(Prop up The Omega Man, we're primed for victory God gave us the upper hand, there's honor among thieves Temper it with arrogance, a dash of sad conceit The top's down on the T-Bird, we're the children of the free)
Storm into the boardroom of the conquering elite Did you recognize the madman who is shouting in the streets? Destroy the things that I don't understand Destroy the things that I don't understand
Looks like I pulled a fast one Looks like I went to town Looks like the world revolves around me Looks like it's falling down
I thought I'd kicked the traces I thought the wheels would spin I thought I'd jumped the fence and bolted Looks like I'm back again
I got my signals crossed It's overwhelming because I'm all alone and I can't get back Get back with my wanderlust
I had to grab a suitcase I had to change my clothes I had to run the shower hot until the water froze
I brushed against confusion I wanted time to grow I want the sticks and stones not to throw me get back to what I know
I got my signals crossed It's overwhelming because I'm all alone and I can't get back Get back with my wanderlust
I'm searching for a greatness I smear it on my face I want to bathe in grape must swim the length of the milky way I want it to be brilliant I want it to be sweet I want to kiss the astronauts when they salute to me me me me
I got my signals crossed It's overwhelming because I'm all alone and I can't get back Get back with my wanderlust
I got my signals crossed It's overwhelming because I'm all alone and I can't get back Get back with my wanderlust
Now the radio stutters. snaps to life Some sour song that sets it right And when London falls He'd like to call But the stars collide They're beautiful and much maligned In a universe where you see the worst And it's up to you to fix it
Now you've worked it out And you see it all And you've worked it out And you see it all And you want to shout How you see it all
It's easy to dismiss the "what's it all about" crowd There is no doubt. it's this, here, now And you close your eyes He's not coming back So you work it out, overfeed the cat And the plants are dry and they need to drink So you do your best. and you flood the sink Sit down in the kitchen and cry
Now you've worked it out And you see it all And you've worked it out And you see it all And you want to shout How you see it all
Now the universe left you for a runners lap It feels like home when it comes crashing back And it makes you laugh And it makes you cry When London falls And you're still alive The radio stutters It makes you laugh And the aftermath Open up your eyes You're so alive
Now you've worked it out And you see it all And you've worked it out And you see it all And you want to shout How you see it all How you've worked it out And you see it all How you've worked it out And you see it all
So hesitation pulled me back I'm stronger when I don't attract In your eyes I'm a lamb without a rack And I am getting confused I'm a cactus trying to be a canoe As you pan for ore In the desert, floored I say to you
That I could never imagine a place so beautiful I could never steal your gold away
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
(I try to walk like a big wham bam I came across like a battering ram I try to float like a telegram sam I'm trying to divine you)
My book is called "The Ascent Of Man" I marked your chapter with a catamaran The accent's off But I am what I am
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
(I try to walk like a big wham bam I came across like a battering ram I try to float like a telegram sam I'm trying to divine you)
I looked for you, it's my last grandstand A motorscootered goat legged pan Figure eighting in quicksand ...
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ...
(I try to walk like a big wham bam I try to float like a telegram sam I came across like a battering ram I'm trying to divine you)
(I try to walk like a big wham bam I try to float like a telegram sam I came across like a battering ram I'm trying to divine you)
So hesitation pulled me back I'm so in love I don't attract And with my hands tied I won't crack (Cause in my mind I called you back)
I want the sun to shine on me I want the truth to set me free I wish the followers would lead with a voice so strong it could knock me to my knees
Hold on world cause you don't know what's coming Hold on world cause I'm not jumping off Hold onto this boy a little longer Take another trip around the sun
If I jumped into the ocean to believe If I climbed a mountain would I have to reach? Do I even dare to speak?--to dream?--believe? Give me a voice so strong I can question what I have seen
Hold on world cause you don't know what's coming Hold on world cause I'm not jumping off Hold onto this boy a little longer Take another trip around the sun
Around the sun Around the sun Around the sun Let my dreams set me free Believe. believe Now now now now now now
Ⅰ. R.E.M.(Rapid Eyes movement) 수면 인간의 수면(睡眠), 그리고 수면하는 동안에 일어나는 뇌파의 변화에 대한 지속적인 연구가 진행됨에 따라 그동안 정설처럼 믿어졌던 R.E.M 수면에 대한 중요한 가설들이 수정되어야 할 단계에 이르렀다. 〈네이쳐〉인터넷 판에 최근 실린 기사에 따르면 뇌의 후두엽을 다친 후 꿈을 꾸지 못 하게 된 73세의 여성 환자를 스위스 취리히 의대 클라우디오 바세티 박사가 관찰한 결과 정상인과 같은 R.E.M(Rapid Eyes Movement)수면 패턴을 지니고 있음을 발견했다. 결국 지금까지 R.E.M 수면은 꿈을 꾸는 시간(혹은 꿈을 인지하는 시간)이라는 상관관계가 수정 돼야 할 것 같다. 뿐 만 아니다. 2001년 11월 2일자 〈사이언스〉 지에 실린 기사...