소박한 시작이었으나 범상치 않은 밴드 이름 Majesty 어떤 직업이나 영역에서라도 ‘최고’라는 소리를 듣고 인정받는 것은 궁극적인 목표이자 보람이며 자부심까지 갖게 될 내용이다. 사실 대중음악계에서도 이런 예가 제시되면 이런저런 이름들이 거론되고 떠올려지는 게 다반사이며 다른 견해에 따라 논란이 있게 마련이라 아주 쉽게 ‘최고’라는 단어를 대입하기는 어려운 것이 사실이다. 하지만, 밴드 드림 시어터(Dream Theater)의 경우라면 약간 상황이 달리진다. 음악을 하는 동료나 관계자들이 거의 해당 장르의 아이콘이자 최고의 기량과 음악성, 그리고 상업성과 타협하지 않는 고집스런 면에다 성실하고 꾸준하게 작품집을 내놓는 것으로도 인정을 하기 때문이다. 그야말로 음악 하나밖에 모르는 바보스러울 정도의 이미지를 지닌 밴드라 표현해도 무방할 것이다.
미국 보스턴에 소재한 명문대학 버클리에서 1985년 9월에 존 페트루치(기타리스트)와 한국계 미국인 존 명(베이스)이 먼저 뜻을 모아, 처음엔 단순히 여가시간을 활용한 록 밴드를 해보자 시작되었던 게 밴드 역사의 시발점이다. 그러다 음악대학의 어느 연습실에서 뜻하지 않게 조우한 마이크 포트노이(드러머)의 드러밍에 반해 그에게 가입을 제안을 하면서 본격적인 밴드의 합주는 시작될 수 있게 된다. 당시에 이 세 사람이 주로 연주했다는 곡들이 주로 ‘아이언 메이든’과 ‘러쉬’의 음악이었다 하니 현재 드림 시어터를 두고 “러쉬가 메탈리카를 만났다”라 표현되는 것은 당연한 결과일 것이다. 현재도 대단히 소박하고 스타 의식이 없는 밴드이기도 하지만, 치장하고 과시할 줄 모르는 순수함은 이들이 처음에 밴드 이름을 어떻게 지었는지 살펴봐도 어느 정도 짐작할 수 있을 것이다. 멤버들이 좋아하던 러쉬의 콘서트 티켓을 사기 위해 줄을 서 있다가 공연장에서 나오는 리허설 소리를 듣게 되었다는데, 그때 운명적이었는지는 모르겠지만, 마이크 포트노이가 당시에 연주되던 <Bastille Day>라는 곡의 끝부분쯤에 등장하는 "Majestic"이라는 단어가 아주 명확하게 들렸다고 했다. 결국 그것을 동기로 이들의 밴드명은 "마제스티(Majesty)"가 되었고 바로 이 팀이 드림 시어터의 전신 격인 밴드가 된다. 1986년 초가 되자 마제스티는 뉴욕을 벗어나서도 다수의 콘서트 활동을 하는 밴드로 성장할 수 있었다. 그리고 [The Majesty Demos]라는 타이틀로 데모곡들을 녹음해 시판까지 했었는데, 이 앨범은 6개월 동안 1000여 장 이상이 판매됐고, 카세트테입으로 재녹음되어 후에 희귀본이 되어 프로그레시브 메탈 마니아들 사이에서는 명성을 날리게 된다. 초기의 안정되지 못한 밴드 상황 속에서 보컬리스트가 찰리 도미니시로 바뀌게 되었고 바로 그 시기쯤에 또 다른 'Majesty'라는 밴드가 라스베이거스를 중심으로 활동하고 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 이들이 차츰 알려지게 되자 라스베이거스의 마제스티 측에서 밴드 이름 사용에 대한 권리를 주장하며 법적 절차에 들어가겠다는 통보를 보냈기 때문이다. 상황이 그랬기 때문에 더 이상 마제스티로 활동을 할 수는 없어 새 밴드명이 필요했는데, 바로 그때 마제스티라는 이름의 영감을 받았던 드러머 마이크 포트노이의 아버지가 이번엔 공헌을 하시게 된다. 포트노이의 아버지가 계시던 캘리포니아 주의, 음악 팬들에게는 더욱 유명한 지역인 Monterey에 있는 "Dream Theater"라는 극장 이름을 따서 쓰는 것은 어떻겠냐는 말씀을 멤버들이 받아들여 현재의 밴드 이름이 되었다.
