트래비스TRAVIS는 축하해야 할 것들이 쌓여있다. 1996년, 'INDEPENDIENTE' 레이블은 몇 곡의 데모와 밴드 자체 레이블을 통해 발매된 한정반 싱글의 잠재력을 보고 '트래비스'라 불리는 글라스고우 출신의 젊은 밴드와 계약했다. 8년이 지난 지금 트래비스는 2장의 1위 앨범을 포함 4장의 톱10 앨범, 15개의 톱40 싱글을 보유하고 있으며, 3개의 브릿 어워즈 및 1개의 IVOR NOVELLO를 수상하고, GLASTONBURY, READING, T IN THE PARK의 헤드라이너로 공연했으며, 셀 수 없는 갈채를 받았고, 멤버 닐 프림로즈가 치명적인 사고 후 깨어나는 등 역경을 극복해내기도 했다. 영국에서만 4백만장 이상의 앨범 세일즈를 기록하고 있다. 전세계적으로는 거의 8백만장의 세일즈 기록 중
그리고, 모든 싱글을 담은 베스트 앨범 [TRAVIS: SINGLES]를 발매하기로 결정한 것이 바로 마지막으로 축하해야 할 일이 아닐까?
[TRAVIS : SINGLES]는 영국의 국민밴드 '트래비스'가 한 시대를 마감하고 새로운 시대로의 시작함을 알리는 앨범이다. 트래비스는 이제까지 경이로운 여정을 밟아왔고, 한번도 팬과 떨어져본 적이 없었다. 데뷔 싱글 <ALL I WANT TO DO IS ROCK>부터, 톱10 히트곡 <WHY DOES IT ALWAYS RAIN ON ME?>, <TURN>, <COMING AROUND> 그리고 <SING>으로부터 <RE- OFFENDER>까지, 트래비스는 그들의 팬들과 지속적으로 교감해왔으며, 그다지 놀랍지도 않게 영국 국민의 밴드로 폭 넓게 사랑 받고있다.
이번 앨범에는 트래비스의 장기인 경쾌한 멜로디 팝 <WALKING IN THE SUN>이라는 최근에 녹음한 신곡과 한 번도 음반으로 발매하지 않았던 <THE DISTANCE>를 담고있다. <WALKING IN THE SUN>은 오랜 음악 조력자인 'MIKE HEDGES'와 'NIGEL GODRICH'가 믹스와 프로듀서를 한 트랙으로 영국에서 10월 18일 싱글로 앨범에 앞서 선행 발매되었다.
트래비스는 현재 스튜디오에서 최근 발매한 4집 앨범 [12 MEMORIES]에 이은 2005년 발매 예정인 5번째 정규앨범 준비에 한창이다.
TRAVIS: BIOGRAPHY 트래비스는 거의 4번째 앨범을 완성하지 못 할 뻔했다. 지난 여름, 드러머 닐 프림로즈NEIL PRIMROSE가 프랑스의 호텔 수영장에서 다이빙을 하다가 머리를 수영장 바닥에 부딪히면서 목 뼈 3개가 부러졌다. 의사는 그가 다시는 걷지 못할 것이라고 확신하고 있었다. 프랜 힐리FRAN HEALY, 앤디 던롭ANDY DUNLOP 그리고 더기 페인DOUGIE PAYNE은 그들의 가장 친한 동료가 휠체어로 평생을 살아야 한다는 사실에 매우 절망했었다. 그러나, 사고가 있은 지 3주 만에, 닐은 하루에 10분에서 15분 정도 드럼 세트에 앉기 시작했다. 엄청난 고통이 따랐지만, 닐은 가만히 있을 수가 없었다. 그의 인내에 감명 받은 의사는 그가 조심해서 하는 이상 가장 좋은 형태의 재활이라는 것에 동의했다. '나는 집에서 몇 달을 나이든 바보처럼 지내야만 했다.'고 닐은 말한다. '그렇지만 걷게 되었다는 사실이 얼마나 운이 좋았는지 알게 되었다.'
