영국을 열광케 한 19살 싱어 송라이터 아델의 첫 앨범 [19]. 발매와 동시 UK Album Chart 1위, ’2008년 브릿 어워드 비평가상’에 빛나는 2008년 영국 대중음악 최고의 신인에 선정된 그녀의 화제작!!
Brit Awards Critic’s Choice Winner! #1 UK Album Chart #1 Airplay BBC Radio1
지금 이 순간 가장 매력적인 앨범! - BBC Radio1 완벽하게, 진정으로 아름답다! - NME 2008년의 목소리! - Q Magazine 스타가 탄생했다! - The Sunday Times 완성도적으로나 독창성면에서나 단지 성공한 음반 이상의 것을 보여주는 앨범 - AMG
19. 간단명료하다. 최근 영국에서 가장 주목받는 소울 싱어 아델(Adele. 본명 Adele Adkins)의 데뷔 앨범 타이틀이다. 19는 1988년 영국 런던에서 태어난 아델의 현재 나이를 의미한(다고 짐작한)다. 앨범 작업은 그녀가 18세에서 19세 사이에 녹음했다고 하니, 크게 틀리지는 않을 것이다.
19? ’신동’이라고 부르기에는 늦은 나이지만, 채 스물이 되지 않았으니 결코 많은 나이는 아니다. 조금 더 세상을 바라보는 시각을 넓히고 음악에 대한 경험을 더 겪어야 할 나이일까. 하지만 늦지도 빠르지도 않은 지금, 아델은 영국 앨범 차트 1위 앨범을 보유하며 이미 성공을 거머쥔 아티스트다.
그리고, 2008! 어느날 갑자기? 설마…. 신동이라면 어느날 갑자기 등장하는 것이 당연하겠지만, 분명 신동은 아니었다. 아델이 이런 성공을 거둔 데에는 분명 이유가 있을 것이다. 그 이유 가운데 하나는, BBC가 2008년의 음악계에서 주목받을 10명의 신인을 선정하는 ’Sound of 2008’에서 아델의 이름이 가장 상위에, 그리고 가장 중요하게 거론되었다는 점을 들 수 있겠다. 영국 음악계 상황을 손바닥에 올려놓지 않은 다음에야 이 열 명의 리스트에서 일반 팬들이 알고 있는 아티스트는 몇 되지 않는다. (내 경우에는, 록 밴드 뱀파이어 위크엔드(Vampire Weekend) 정도나 알 수 있었다. 부끄럽지는 않다.) 이 2008년을 빛낼 신인 리스트가 재미있는 것은, BBC의 디지털 라디오 방송채널인 BBC 6 Music 주도로 1백명이 넘는 음악평론가들이 열 명의 아티스트를 선정한다는 점이다. 이 리스트의 지난해 결과를 지금 확인해보면 적어도 ’가장 주목받는’ 아티스트의 이름은 틀리지 않는다. 2007년 리스트 최상위에는 미카(Mika)가 있었다. ’Grace Kelly’라는 대단한 히트곡을 보유한 미카는 이미 지난해를 자신의 해로 만들었다. 우리나라에서도 그에 대한 지지는 꽤 두텁다. 그러니 음악평론가들이 선정한 2008년을 빛낼 신인 리스트는 믿을만한 지표다. 이것이 단지 BBC의 호평이었다고 생각면, 2008년의 브릿 어워드 수상자를 살펴볼 것을 권한다. 영국의 대중음악계를 상징하는 브릿 어워드의 비경쟁 부문에 ’Critics’ Choice’가 있다. 데뷔 앨범을 발표한 지 고작 한 달이 지났을 뿐인 아델은 당당히 크리틱스 초이스 부문을 통해 선택되었다. 물론 브릿 어워드의 여러 부문이 BBC 청취자들의 참여로 결정된다는 것 때문에 바로 위에서 거론한 ’Sound Of 2008’의 결과에서 그리 벗어나지 않을 것이라는 예상을 하는 것은 어렵지 않다.