프로그레시브 메탈의 아이콘이 되다 어느 극장의 이름에서 따온 '드림 시어터(Dream Theater)'로 밴드 이름을 확정한 이후에는 불행히도 보컬리스트 자리 때문에 난항을 겪어야 했다. 여러 후보가 오디션을 봤었고, 심지어 '스티브 스톤'이라는 이름이 보컬리스트로 발표되기도 했었지만 그는 단지 세 곡만 부르고 밴드에서 해고되는 해프닝도 있었다. 보컬 오디션에 지친 멤버들은 거의 반년 동안을 임시 밴드 명을 달아 연주만 선보이는 음악 활동을 이어가기도 했었다고도 한다. 보컬 없이 공연을 하며 앨범에 수록될 곡 작업에만 매달리던 상황은 꽤 길게 지속되는데, 그런 와중에서 다음 앨범에 수록될 곡들은 거의 완성되어 있었을 정도였다. 그러다가 마침내 캐나다 연고의 메탈 밴드 Winter Rose의 멤버인 케빈 제임스 라브리에(Kevin James Labrie)가 뉴욕까지 와서 오디션에 참가하게 된다. 그리하여 3곡으로 자신의 기량을 충분히 각인시켰고 멤버들을 놀라게 하며 그 자리에서 드림 시어터의 새 보컬리스트가 되었다. 그리고 팀의 사운드를 이끌어가는 역할을 하던 키보디스트 케빈 무어와 이름이 겹치는 문제 때문에 양보하여 'Kevin'을 과감하게 버리고 여러분들이 잘 아시는 바로 그 이름 '제임스 라브리에'가 된 것이다. 이미 거의 완성된 수록곡들의 내용을 바탕으로 마무리 멜로디들이 더해지며 1992년에 그 유명한 앨범이자 드림 시어터의 상징처럼 떠오르는 걸작 [Images And Words]가 발매된다. 레코드사는 아직 이들에 대한 신뢰감이 부족했는지, 아님 스파이로 자이라의 핵심 멤버인 제이 베켄스타인의 멋진 색소폰 연주가 가미된 슬로우 록 <Another Day>의 매력을 더욱 높이 사서 그랬는지는 모르겠지만 첫 싱글은 이 곡이 커트된다. 하지만 싱글과 뮤직비디오의 반응은 저조한 편이었는데, 하지만 별 홍보도 없이 여러 라디오 방송국에서 나오기 시작한 대곡 <Pull Me Under>가 성공적인 반응을 보이며 대성공을 거두게 된다. 첫 싱글이었던 <Another Day>는 이런 이후에야 다시 팬들은 물론이고 일반적인 팝 팬들에게까지 드림 시어터의 이름을 알리는 대중적인 취향의 곡으로 인정되었다. 이후부터는 여러분들이 아시는 그대로 세계적인 입소문을 만들며 프로그레시브 메탈을 상징하는 최고의 테크니션 집단으로 부상하게 되었고, 더욱 더 과감한 구성과 음악들을 담은 앨범들이 연이어 성공가도를 달리게 된다. '프로그레시브 메탈' 장르의 전성기와 번영기를 벗어났다고 판단되던 2000년대 이후에도 드림 시어터는 2002년과 2003년 사이에는 1년 만에, 그리고 그 이후부터는 2년 간격으로 꾸준히 앨범을 발매하는 성실함과 식지 않는 창작열을 보여주었다. 그런 과정에서도 그다지 큰 영향을 끼치지 않은 멤버 변동 및 레이블 이적 정도 외에는 뚜렷한 변화나 사건(?!) 정도의 파장은 없었다고 생각된다. 역시 로드러너 레이블을 통해 발매된 전작인 통산 10집 앨범 [Black Clouds & Silver Linings]는 2009년 6월 23일에 발매되었는데, 7월 1일자로 빌보드 앨범 차트 6위까지 올랐고 유로차트 핫 100에서는 정상까지 기록하며 밴드 역사상 가장 좋은 차트 기록을 달성하기까지 했다. 현재까지 드림 시어터의 앨범과 DVD들은 세계적으로 1천만 장이 넘는 판매량을 기록하고 있으며, 아직도 이들은 프로그레시브 메탈 장르의 지존이자 상업적으로도 유지가 되고 있음을 과시하고 있는 중이다. 흥미 있는 사례 하나를 소개하자면, 미국 유타주의 주지사 Jon Huntsman, Jr.에 의해 지난 2007년 7월 30일은 '드림 시어터의 날'로 지정되기도 했는데, 이제 드림 시어터는 특정 장르의 영역을 논하지 않더라도 대중음악사 그리고 록 영역에서는 확고한 "아이콘"으로 인정할 만하다.
