미술 학도 출신의 매혹적인 보컬리스트 앨리슨 골드프랩과 유명 작곡가 윌 그레고리로 구성된 일렉트로니카 듀오 골드프랩은 지금까지 머큐리 어워드 수상 후보작이었던 데뷔 앨범 [Felt Mountain], 브릿 어워드 ‘최우수 앨범’ 후보작이었던 두 번째 앨범 [Black Cherry], 전세계 백만장 이상의 판매고를 기록한 세 번째 앨범 [Supernature]을 발매해오며 대중과 평론의 꾸준한 사랑을 받아왔고, 모던, 브릿 사운드의 새로운 아이콘으로 각광받고 있다.
골드프랩은 새 앨범에서 글램 록과 일렉트로, 디스코가 혼합된 강렬한 일렉트로니카 사운드가 주를 이루었던 지난 앨범 [Supernature]에 비교해 한층 변화된 음악을 들려준다.
목가적이고 싸이키델릭한 사운드와 영국 포크의 전통에 발을 들여놓은 듯한 몽롱하고, 초현실적이고, 우아한 발라드로 가득차 있는 로맨틱한 작품이다. .... ....
She's like a little bird She flies from a to b To see what she can see She's far away from me We danced on the moon We danced by the sea That land of blue gold Is where we were free
July-ly-ly July-ly-ly July-ly-ly Where we were free Where we were free
The shiny blackest crow Flew in to say hello Though much to her surprise He had two miles for eyes She understood his words That crow was very pleased He gave to her his wings And now she is free
July-ly-ly July-ly-ly July-ly-ly Now we are free Now we are free
Walking down the Mercer St Been a long hot summer Rain like daggers coming Down on me Get a feeling it's too late But alone, together, could Be we might start it up Allover again
Dream, dream you're not Too late Sweet road to somewhere else
Listen to the radio Are you calling?
3 o'clock I'm on my way On the road to somewhere Little clouds like wounds That blow away Listening to the radio like a Friend that guides me Playing out every song We used to know
Dream, dream you're not Too late Sweet road to somewhere else
Listen to the radio Are you calling?
Bring it on Come along On the road to somewhere Take our time See the signs On the road to somewhere
It's a blue, bright blue Saturday, hey hey And the pain's starting to slip away, hey hey
I'm in a backless dress on a pastel ward that's shining Think I want you still But there may be pills at work
Do you really wanna know how I was dancing on the floor? I was trying to phone you as I'm crawling out the door I'm amazed at you, the things you say and that you don't do Why don't you ring?
I was feeling lonely, feeling blue Feeling like I needed you Like I'm walking up surrounded by me A&E
It's a blue, bright blue Saturday, hey hey And the pain's starting to slip away, hey hey
I'm in a backless dress on a pastel ward that's shining They gotta watch you still But there may be pills at work
How did I get to accident and emergency? All I wanted was you to take me out high And I was feeling lonely, feeling blue Feeling like I needed you Like I hoped you'd call and hoped you'd see me A&E
골드 프랩. 이 사람들 7집 낼때까지 난 몰랐다네. 전~혀 몰랐다네.
일렉트로닉 쪽을 좋아하는 것도 아니고 들리면 듣지만 찾아 듣지는 않아서리.
어쩌다 우연히 듣게 됐는데 오, 이 앨범 괜찮다~ 싶었다.
전작을 찾아 듣다 보니 이번 앨범이 제일 나은 거였다-_-
보니까 7집 앨범 소개글에 '한껏 말랑말랑해진' 이라든가 '대중적인 스타일' 등의...