닐이 천천히 회복되는 동안, 밴드는 6개월의 휴가를 가질 수밖에 없었다. [THE MAN WHO] 앨범이 이 글라스고우 고향 친구들을 감성 넘치는 지적인 송가의 선구자로서 급속하게 부각시킨 1999년 이후, 첫 번째의 적절한 휴식이었다. 그들은 그들이 자각했던 것보다 더 지쳐있었다. 그들은 또한 조금은 그들이 걸어야 할 길을 헤매기도 했다. [THE MAN WHO]의 상상을 초월한 규모의 성공 이후, [THE INVISIBLE BAND] 앨범 녹음을 위해 곧바로 스튜디오로 들어갔다. 물론 썩 괜찮은 앨범이지만, 트래비스는 그들 자신에게 충분히 도전하지 않았던 앨범이었다는 것을 지금에야 깨달았다.
'미세한 팀의 균열이 2001년 [THE INVISIBLE BAND]를 발매했을 때부터 나타나기 시작했다.'라고 프랜은 설명한다. '[THE MAN WHO]가 이렇게 잘될 것이라고는 기대하지 않았다. 그것은 마치 감정적인 롤러 코스터를 타는 것과 같았다. 스코틀랜드 사람으로서, 우리는 유명한 팝 스타가 되는 것을 매우 꺼려하고 있었다. 이것은 마치 우리의 DNA에 입력되어 있어, 성공한 티를 내거나 할 수가 없었다. 그러나 갑자기, 우리는 더 이상 글라스고우의 작은 밴드가 아니었다. 우리는 한 발 뒤로 물러서서 다시 재정비하는 것이 절실히 필요했다. 트래비스의 해체를 고할 뻔했던 닐의 사고가 있은 후, 이 밴드는 4명의 멤버 중 한명이 없다면 더 이상 존재하지 않을 것이라는 것을 알았다. 그렇지만, 우리에게 또 다른 기회가 주어졌다."
트래비스는 [12 MEMORIES] 앨범의 작업을 시작하기 위해 2003년 말이 될 때쯤 다시 마주했다. 그들은 닐이 드럼으로 돌아 오기만을 기원하며, 임시방편으로 멀MULL에 위치한 스튜디오로 모였다. 그들은 아침에 비틀거리면서 침대에서 일어나 파자마 차림으로 연주하고, 좋은 음식도 먹고, 길을 방황하다 닐의 부모님이 하는 술집까지 가서 몇 잔의 몰트를 마셨다. 저녁에는 벽난로 앞에서 와인을 마시거나 스크래블을 하며 시간을 보냈다.
2주가 지나고 그들은 신곡 9곡을 써내려 갔다. '그것은 마치 사랑에 다시 빠진 것 같았다.'라고 더기는 웃으며 말한다. '멀MULL'은 마지 치유의 장소처럼 느껴졌다. 그때는 긴장감이라고는 하나도 없었다.'
존경하는 프로듀서 NIGEL GODRICH와 2장의 앨범 [THE MAN WHO]와 [THE INVISIBLE BAND]의 작업을 마친 후, 트래비스는 스스로 해보기로 결정했다. 그들은 노래의 히트나 쿨하게 만들어야 한다든가 하는 그 어떤 강박관념에 대해서 걱정을 하지 않기로 의도적인 결정을 내렸다. 프랜은 그의 장기인 '라-라-라' 노래들로부터 벗어나 우리가 살고 있는 현재를 반영하는 쪽으로 변하고 싶어했다. '과거에는 내 약혼녀인 노라가 사랑과 구애에 대한 많은 노래들에 영감을 주었다. 하지만, 우리는 지금 확고하고 그래서 나는 변할 수 있다고 느꼈다. 9월 11일 사건은 무언가의 시작이었다. 나는 아직 정치에는 관심이 없지만, 세상이 얼마나 깨지기 쉬운지를 지금은 알 수 있다.