마이크 포트노이의 탈퇴... 그리고 극적이었던 오디션 과정 다소 독단적인 사운드 메이킹을 이끌어 간다고 평가받기도 했던 케빈 무어의 탈퇴 때에도 밴드는 변화를 겪어야 했지만, 결과적으로는 그리 큰 영향이나 우려할 사항은 벌어지지 않았었다. 이후 드림 시어터의 사운드는 기타리스트인 존 페트루치와 드러머 마이크 포트노이에 의해 지탱되고 유지되며, 두 개의 큰 축이 중심이 되어 균형을 만드는 구조로 사운드가 만들어졌었다. 그리고 훌륭히 잘 이어져 왔던 것이 사실이기도 하고... 작년 6월에 제임스 라브리에는, 2011년 1월까지 공식적인 휴식기를 가진 후 다음 앨범(공식 11집)의 작업을 시작하겠다고 인터뷰를 통해 밝힌 바 있었다. 하지만 아무 사건 없이 공식적인 휴식기간이 이어지지는 않게 된다. 2010년 9월 8일에 핵심적인 멤버로 그 누구라도 부인할 수 없는 마이크 포트노이가 밴드를 나가겠다는 의사를 공적으로 발표하게 된다. 마이크 포트노이는 이렇게 짧은 휴식기간 보다는 보다 긴 휴지기를 가지며 재충전을 할 것을 제의했었지만 워낙 워커홀릭 성향에 가까운 열정적인 나머지 멤버들은 그 제의에 동의하지 않게 된 것이다. 결국 포트노이 없이라도 앨범 작업을 진행하겠다는 강경한 쪽으로 방향이 설정되며 마이크 포트노이는 결국 밴드에서 탈퇴하기로 결정하게 된 것이라고 한다. 드림 시어터의 실질적인 사운드 축이자, 밴드 명을 제안한 분도 마이크 포트노이의 아버지였던 만큼 사실 여러 가지 면에서 드림 시어터의 핵심 인물인 마이크 포트노이의 탈퇴라는 사실은 많은 팬들도 동요할 만한 사건임에는 분명했다. 이에 밴드는 즉각적인 대비를 하며 오디션을 통해 새로운 드러머를 영입하기로 결정한다. 사실 웬만한 드러머가 아니라면 스스로 주눅이 들고 비난까지 쏟아질 자리이기도 한데 뉴욕에서 3일간에 걸쳐 진행된 오디션을 통해서는 모두 7명의 후보가 최종 경합을 하게 됐는데, 드림 시어터의 멤버들은 시대의 흐름에 적극적으로 동참하고 홍보의 장이자 팬들의 의견을 들어보는 방법으로 ‘페이스북’을 이용했다. 드림 시어터의 페이스북을 통해 각 드러머 후보들의 짧게 편집된 영상을 올려 서바이벌 오디션을 진행하듯 팬들의 선호를 직접 나타내고 참여할 수 있게 한 것이다. 아울러 '유튜브'를 통해서도 오디션 다큐멘터리 영상을 선보여, 이 영상은 일주일 동안 무려 150만 건이라는 엄청난 조회수를 기록했다고 한다. 실로 드림 시어터에 대한 관심과 인기도까지 알아볼 수 있는 결과이기도 했는데, 이 조회 횟수는 당시 세계적인 이슈이자 토픽이었던 영국 왕실 윌리엄 왕자의 결혼식 내용의 영상 다음으로 많은 조회 기록이었다고 하니 새삼 자세한 설명은 필요 없을 듯하다. 그런 엄청난 관심과 기대 속에서 록 팬들에게는 비교적 낯이 익은 편인 중견 드러머 마이크 맨지니(Mike Mangini)가 드림 시어터에 합류하게 결정됐다. 