사실, 새롭게 등장한 신인의 경우에는 소개할 수 있는 내용이 지극히 제한적이다. 바이오그래피를 줄줄 읊어대는 것이라면 (찬사로 일관한) 보도자료가 있으니 어렵지 않다. 하지만 음악인에게 가장 중요한 음악, 그러니까 이전에 비해 현재 어떤 변화를 거쳤는지, 음악적으로 훨씬 나아졌는지 퇴보했는지 비교해볼 수 있는 음악적 비교물이 없다는 점에서 제한적일 수밖에 없다는 말이다. 그렇다면 어쩔 수 없이 지금까지 알려진 아델의 바이오그래피에서 중요한 몇 가지를 꺼내는 것으로 대신해야겠다.
“처음 마이크를 잡은 것이 열 네 살 때였어요.” 아델이 14세에 경험한 것은 그 어느 때보다 소중했다. 아델은 예술을 사랑하는 어머니의 영향으로 어린 시절부터 음악을 즐겨들었다. 그렇지만 질 스콧(Jill Scott), 에바 캐시디(Eva Cassidy), 스파이스 걸스(Spice Girls), 이스트17(East 17) 등, 유행하는 것이라면 팝과 소울과 재즈를 가리지 않고 듣는 뻔한 음악감상이었다. 이 무렵 아델이 자신의 음악 세계를 결정짓는 일이 생겼다. 한 친구가 에타 제임스(Etta James)와 엘라 피츠제럴드(Ella Fitzgerald)의 CD를 사는 것에 충격을 받았던 것. 마구잡이로 음악을 듣는 사이에 그 친구는 재즈와 소울 아티스트의 음악을 찾아 듣고 있었다. 그때부터 아델은 재즈와 소울을 자신이 해보고 싶은 음악이라고 생각하게 되었고, 그것이 지금 [19] 속에 고스란히 들어가게 된 것이다. 아, 마이크! 자신의 목소리를 녹음해 재생해보면 열에 아홉은 끔찍하다고 생각하게 된다. 자기의 목소리가 이랬나 싶어지며 목소리 녹음을 꺼리는 것이다. (자신의 목소리를 직접 듣는 것과 녹음해 듣는 것은 소리의 울림을 인식하는 신체의 특성으로 그럴 수밖에 없다는 것은 이미 과학계에서 밝힌 사실이다.) 그렇지만 아델은 자기 목소리를 녹음하는 즐겼다. 아버지의 친구이자 음악 프로듀서에게 지적받은 후 처음으로 (아마도 블론디(Blondie) 버전일 것이라고 생각하는) ’Heart Of Glass’를 녹음했다. 이때가 14세의 일이다.
아델에게 학교 생활은 지루했다. 합창단에 들어와 노래하고 싶다면 클라리넷을 연주해야 한다는 선생님의 (황당한) 주문에 학교를 때려치우는 것으로 적절하게 반응했다. 아델은 최근 영국 팝계를 장악한 에이미 와인하우스(Amy Winehouse)와 케이트 내시(Kate Nash), 리오나 루이스(Leona Lewis), 케이티 멜루아(Katie Melua) 등의 졸업생을 배출한 ’The London School for Performing Arts & Technology’를 다녔다. 자기가 알아서 하는 것이 가장 최선의 수업이었던 이 학교에서 아델은 재학중인 몇 년동안 매일매일 음악실에서 음악을 듣고 녹음장비를 매만지는 것으로, 말 그대로, 혼자 알아서 음악을 배워나갔다.
그녀가 데뷔 앨범 계약을 맺게 된 과정에는 마이스페이스가 있었다. (보도자료에 따르면, 마이스페이스 계정은 2004년에 친구가 만들어줬는데 2006년이 될 때까지 휴면계정이었다고 한다. 마이스페이스를 통해 아델의 재능을 확인한 XL의 담당자 .... ....