닐의 사고, 6개월의 휴식, 멀MULL에 있는 스튜디오가 걸은 마법 그리고 밴드를 앞으로 나아가게 하기 위한 프랜의 욕망이 놀라운 앨범을 만들기 위해 모두 함께 모였다. [12 MEMORIES]는 트래비스가 최선을 다한, 훌륭한 튠으로 작곡되고, 편하고 행복하고 자유로운 사운드를 내고 있지만, 세상과 소통하는 앨범이다.
첫 싱글 <RE-OFFENDER>는 혹독한 관계에 갇히게 되는 신랄하게 아름다운 사랑 노래이다. 예전 곡인 <WRITING TO REACH YOU>나 <SING>만큼이나 심플하고 매혹적인 곡이다. 지난 4월 [HOPE]앨범을 통해 발매되었던 <THE BEAUTIFUL OCCUPATION>은 런던과 글라스고우에서 진행된 전쟁반대행진에 대한 프랜의 직접적인 반응이다. ''나는 내 시간을 허비하고 있어/오늘 50만명의 사람들이 죽었어/거기 서서 사람들이 죽어가는 것을 보고만 있지 말아요."
트래비스는 6개월의 휴지기를 가졌고, 거의 1년 동안 공연 연주를 하지 않았다. 더기는 배우 켈리 맥도날드와 약혼했다. 앤디는 그의 여자친구 조와 결혼했다. 프랜은 29살이 되었다. 시간이 흐름에 따라, 그는 삶에 대해서 많이 생각했다. 그는 '감정적인 대청소'를 가졌다. 그는 노라와 데이트했고, 철학책들을 읽었고, 머리를 길렀다. 그가 사는 혹스턴 핀을 자랑스럽게 여겼다. 한 주 뒤에 'TOYS R US' 주차장에서 베컴을 우연히 마주친지 1주일이 흘러, 그가 머리를 바꿨을 때, 프랜은 지금이 변해야 할 시간이라는 것을 알았다.
앨범을 완성하지 않았음에도 불구하고, 밴드는 아직까지 [12 메모리스]가 그들의 베스트 앨범이라는 데 동의한다. '이번 앨범은 우리 자신처럼 느껴질 뿐이다'라고 더기가 매우 쉽게 말하듯이…
그러나 마지막 말은 언제나 그렇듯 프랜으로부터 나온다. '쿨하게 되려고 노력하는 사람들은 가식적이다. 그리고 어떤 형태의 가식을 나는 싫어한다. 트래비스는 예절 바르고 솔직해지려고 한다. 우리에게 있어 진실은 핵심이다. 진실은 세상에서 가장 강력한 것이다.' 이 어린 글라스고우 소년은 17살 때 거짓말 한 것을 결코 잊지 않을 것 같다.
Baby, you've been going so crazy Lately, nothing seems to be going right Solo, why do you have to get so low You're so? You've been waiting in the sun too long
But if you sing, sing sing, sing, sing, sing For the love you bring won't mean a thing Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing
Colder Crying on your shoulder Hold her and tell her everything's gonna be fine Surely you've been going too early Hurry Cause no one's gonna be stopped
But if you sing, sing sing, sing, sing, sing For the love you bring won't mean a thing Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing
Baby, there's something going on today But I say nothing, noting, noting
But if you sing, sing sing, sing, sing, sing For the love you bring won't mean a thing Unless you sing, sing, sing, sing
Everyrhing is open Nothing is set in stone Rivers turn to oceans Oceans tide you home
Home is where the heart is But your heart had to roam Drifting over bridges Never to return Watching bridges burn
You're driftwood floating underwater Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces Just driftwood, hollow and of no use Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you
Nobody is an island Everyone had to go Pillars turn to butter Butterflying low
Low is where you heart is But your heart has to grow Drifting under bridges Never with the flow
And you really didn't think it would happen But it really is the end of the line So I'm sorry that you've turned to driftwood But you've been drifting for a long, long time
Everywhere there's trouble Nowhere's safe to go Pushes turn to shovels Shovelling the snow
Frozen you have chosen The path you wish to go Drifting now forever And forever more Until you reach your shore
You're driftwood floating underwater Breaking into pieces, pieces, pieces Just driftwood, hollow and of no use Waterfalls will find you, bind you, grind you
And you really didn't think it would happen But it really is the end of the line So I'm sorry that you've turned to driftwood But you've been drifting for a long, long time You've been drifting for a long, long time You've been drifting for a long, long Drifting for a long, long time
Every day I wake up and it's Sunday Whatever's in my eye won't go away The radio is playing all the usual What's a Wonderwall anyway Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side Cause I'm writing to reach you now but I might never reach you Only want to teach you About you But that's not you
It's good to know that you are home for Christmas It's good to know that you are doing well It's good to know that you all know I'm hurting It's good to know I'm feeling not so well Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side Cause I'm writing to reach you now but I might never reach you Only want to teach you About you
