Dan Estrin

Dan Estrin    
1976년 07월 09일 / 미국,Los Angeles, CA


[Disc 1]
1. This Is Gonna Hurt / 2. You Before Me / 3. The Fallen / 4. Can You Save Me? / 5. No Destination / 6. Slow Down / 7. No Win Situation / 8. Sing What You Can't Say / 9. Magnolia / 10. Incomplete / 11. A Thousand Words
[Disc 1]
1. So Close, So Far
[Disc 1]
1. My Turn / 2. I Don't Think I Love You / 3. So Close, So Far / 4. All About You / 5. The Letter / 6. Tears Of Yesterday / 7. Sick Of Hanging On / 8. You're The One / 9. Who The Hell Am I? / 10. You Need To Be Here / 11. Gone Gone Gone
[Disc 1]
1. The Rules / 2. Born To Lead / 3. Moving Forward / 4. Inside Of You / 5. The First Of Me / 6. Good Enough / 7. If I Were You / 8. Without A Fight / 9. Don't Tell Me / 10. Look Where We Are / 11. Say The Same / 12. If Only / 13. More Than A Memory
[Disc 1]
1. Same Direction / 2. Out Of Control / 3. What Happened To Us? / 4. Escape / 5. Just One / 6. Lucky / 7. From The Heart / 8. The Reason / 9. Let It Out / 10. Unaffected / 11. Never There / 12. Disappear
[Disc 1]
1. Crawling In The Dark / 2. Crawling In The Dark / 3. Pieces / 4. Losing My Grip
[Disc 1]
1. Crawling In The Dark / 2. Remember Me / 3. Running Away / 4. Pieces / 5. Let You Know / 6. Better / 7. Ready For You / 8. Up And Gone / 9. Too Little Too Late / 10. Hello Again / 11. To Be With You / 12. Give It Back

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P119644


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