2001년10월에 솔로 활동을 개시한 이래 지금까지 발표한 앨범 3작품과 싱글 7작품 중에서 엄선된 곡으로 "하이도" 첫 베스트 앨범 차트 첫 등장 1위를 획득한 싱글 'HELLO', 'COUNTDOWN', 'SEASON'S CALL'을 비롯하여, 2005년에 하이도가 처음으로 다른 아티스트 "나카시마 미카"에게 곡을 제공한 영화 [NANA]의 주제가로 화제가 된 ‘GLAMOROUS SKY’를 영어 버전으로 하이도가 셀프 커버한 ‘GLAMOROUS SKY [ENGLISH VER.]’도 새롭게 녹음하여 수록 .... ....
words & music: hyde produced by hyde I lie awake beside the windowsill Like a flower in a vase A moment caught in glass The rays of sunlight come and beckon me To a sleepy dreamy haze A sense of summer days If only I could stop the flow of time Turn the clock to yesterday Erasing all the pain I've only memories of happiness Such pleasure we have shared I'd do it all again This scenery is evergreen As buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe This scenery is evergreen Your tears are falling silently So full of joy, you are a child of spring With a beauty that is pure An innocence endures You flow right through me like a medicine Bringing quiet to my soul Without you I'm not whole This scenery is evergreen I need you far too much, I long to feel your touch This scenery is evergreen You've always been so dear to me This scenery is evergreen It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad This scenery is evergreen I wish that I could dry your tears The bells have rung, the time has come I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye This scenery is evergreen You've always been so dear to me 窓の中の僕は 창문 속의 난 (마도노나카노보쿠와) グラスの水に 유리컵 속 물에 (그라스노미즈니) 差した花のよう 비친 꽃처럼 (사시타하나노요오) 淡い日差しにゆれて 희미한 햇살에 흔들려 (아와이히자시니유레테) まどろみの底 졸음에 빠져드네 (마도로미노소코) きづく夏のけはい 깨닫는 여름의 기척 (키즈쿠나츠노케하이) 無情な時計の針を 무정한 시계바늘을 (무죠오나토케이노하리오) 痛みの分だけ 아픔의 분만큼 (이타미노훈다케) 戾せたなら 되돌릴 수 있다면 (모도세타나라) あぁ, おかしな君との日びを 아아, 아름다운 당신과의 날들을 (아아, 오카시나키미토노히비오) あふれるくらい 넘쳐흐를 정도로 (아후레루쿠라이) 眺めるのに 바라보는데도 (나가메루노니) This scenery is evergreen 이 풍경은 영원히 푸르른 것. 綠の葉が色づきゆく 푸른잎이 물들여져 가는 (미도리노하가이로즈키유쿠) 木漏れ日の下で 나무속 햇살아래 (키모레비노시타데) 君が泣いている 네가 울고 있어 (기미가나이테이루) 優しい季節を呼ぶ 온화한 계절을 부르는 (야사시이키세쯔오요부) 可憐な君は 가련한 너는 (카렌나키미와) 無邪きになついて 천진난만히 따라와 (무쟈키니나츠이테) そっとからだに流れる 살며시 몸에 흘러내리는 (솟토카라다니나가레루) くすりみたいに 약인 듯 (쿠스리미타이니) 溶けていったね 녹아가고 있었지 (토케테잇타네) This scenery is evergreen 이 풍경은 영원히 푸르른 것 儚いほど途切れそうな 덧없을 만큼 끊어질 듯한 (하카나이호도토기레소오나) その手をつないで 그 손을 잡고 (소노테오츠나이데) 離さないように 헤어지지 않도록 (하나사나이요오니) This scenery is evergreen 이 풍경은 영원히 푸르른 것 可哀想にうつむいている 가엾게 고개숙이고 있는 (카와이소오니우츠무이떼루) 悲しい瞳を 슬픈 눈동자를 (카나시이히토미오) ぬぐってあげたいのに 닦아주고 싶지만 (누굿테아게타이노니) 近づく終わりに 다가가면 (치카즈쿠오와리니) 言葉一つ言い出せない 말 한마디 꺼낼수 없네 (고토바히토츠이이다세나이) This scenery is evergreen 이 풍경은 영원히 푸르른 것 (this scenery is evergreen) 愛しい人よ 사랑스러운 사람이여 (이토시이히토요)