But that's not you Do you know it's true But that won't do Maybe then tomorrow will be Monday And whatever's in my eye should go away But the radio is playing all the usual And what's a Wonderwall anyway Because my inside is outside My right side's on the left side Cause I'm writing to reach you now but I might never reach you Only want to teach you About you But that's not you Do you know it's true But that won't do And you know it's you I'm talking to
I cant sleep tonight Everybody saying everythings alright Still I cant close my eyes Im seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I cant avoid the lightning I cant stand myself Im being held up by invisible men Still life on a shelf when I got my mind on something else Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I cant avoid the lightning Oh, where did the blue skies go? And why is it raining so? Its so cold I cant sleep tonight Everybody saying everythings alright Still I cant close my eyes Im seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights Sunny days Where have you gone? I get the strangest feeling you belong Why does it always rain on me? Is it because I lied when I was seventeen? Why does it always rain on me? Even when the sun is shining I cant avoid the lightning Oh, where did the blue skies go? And why is it raining so? Its so cold Why does it always rain on me? Why does it always rain...
Keeping up appearances Keeping up with the Jones' Fooling my selfish heart Going through the motions
But I'm fooling myself I'm fooling myself Cause you say you love me And then you do it again, you do it again You say you're sorry And then you do it again, you do it again
Everybody thinks you're well Everybody thinks I'm ill Watching me fall apart Falling under your spell
But you're fooling yourself You're fooling yourself Cause you say you love me And then you do it again, you do it again You say you're sorry And then you do it again, you do it again And again and again and again and again
But you're fooling yourself You're fooling yourself
Cause you say you love me And then you do it again, you do it again You say you're sorry And then you do it again, you do it again You say you love me And then you do it again, you do it again You say you're sorry And then you do it again, you do it again And again and again and again and again
I was walking along in the sun Taking pictures of everyone And there's something on the tip of my tongue Oh oh oh oh Well it's easy to see from the far And it's easy to be on your guard But it's harder just to be who you are Oh oh oh oh
When all these people who will lead you down The back of the track They're on your back They will try and tear you apart But believe and you will see That there's no reason to doubt Then you will find You can do much better than that
If you think of all the things that you feel All the voices in your head that you hear It's a mystery that we are all still holding on
When all these people who will lead you down The back of the track They're on your back They will try and tear you apart But believe and you will see That there's no reason to doubt Then you will find You can do much better than that
If you see me hit the ground Don't come near, don't make a sound
I was walking along in the sun Taking pictures of everyone And there's something on the tip of my tongue
We're tied to the 90's In the middle It's terribly frightening I'm takin' it fast Takin' it slow There's thunder & lightning It's terribly frightening Lord knows Where it goes But I know That if so Well I want to tell you We're tired of the 90's We're tired of the 90's But we're tied to the 90's Tied to the 90's Remember the 80's (They were something) Were worse than the 90's We're stuck in a path Where fashion is fast And nothin' is lasting It's all ghetto blasting And Lord knows Where it goes But I know That if so well I want to tell you We're tired of the 90's We're tired of the 90's Tied to the 90's "Middle 8" We're tired of the 90's We're tired of the 90's We're tired of the 90's But we're tied to the 90's Oh, we're tied to the 90's We're tied of the 90's We're tired of the nines Tied to the nines Tied to the 90's