Daydreamer sitting on the sea Soaking up the sun He is a real lover of making up the past And feeling up his girl like he's never felt her figure before
A jaw dropper Looks good when he when he walks He's the subject of their talk He would be hard to chase but good to catch And he could change the world with his hands behind his back Oh
You can find him sitting on your doorstep Waiting for the surprise It will feel like he's been there for hours And you can tell that he'll be there for life
Daydreamer with eyes that make you melt He lends his coat for shelter Because he's there for you when he shouldn't be But he stays all the same Waits for you then sees you through
There's no way I could describe him All I say is just what I'm hoping for
But I will find him sitting on my doorstep Waiting for the surprise It will feel like he's been there for hours And I can tell that he'll be there for life And I can tell that he'll be there for life
Wait, do you see my heart on my sleeve? It's been there for days on end and It's been waiting for you to open up Just you baby, come on now I'm trying to tell you just how I'd like to hear the words roll out of your mouth finally Say that it's always been me
That's made you feel a way you've never felt before And I'm all you need and that you never want more Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue But you'd save the best for last Like I'm the one for you
You should know that you're just a temporary fix This is not rooted with you it don't mean that much to me You're just a filler in the space that happened to be free How dare you think you'd get away with trying to play me
Why is it everytime I think I've tried my hardest It turns out it ain't enough cause you're still not mentioning love What am I supposed to do to make you want me properly? I'm taking these chances and getting away And though I'm trying my hardest you go back to her And I think that I know things may never change I'm still hoping one day I might hear you say
I make you feel a way you've never felt before And I'm all you need and you never want more Then you'd say all of the right things without a clue But you'd save the best for last Like I'm the one for you
You should know that you're just a temporary fix This is not rooted with you it don't mean that much to me You're just a filler in the space that happened to be free How dare you think you'd get away with trying to play me
But, despite the truth I know I find it hard to let go and give up on you Seems I love the things you do Like the meaner you treat me the more eager I am To persist with this heartbreak and running around And I think that I know things may never change I'm still hoping one day I might hear you say
I make you feel a way you've never felt before And I'm all you need and that you never want more And we'll say all of the right things without a clue And you'll be the one for me and me the one for you
I've made up my mind 난 이미 결정해버렸어... dont need to think it over 다시 생각할 필요조차 없어.. if im wrong i am right 내 선택이 잘못된건지 옳은건지.. dont need to look no further 더 이상 앞을 내다볼 필요도 없구.. this aint lust I know this is love 이건 단순한 욕망따위가 아냐.. 사랑이겠지..
but if i tell the world 그치만... 이 세상에 대고 말하려해도. i'll never say enough 내가 원하는 만큼 말하진 못하겠지.. cos it was not said to you 왜냐면 너에게 말하는 게 아니니까... and thats exactly what i need to do 그리고 그건 결국 내 스스로 해야할 일이거든.. if i end up with you 내가 너와 사랑에 빠지게 된다면
should i give up 내가 포기해야하는거니? or should i just keep chasing pavements 아니면 계속 이길을 쫓아가야하니? even if it leads no where, 어디로 가는지조차 알수도 없는데.. or would it be a waste 아니면 그저 시간 낭비일까?? even if i knew my place should i leave it there. 설령 내가 가고자하는 곳을 알아도 그곳으로 떠날수 있을까? should i give up 내가 포기해야만 하니? or should i just keep chasing pavements 아니면 어딘지도 모를 이길을 계속 따라가야하니? even if it leads nowhere 날 이끄는 그곳이 어딘지도 모르는데 말야..
I build myself up 결정을 했어 and fly around in circles 그리고 원을 그리듯 날지... waiting as my heart drops 기다리면서 내 심장박동수는 가라앉고.. and my back begins to tingle 내 등뒤는 아려오기 시작해... finally could this be it 드디어 이건 ,,,사랑이 될꺼야...