Jesus Christ, I believe you 예수, 당신을 믿어요 The deepest trust, I won`t leave you 아주 깊은 믿음, 당신을 떠나지 않을 겁니다. They call me crazy - but it won`t matter 그들은 날 미쳤다고 하지만, 아무 상관 없어요 And dearh won`t change me- not ever 죽음도 날 바꿀순 없어요 절대로
Jesus Christ, I believe you 예수, 당신을 믿어요 The deepest trust, I won`t leave you 아주 깊은 믿음, 당신을 떠나지 않을 겁니다. but my child is fading, an innocent 그렇지만 나의 순수한 아이같음이 희미해져요 I hear no answer, I`m calling 난 외쳤지만 아무 대답도 들을 수 없었어요 My voice is reaching the sky 내 목소리 하늘에 닿아라 I`d do anything to save this life 뭐든지 할게요, 생명을 구할 수만 있다면 Take me instead 날 대신 데려가세요 Ah, God give me death 아 신이여 죽음을 주소서
Jesus Christ, I believe you 예수, 당신을 믿어요 They call me crazy - but it won`t matter 그들은 날 미쳤다고 하지만, 아무 상관 없어요 And dearh won`t change me- not ever 죽음도 날 바꿀 순 없어요, 절대로 My voice is reaching the sky 내목소리 하늘에 닿아라 I`d do anything to save this life 무엇이든 할게요 이 생명을 구할 수만 있다면 Take me instead 날 대신 데려가세요 Ah, God give me death 아ㅡ 신이여 내게 죽음을 주소서 Ah, God give me death 아ㅡ 신이여 내게 죽음을 주소서
欲しがる身??きるまで 호시가루카라다츠키루마데 갖고 싶어하는 몸 다할 때까지 早く?け出すなら 逃せないmoment 하야쿠누케다스나라 노가세나이 moment 빨리 빠져 나간다면 놓칠 수 없는 moment To save you from the dark I want it higher. To get into his light. Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい Stay on my side 마부시이세카이오미세따이 Stay on my side 눈부신 세상을 보여주고 싶어 Let us exceed もう時間が無い are you in? Let us exceed 모-지칸가나이 are you in? Let us exceed 이젠 시간이 없어 are you in?
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
Afraid of all the science
それでも求める進化したい 소레데모모토메루신카시따이 그래도 갈구하지 진화하고 싶어 沈む靜寂から忍び寄るcountdown 시즈무세이쟈쿠카라시노비요루 countdown 잠기는정적으로부터소리없이다가오는 countown It is the final call!! I want it higher. To get into his sight. Stay on myside殼を引き裂いてchange our fate. Stay on myside카라오히키사이떼change our fate. Stay on myside허울을 찢고서 change our fate. Let us exceed 地の果てまで are you in? Let us exceed 치노하테마데 are you in? Let us exceed 세상 끝까지 are you in? I wanna be there. Need to be closer.
I want it higher. To get into his light.
Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい Stay on my side 마부시이세카이오미세따이 Stay on my side 눈부신 세상을 보여주고 싶어 Let us exceed もう時間が無い ?け! Let us exceed 모-지칸가나이 토도케! Let us exceed 이젠 시간이 없어 전해져! Stay on my side 限界を今超えて Stay on my side 겡카이오이마코에떼 Stay on my side 지금 한계를 넘어 Frail is the world 夢じゃないさ are you in? Frail is the world 유메쟈나이사 are you in? Frail is the world 꿈이 아니야 are you in?
And the sea 그리고 바다는 Waits to bring me down 나를 파멸시키려 해. Drown me in its waves 파도로 삼키려 해. Still I have no doubt 그러나 난 지금도 믿고있어. This meaning of life 이 삶의 의미를....