Never see you coming around They know they got their heads screwed on I'm standing in the middle of town I'm know I might never come home Just standing where I am with all the people passing by me The sound of all these passers-by mixed in with the bus and motor-car I must be sure these are the signs Cos I've been here a million times before Just tell me when it's coming around, coming around I think I see you coming to town, hunting you down, bringing you round Tell me if I'm bringing you down Cos I was fine till you came along You tell me that the tears of a clown That I'm confusing while abusing my mind So far away I wanna be That's not as close to you and me The things they call our destiny Now why do you have to pick on me at all? My walls are coming down Just tell me when it's coming around, coming around I think I see you coming to town, hunting you down, coming around Just tell me when it's coming around, coming around I think I see you coming to town, dragging you down Just tell me when it's coming around, coming around I think I see you coming to town Just dragging you down It's coming around
When I first held you I was cold A melting snowman I was told But there was no-one there to hold before I swore that I would be alone for ever more
Wow look at you now Flowers in the window It´s such a lovely day And I´m glad you feel the same Cause to stand up out in the crowd You are one in a million And I love you so Lets watch the flowers grow
There is no reason to feel bad But there are many seasons to feel glad, sad, mad It´s just a bunch of feelings that we have to hold But I am here to help you with the load
Wow look at you now Flowers in the window It´s such a lovely day And I´m glad you feel the same Cause to stand up out in the crowd You are one in a million And I love you so Lets watch the flowers grow
So now we´re here and now is fine So far away from there and there is time, time, time To plant new seeds and watch them grow So there´ll be flowers in the window when we go
Wow look at us now Flowers in the window It´s such a lovely day And I´m glad you feel the same Cause to stand up out in the crowd You are one in a million And I love you so Lets watch the flowers grow
Wow look at you now Flowers in the window It´s such a lovely day And I´m glad you feel the same Cause to stand up out in the crowd You are one in a million And I love you so Let´s watch the flowers grow
If I told you a secret You won't tell a soul Will you hold it and Keep it alive 내가 너에게 비밀을 말한대도 넌 나에게 마음을 열지 않겠지 넌 자존심을 버리지 않고 살려두겠지
Cause it's burning a hole And I can't get to sleep And I can't live alone In this life 왜냐면 넌 정말 차가운 사람이니까 그리고 난 잠을 잘 수 없어 그래서 혼자 살 수도 없어 이런 삶에선 정말 죽고싶어
So look up, take it away Don't look da-da-da-down the mountain 결국 난 위를 봐라보며, 위로를 얻지 절대 아래를 바라봐선 안돼
If the world isn't turning Your heart won't return Anyone, anything, anyhow 세상이 변하지 않는 이상 니 마음도 변하지 않겠지 누구든, 무엇이든, 어떻게하든
So take me, don't leave me Take me, don't leave me Baby, love will come through It's just waiting for you 그러니 나와 함께 해줘, 날 떠나지 마 나와 함께 하자, 날 떠나지 마 그대여, 사랑은 이루어 질꺼야 오직 그대만을 원해
And you stand at the crossroads Of highroads and lowroads And I've got a feeling It's right 그리고 넌 교차로에 서있군 지름길과 느린길 사이에 그리고 난 느꼈어 행운의 느낌을
If it's real what I'm feeling There's no make believing The sound of the wings of the flight 내 느낌이 현실이 된다면 그 어떤 믿음도 필요없어 그저 비행기 날개 소리같이 들릴 뿐
Of a dove, take it away Don't look da-da-da-down the mountain 행운은, 내 것이 될거고 난 절대 아래를 바라보지 않을꺼야
If the world isn't turning Your heart won't return Anyone, anything, anyhow 세상이 변하지 않는 이상 니 마음도 변하지 않겠지 누구든, 무엇이든, 어떻게하든
So take me, don't leave me Take me, don't leave me Baby, love will come through It's just waiting for you 그러니 나와 함께 해줘, 날 떠나지 마 나와 함께 하자, 날 떠나지 마 그대여, 사랑은 이루어 질꺼야 오직 그대만을 원해
Love will come through Love will come through Love will come through 사랑은 이루어 질꺼야
Sayin I love you, is not the words I want to hear from you. It's not that I don't want you not to say it, But if you only knew how easy it would be to show me
how you feel.