or should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where, or would it be a waste even if i knew my place should i leave it there. should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere
yeaaah ehh
should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements even if it leads no where, or would it be a waste even if i knew my place should i leave it there
should i give up or should i just keep on chasing pavements should i just keep on chasing pavements
ohhhh ohh
should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere or would it be a waste even if i knew my place should i leave it there
should i give up or should i just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere
You say it's all in my head And the things I think just don't make sense So where you been then? Don't go all coy Don't turn it round on me like it's my fault See I can see that look in your eyes The one that shoots me each and every time
You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her
These days when I see you You make it look like I'm see-through Do tell me why you waste our time When your heart ain't admitting you're not satisfied You know I know just how you feel I'm starting to find myself feeling that way too
When you grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her
Time and time again, I play the role of fool (Just for you) Even in the daylight when you're dreaming (I see you) Try to look for things I heard but our eyes never find Though I do konw how you play
You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her
You grace me with your cold shoulder Whenever you look at me I wish I was her You shower me with words made of knives Whenever you look at me I wish I was her
I found myself today singing out loud your name You said I'm crazy if I am I'm crazy for you
Sometimes sitting in the dark wishing you were here turns me crazy But it's you who makes me lose my head
And every time I'm meant to be acting sensible You drift into my head and turn me into a crumbling fool
Tell me to run and I'll race If you want me to stop I'll freeze And if you want me gone I'll leave Just hold me closer baby And make me crazy for you Crazy for you
Lately with this state I'm in I can't help myself but spin I wish you'd come over Send me spinning closer to you
My Oh My How my blood boils It's sweetest for you It strips me down bare and gets me into my favourite mood
I keep on trying I'm fighting these feelings away but the more I do the crazier I turn into
Pacing floors and opening doors Hoping you'll walk through And save me boy because I'm too crazy for you Crazy for you
Right under my feet There's air Made of bricks Pulls me down Turns me weak For you I find myself Repeating like A broken tune And I'm forever Excusing Your intentions And I give in To my pretendings Which forgive you Each time Without me knowing They melt my heart To stone
[Chorus:] And I hear your words That I made up You say my name Like there could be an us I best tidy up my head I'm the only one in love I'm the only one in love
Each and every time I turn around to leave I feel my heart Begin to burst And bleed So desperately I try to link it With my head But instead I fall back To my knees As you tear your way Right through me I forgive you Once again Without me knowing You've burnt My heart to stone
Why do you Steal my hand Whenever I'm standing My own ground You build me up Then leave me dead
So little to say but so much time Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind Please wear the face the one where you smile Because you lighten up my heart when i start to cry
Forgive me first love but i?m tired I need to get away to feel again Try to understand why Don?t get so close to change my mind
Please wipe that look out of your eyes It?s bribing me to doubt myself Simply it?s tiring
This love has dried up and stay behind And if i stay i?ll be alive Then choke on words i?d always hide Excuse me first love but we?re through I need to taste the kiss from someone new
Forgive me first love but i?m too tired I'm bored to say the least and i i lack desire Forgive me first love forgive me first love Forgive me first love forgive me first love forgive me Forgive me first love forgive me first love
Who wants to be right as rain It's better When something is wrong You get excitement in your bones And everything you do's a game When night comes And you're all on your own You can say I chose to be alone Who wants to be right as rain It's harder when you're on top.
Cause when hard work Don't pay off And I'm tired there aint no room in my bed As far as I'm concerned so Wipe that dirty smile off we Won't be making up I've cried my heart out And now I've had enough of love
Who wants to be riding high When you'll just crumble Back on down You give up everything you are And even then you don't get far They make believe that everything Is exactly what it seems But at least When you're at your worst You know how to feel things.
See when hard work don't pay off And I'm tired there ain't no room in my bed As far as I'm concerned so Wipe that dirty smile off we Won't be making up I've cried my heart out And now I've had enough of love
Go ahead and still my heart To make me cry again Cause it will never hurt As much as it did then when We were both right And no one had blame But now I give up On this endless game.