Wearing this shroud I've journeyed long 이 수의(壽依- 시체에게 입히는 옷)를 입은 채 오랜 여행을 해왔지. I've seen so many worlds in my time 살아있는 동안 너무 많은 세상을 봐버렸어. Wandering far and back again 멀리 갔다하면 또 다시 제자리. My soul is getting worn 내 영혼이 지쳐가고 있어.
And the happiness like a firework 그래. 행복은 불꽃과 같은 것. How it shone, now it's gone 그렇게나 빛났다가도 한 순간에 사라져 버리는...
And the sea 그리고 바다는 Waits to bring me down 나를 파멸시키려 해. Drown me in its waves 파도로 삼키려 해. Still I have no doubt 그러나 난 지금도 믿고있어. This meaning of life 이 삶의 의미를....
I know that darkness fellows light 어둠은 빛을 동반한다는 걸 알아. I see the traps that stand in my way 내가 가는 길 위에 놓인 덫을 알겠어. I'll use my head to make it through 그것을 헤쳐나가기 위해선 머릴 써야겠지. Believers get it tough 믿는자만이 강인함을 얻는다. Everything I cherished so dearly 내가 그렇게도 소중히 했던 모든 것이... Wasn't love, wasn't love 사랑이 아니었어. 아니...었어! 사랑이.
And the sea 그리고 바다는 Waits to bring me down 나를 파멸시키려 해. Drown me in its waves 파도로 삼키려 해. Still I have no doubt 그러나 난 지금도 믿고있어. This meaning of life 이 삶의 의미를....
Though my flesh 때가 되어, 이 육신이 Perishes in time 소멸할지라도... I will reach the shore 나는 그 곳에 닿을 테니깐
You were the love I`ve always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are I`ll be there High up on the moon Shining over you
아후레루쿠라이 키미에 카조에키레나이 아이오 카사네아우 사이게츠 사사야카나 코이오 아메니 누레 타야사누요오니 소코카라 도레쿠라이 나가사레테이루 You were the love I`ve always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are I`ll be there High up on the moon Shining over you 토와니 이로도루 시키오 신-지테이타 아시타오 코노메니와 니도토 우츠세와 시나이카라 이츠노히모 이놋-테이루 키미에토 카가야키가 후리소소구요오니 You were the love I`ve always dreamed of But now I know I walked away too soon No matter how Far away you are I`ll be there High up on the moon Shining over you
Horizons rise here in my eyes A sound of silence calls Bot in my heart, a distant hope Is mine forever more 미아게타 히토미와 소라오 메가케테 (사이고노 히토츠마데 마부시이 야오 하나츠)
SWEET VANILLA Written by HYDE Lyrics by HYDE / Lynne Hobday Sweet Vanilla 스위트 바닐라 I give myself to you 네게 나를 바친다 バラを敷き詰めて素敵な夢見を 바라오시키츠메테스테키나유에미오 장미를 깔아두고 꾸는 멋진 꿈을 Darling, It's all for your love 그대, 모두 당신의 사랑을 위한 것 目を塞ぎたくなる世界の果てでも 메오후사키타쿠나루세카이노하테데모 눈을 가리고 싶어지는 세계의 끝이라도 悲しませはしない 카나시마세와시나이 슬프게는 하지 않아 I will show to you the stars 네게 별들을 보여줄거야 There's so much that you should know 알려주고 싶은게 너무나 많아 I won't cause you any tears 당신이 조금도 눈물 흘리지 않게 할거야 Believe me Believe me 날 믿어줘 날 믿어줘 Sweet Vanilla 스위트 바닐라 I've waited here for you 당신을 위해 여기서 기다리고 있어 甘い素肌にキス惜しみない愛を 아마이스하다니키스오시미나이아이오 달콤한 살결에 키스 아낌없는 사랑을 Darling, It's all for your love 그대, 모두 당신의 사랑을 위한 것 さあ,手を伸ばして世界は矛盾に 사아, 테오노바시테세카이와무쥰니 자아, 손을 뻗어 세계는 모순으로 汚れてはいても 케가레테와이테모 더럽혀져있다해도 I will show to you the stars 네게 별들을 보여줄거야 There's so much that you should know 알려주고 싶은게 너무나 많아 I won't cause you any tears 당신이 조금도 눈물 흘리지 않게 할거야 Believe me Believe me 날 믿어줘 날 믿어줘 You make me feel brand new 당신은 어둠을 날려버리고 Cause you chase the clouds away 나를 새롭게 해준다 Believe me Believe me 날 믿어줘 날 믿어줘 I will show to you the stars 네게 별들을 보여줄거야 There's so much that you should know 알려주고 싶은게 너무나 많아 I won't cause you any tears 당신이 조금도 눈물 흘리지 않게 할거야 You've no need for any fear 아무것도 두려워할 필요 없어 I will show to you the stars 네게 별들을 보여줄거야 There's so much that you should know 알려주고 싶은게 너무나 많아 I won't cause you any tears 당신이 조금도 눈물 흘리지 않게 할거야 Believe me Believe me 날 믿어줘 날 믿어줘
Come on and take a walk outside It's just the day for it 아레하테타아시모토 You've grown a bit of a jungle 미나이후리스루앗카 It's time to make a stand 치메이쇼-니나루마에니 You've gotta tear it up and destroy Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - do you wanna stay? Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - to make a play.
