[Disc 1]

I Pictured To Myself A Crafty And Staid Old Man - (I, Chorus) [Ziffer 38] -
Schnittke / 2.

Well Look What's Happened - I Belched - (I, Wife, Chorus) [4 Takte Vor Ziffer 42] -
Schnittke / 3.

Sometimes I Mix Up My Dead Wives- (I, Wife, Chorus, Vova) [Ziffer 47] -
Schnittke / 4.

I've Swapped A Birdie For A Pizza! -(chorus, I, Wife, Vova) [Ziffer 60] -
Schnittke / 5.

Tango [Intermezzo] -
Schnittke / 6.

Scene Two -
Schnittke / 7.

I Said Later That If I Had Gone - (Wife, I, Guard, Chorus) [Anfang] -
Schnittke / 8.

Look: My Former Fellow Students - (I, Chorus, Guard) (Ziffer 17 [Vor Dem Cello-Solo)] -
Schnittke / 9.

I Got Down To Searching For The Holysimpleton - (I, Lad, Guard, Chorus, Wife) [Ziffer 25] -
Schnittke / 10.

Ekh! - (Vova, Chorus, Wife) [Ziffer 47] -
Schnittke / 11.

Intermezzo - (Wife, I , Vova) (7 Takte Vor Ziffer 1 [Intermezzo)] -
Schnittke / 12.

Scene One -
Schnittke / 13.

Scene Two -
Schnittke / 14.

Life With An Idiot Opera In Two Acts And Four Scenes -
Schnittke / 15.

Act One -
Schnittke / 16.

Prologue -
Schnittke / 17.

Life With An Idiot Is Full Of Surprises - (Chorus, I, Wife) [Anfang] -
Schnittke / 18.

Scene One -
Schnittke / 19.

My Friends Congratulated Me On My Idiot - (I, Chorus, Wife) [Ziffer 5] -
Schnittke / 20.

I Had Been Full Of Doubts And Anxieties That Winter - (I, Chorus, Wife) [Ziffer 16] -
Schnittke / 21.

Everbody Laughed - (Chorus, Wife, I) [Ziffer 23] -
Schnittke[Disc 2]

Life With An Idiot, Part 2 -
Schnittke / 2.

Life With An Idiot [Continued] -
Schnittke / 3.

Act Two -
Schnittke / 4.

In The Beginning Vova Was Very Reserved - (I, Vova, Chorus) [Anfang] -
Schnittke / 5.

In The Evenings, To Prevent Vova Suffering From Insomnia - (I, Chorus) [Ziffer 16] -
Schnittke / 6.

Once, On Returning Home, I Chancedupon The Following Scene -(i, Chorus, Wife) [Ziffer 20] -
Schnittke / 7.

A Few Days Later Vova Started Tearing Up The Books - (I, Wife, Vova, Marcel Proust, Chorus) [Ziffer 30] -
Schnittke / 8.

Suddenly, One Fine Day He Dumped A Whole Pile In The Middle Of The Room - (I, Wife) [Ziffer 42] -
Schnittke / 9.

Ekh! -(vova, Chorus, I, Wife) [Ziffer 51] -
Schnittke / 10.

Intermezzo -
Schnittke / 11.

Vova Has Cleaned Up His Act A Lot - (Wife, I, Chorus, Vova, Marcel Proust) [Anfang] -
Schnittke / 12.

Don't Offend Him. Don't Traumatise Vova - (Wife, I, Chorus) [Ziffer 33] -
Schnittke / 13.

Life With An Idiot Is Full Of Surprises - (I, Wife, Vova) [Ziffer 42] -
Schnittke / 14.

I Was Intrigued As To Which Proclivities Of Vova My Wife Bent Overto Meet-(i, Wife, Chorus) [Ziffer 58] -
Schnittke / 15.

Ekh!- (Vova, Chorus, I) [Ziffer 78] -
Schnittke / 16.

Well, And Now, Cock-sucking Reader, Whoever You Are - (I, Chorus, Vova) [Ziffer 112] -
Schnittke / 17.

They Made Their Home In The Second Room - (Wife, I, Vova) [Ziffer 126] -
Schnittke / 18.

He Had A Brand-new And Perfectly Tolerable Wife -(wife, Marcel Proust, I, Vova) [1 Takt Von Ziffer 134] -
Schnittke / 19.

We Beat Her Up, Beat Her Up! -( Chorus, Vova, I, Wife) [1/2 Takt Vor Ziffer 141] -
Schnittke / 20.

Suddenly The Wife Declares: Vova, Either Him... - (Chorus, Wife, I, Vova) [Ziffer 159] -
Schnittke / 21.

I Love You. Love! - (Wife, Chorus, Marcel Proust, I, Vova) [1/2 Takt Vor Ziffer 185] -
Schnittke / 22.

I Am Renoir (Chorus, I) [Ziffer 196] -
Schnittke / 23.

The Guard Greeted Me Like I Was One Ofthe Family - (Chorus, I) [Ziffer 201] -