Cause who wants to be right as rain It's better When something is wrong I get excitement In my bones Even though Everything's a strain When night comes And I'm on my own You should know I Chose to be alone So who wants to be Right as rain It's harder When you're on top
Cause when hard work Don't pay off And I'm tired there ain't no room in my bed As far as I'm concerned so Wipe that dirty smile off we Won`t be making up I`ve cried my heart out And now I've had enough of
No room in my bed As far as I'm concerned so Wipe that dirty smile off we Won`t be making up I`ve cried my heart out And now I've had enough of love
When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case I could offer a warm embrace to make you feel my love When evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one there to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years to make you feel my love I know you haven't made your mind up yet but I would never do you wrong I've known it from the moment that we met no doubt in my mind where you belong I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue I'd go crawling down the avenue Oh there's nothing that I wouldn't do to make you feel my love The storms are raging on the rolling sea and on the highway of regret the winds of change are blowing wild and free you ain't seen nothing like me yet I could make you happy, make your dreams come true nothing that I wouldn't do go to the ends of the earth for you to make you feel my love
You said I'm stubborn And I never give in I think you're stubborn 'Cept you're always softening You say I'm selfish I agree with you on that I think you're giving out In way too much in fact I say we've only known Each other one year
You say I've known You longer my dear You like to be so close I like to be alone I like to sit on chairs And you prefer the floor Walking with each other Think we'll never Match at all But we do do do(4x)
I thought I knew myself Somehow you know me more I've never known this Never before You're the first To make out Whenever we are two I don't know who I'd be If I didn't know you You're so provocative I'm so conservative You're so adventurous I'm so very cautious Combining You think We would and we do But we do do do(3x)
Favouritism Ain't my thing But in this situation I'll be glad Favouritism Ain't my thing But in this situation I'll be glad To make an exception
You said I'm stubborn And I never give in I think you're stubborn 'Cept you're always softening You say I'm selfish I agree with you on that I think you're giving out In way too much in fact I say we've only known Each other one year You say I've known You longer my dear You like to be so close I like to be alone I like to sit on chairs And you prefer the floor Walking with each other Think we'll never Match at all But we do do do(4x)
Hold my hand while you cut me down It had only just begun but now it's over now And you're in the heat of moments with your heart playing up cold I'm between the middle watching hastiness unfold
In my eyes you were smiling in the spotlight dancing with the night The night Fell off your mind
I'm tired of trying Your teasing ain't enough Fed up of biding your time when I don't get nothing back And for what And for what And for what When I don't get nothing back Boy I'm tired
Where'd you go when you stay behind I looked up and inside Down and outside Only to find a double taking Punching hard and laughing at my smile I get closer You obviously prefer her
I'm tired of trying Your teasing ain't enough Fed up of biding your time when I don't get nothing back And for what And for what And for what When I don't get nothing back Boy I'm tired of trying Your teasing ain't enough Fed up of biding your time when I don't get nothing back And for what And for what And for what When I don't get nothing back Boy I'm tired
(I should have known)
Never mind said your open arms I couldn't help believe then trip me back into them Even though
I'm tired of trying Your teasing ain't enough Fed up of biding your time when I don't get nothing back And for what And for what And for what When I don't get nothing back Boy I'm tired of trying Your teasing ain't enough Fed up of biding your time when I don't get nothing back (Teasing enough) And for what (I'm fed up of biding your time) And for what And for what When I don't get nothing back Boy I'm tired
I’ve been walking in the same way as I did Missing out the cracks in the pavement And tutting my heel and strutting my feet “Is there anything I can do for you dear?
Is there anyone I can call?” “No and thank you, please Madam. I ain’t lost,
just wandering”
Round my hometown Memories are fresh Round my hometown Ooh the people I’ve met
Are the wonders of my world Are the wonders of my world Are the wonders of this world Are the wonders of my world
I like it in the city when the air is so thick and opaque I love to see everybody in short skirts,
shorts and shades
I like it in the city when two worlds collide You get the people and the government Everybody taking different sides
Shows that we ain’t gonna stand shit Shows that we are united Shows that we ain’t gonna take it Shows that we ain’t gonna stand shit Shows that we are united
Round my hometown Memories are fresh Round my hometown Ooh the people I’ve met
Are the wonders of my world Are the wonders of my world Are the wonders of this world Are the wonders of my world
만일 뮤지스탤지아가 아직 했더라면(ㅠ.ㅠ) 신보 소개 시간에 들려줬을 법한 그런 음반.
영국의 싱어송라이터 아델의 1집 수록곡.
19세에 이 앨범을 만들었다네. 그래서 앨범 타이틀이 19
그래. 난 재능을 타고 태어났다, 이거구나ㅋ(비뚤어질테닷!)
다른 노래들도 꽤 괜찮지만 난 이 곡만 무한반복.
아델의 목소리에 이 노래의 리메이크...