You can't avoid it anymore Let's take a closer look 토리모도세키미노이시 Dig in and get your hands dirty 사케요-노나이이타미 You've always done before 시하이사레루쿠라이나라 You've gotta tear it up and destroy Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - do you wanna stay? Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - to make a play. Poison circulates It's going to your head now Do you want to stay? The way you are Today?
Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - do you wanna stay? Hideaway - say you're OK. Hideaway - to make a play. (It's time) Are you ready now? (It's time) Are you ready now? (It's time) Are you ready now? (It's time) Are you ready now?
I'm crossing the borderline Without a sound A wilderness No one could ever know The sadness How it brings me down I know I have no choice Is it wise? Taking a life? And I need to know Tell me how I should see the light I draw the gun And I take aim The world stands still Like a dream I stray
I'm crossing the borderline God's on my side The sacrifice We make in heaven's name I'm praying But there's no escape I fire a ball of lead It's so cold This can't be love And I need to know Tell me how I should see the light I draw the gun And I take aim The world stands still Like a dream I stray
And I need to know Tell me how I should see the light I draw the gun And I take aim The world stands still Like a dream Hear me pray I stray
I know what I`ve seen Midnight Celebration I want to be free Midnight Celebration I want you to rise Midnight Celebration I play you obey Midnight Celebration
I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad
I play you obey Midnight Celebration
I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad
Have no time to set things right Have no time to set things right Have no time to set things right Have no time to set things right
I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad I have no plan but that`s alright Can you trust me when I`m mad Have no time to set things right Can you love me when I`m sad
I could have seen the other side Taking a step into the sky Ah I'm always late
I could have done the same routine Showing the old and golden scene I'm lying again To make them go Wearing again my rocking shoes Over the puddles made of tears Flash back I know you're clever I remember I know we could cross over rainbows I wish that we could aim the sun again I know we could dream for tomorrow To share the long forgotten Glamorous days
I could have done a lot for you Nothing was left for me to do Ah I'm always late I let you go You always said it's Rock'n'Roll Life is a battle fight and grow Flash back I loved your flavor I remember I know we could shine like the starlight I wish that we could aim the sky again I know we could dream for tomorrow To share the long forgotton Glamorous days
I won't be sleeping
Sunday Monday Yet another Tuesday Wednesday Thursday you're still away Friday Saturday I'll be lonely everyday And I'm crying high up to the moon And I somehow hope to hear you cry I know I could fight all the troubles If only I could stay there on your side I know I should dream on my own now To chase the long forgotton Glorious days I know we could cross over rainbows I wish that we could aim the sun again I know we could dream for tomorrow To share the long forgotten Glamorous days Glamorous sky