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Mack the Knife
Oh the shark has pretty teeth dear And he shows them pearly white Just a jack-knife has Mac-heath dear And he keeps it out of sight When the shark bites with his teeth dear Scarlet billows start to spread Fancy gloves though wears Mac-heath dear So there's not a trace of red On the sidewalk Sunday morning Lies a body oozing life Someone's sneaking 'round the corner Is the someone Mack the Knife From a tugboat by the river A cement bag's dropping down The cement's just for the weight dear Bet you Mackies's back in town Louis Miller disappeared dear After drawing out his cash And Mac-heath spends like a sailo Did our boy do something rash Sukey Tawdry, Jenny Diver Polly Peachum Lucy Brown O the line forms on the right dear Now that Mackie's back in town -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MACK THE KNIFE Oh the shark has pretty teeth dear, and he shows them pearly white. Just a jack-knife has Mack Heath dear, and he keeps it out of sight. When the shark bites with his teeth dear, scarlet billows start to spread. Fancy gloves do, wears Mack Heath dear, so there's not trace of red. On the sidewalk Sunday morning ... lies a body oozing life. Someone's sneaking around the corner. Is that someone Mack the Knife? Yes from a tugboat by the river..... a cement bag drooping down. And the cement's, for the weight dear. You know that Mack Heath's back in town. Yeah Louis Miller disappeared dear, after drawing out all his cash. And Mack Heath spends like a sailor. Did our boy do something rash? Suki Todre, Jenny Diver, Lotti Lenya, sweet Lucy Brown. Yes the line forms on the right dear, now that Mack Heath's back in town. |
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Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast This is la vie en rose When you kiss me heaven sighs And tho I close my eyes I see la vie en rose When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom And when you speak...angels sing from above Everyday words seem...to turn into love songs Give your heart and soul to me And life will always be La vie en rose |
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Won’t you come and go with me
Down that mississippi We’ll take a boat to the land of dreams Come along with me on, down to new orleans Now the band’s there to greet us Old friends will meet us Where all them folks goin to the st. louis cemetary meet Heaven on earth.... they call it basin street I’m tellin’ ya, basin street...... is the street Where all them characters from the first street they meet New orleans..... land of dreams You’ll never miss them rice and beans Way down south in new orleans They’ll be huggin’.... and a kissin’ That’s what I been missin’ And all that music....lord, if you just listen’ New orleans....i got them basin street blues (instrumental break) Now ain’t you glad you went with me On down that mississippi We took a boat to the land of dreams Heaven on earth...they call it basin street |
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Strut-tin’ with some bar-be-que,
Swing-in’ with the band; Like the hap-py peo-ple do Way down in dix-ie land Hear that ol’ trom-bone And the trum-pet ad-lib. Love to hear the lick, While I do my pick-in’ Pick-in’ on a jui-cy rib. ‘Cause I'm Strut-tin with some bar-be-que, feel-in' might-y grand; pass an-oth-er help-in’ please, of that good ol’ dix-ie land. And mis-ter wait-er if you please An-oth-er rib or two; And I’ll go strut, strut, strut-tin, Strut-tin' with some bar-be-que REPEAT |
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Hey! We are following the footsteps of those who've gone before and we'll all be reunited on that new and sunlit shore.
Chorus: Oh, when the saints go marching in, (Repeat) oh, Lord, I want to be in that number when the saints go marching in. And when the sun refuse to shine, (Repeat) oh, Lord, I want to be in that number when the sun refuse to shine. Oh, when the trumpet sound its call, (Repeat) oh, Lord, I want to be in that number when the trumpet sounds that call. Oh, when the new world is revealed, (Repeat) oh, Lord, I want to be in that number when the new world is revealed. (Chorus) |