More than words is all I ever needed you to show.
Then, you wouldn't have to say that you, "love me"
cause, I'd already know.
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then, you couldn't make things new just by saying,
"I love you."
What would you say if I took those words away?
Then, you couldn't make things new just by saying,
Well I believe there's someone watching over you They're watching every single thing you say And when you die They'll set you down and take you through You'll realise one day
That the grass is always greener On the other side The neighbour's got a new car That you wanna drive And when time is running out You wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live we all will die There is no wrong there is no right The circle only has one side Side Side
We all try hard to live our lives in harmony For fear of falling swiftly overboard But life is both a major and a minor key Just open up the chord
But the grass is always greener On the other side The neighbour's got a new car That you wanna drive And when time is running out You wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live we all will die There is no wrong there is no right The circle only has one side Side Side
But the grass is always greener On the other side The neighbour's got a new car That you wanna drive And when time is running out You wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live we all will die There is no wrong there is no right
But the grass is always greener On the other side The neighbour's got a new car That you wanna drive And when time is running out You wanna stay alive We all live under the same sky We all will live we all will die There is no wrong there is no right The circle only has one side Side Side
I met a girl in L.A. The million dollar kind She was all for all or nothing She was open all the time But when I called her number Her mother's on the line sayin' You've no business As God's my witness With a child as young as mine
Chorus So make sure that she's old enough Before you blow your mind She may look like she knows enough But look in her eye And if so Let her go You'll let her down in style Na na na..
I met a girl in Paris She talked like Vera Lynn And her eyes were full of dew drop The moment I walked in She was awfully nice The kind that likes to win But if I'd been wiser A whole lot wiser Then I might have thought again
Chorus So make sure that she's old enough Before you blow your mind She may look like she knows enough But look in her eye And if so Let her go You'll let her down in style
It starts in the morning When you're lying next to me I'm rolling, I'm rolling I'm rolling so quickly Now I'm not a doctor And I'm not a lawyer I get a prescription and set it on fire Blow me a kiss I'll be happy the rest of my life And I'm so happy 'cause you're so happy I'm so happy 'cause you're so happy I'm so happy 'ause you're so happy And I'm so happy 'cause you're so happy Oh - oh - aw And I'm so happy And I really shouldn't like it But I love it When I say I'm not excited You're invited And I think I'm getting older There's this weight across ma shoulders It's a shame we're the same Such a shame I'm to blame all the time But early this evening I wanted to be with you I got on the blower The next thing I know you're speaking Now I'm gonna tell you what I've been thinking And I got a hunch that you're thinking the same thing And with some luck We'll be lying together tonight "Chorus" Oh - oh - ah Oh - oh - ah Oh - oh - ah And I'm so happy
Hey I would really like to talk with you Girl Do you have the time to stop Say All I want to do is rock If this was any other day I'd turn and walk the other way Today I'll stay Not walk away Found on: Good Feeling Hey I'm a foot without a sock Without you Love You seem to work around the clock Say All I want to do is rock If this was any other day I'd turn and walk the other way Today I'll stay Not walk Just rock Hey Love Say All I want to do is rock If this was any other day I'd turn and walk the other way But today I'll stay Okay
트레비스. 다 들어봐야 하는데 맨날 듣는 곡만 들어. ㅠ.ㅠ12월 10일 뮤지스탤지아 첫 곡. 어찌나 좋던지 두둥.크리스 마틴이 트레비스로 인해 콜드플레이가 존재한다는 그런 말도 했다던데나는 트레비스는 콜드플레이 다음에나 알았다.어쨌거나 이 앨범도 좋지만The man who 앨범은 진짜 대박.보니까 그 앨범은 죽기전에 들어야 할...