스래쉬 메탈 계열에서는 대표적인 밴드인 어나이얼레이터(Annihilator)의 93년 앨범 [Set the World on Fire]를 비롯하여 익스트림의 95년작 [Waiting for the Punchline], 그리고 스티브 바이의 앨범 [Fire Garden], [The Ultra Zone] 참여를 비롯해, 이미 제임스 라브리에와는 그의 솔로 작업물("MullMuzzler 2")에서 호흡을 맞춘 바 있는데다가 Tribe of Judah에서도 드러밍을 과시한 다채로운 드러밍과 스틱웍을 지닌 드러머가 마이크 맨지니인 것이다. 이 오디션을 통과하며 드림 시어터의 새로운 드러머가 된 마이크 맨지니는 그에 대한 보답이며 열중하겠다는 뜻이었는지, 버클리 음대 교수직을 사임했다고도 알려져 있다. 직접적인 소감으로는 “저는 밴드의 오랜 역사 그리고 그만큼 오래된 밴드와 팬들과의 관계를 잘 알고 있습니다. 드림 씨어터의 드러머가 되어, 무대에서 멤버들과 함께 연주하며 전임자인 마이크 포트노이가 지금껏 팬들에게 주었던 감동을 저도 줄 수 있을까 하는 상상을 합니다. 포트노이와 수많은 팬들을 위해서라도 드림 시어터의 음악 정신을 잇기 위해 많은 노력을 할 것입니다.”라고 밝혔었다. 존 명(John Myung)은 “마이크는 여러 면에서 우리에게 영감을 주는 멤버입니다. 음악과 인생에 대한 그의 태도는 대단히 긍정적이고, 우리와 함께 연주할 때 무아지경으로 빠져드는 그는 정말 근사해요. 앞으로 드림 시어터의 앞날에 무한한 가능성을 열어놓았다고 생각합니다”라고 의견을 전했고, 키보디스트 조단 루데스(Jordan Rudess)는 “마이크의 연주는 첫 박자부터 마지막 박자까지 완벽 그 자체였을 뿐만 아니라 거장에게서 느껴지는 거부할 수 없는 감동과 음악성을 함께 들려주었습니다”라고 밝혀 멤버들로부터도 이미 일정 이상의 신뢰를 확보한 것으로 판단된다. .... ....
There, there it is I swear he's gonna murder that poor kid Wait, I hear it again Don't turn on the lights until we Hear the way it ends
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate Poor Vanessa Poor, poor Vanessa
Hey, I hope you know I'm taking all of this with me when I go Shame, you're not to blame I'm the monster you created In your daddy's name
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate Poor Vanessa Poor Vanessa
Terror by night Liar by day Telling her secrets Won't take them away
Under Peruvian skies Vanessa regretfully waits The story unfolds in her eyes Where midnight hysteria's No big surprise Battered and bruised Always confusing The love that she's losing for hate
He's just the kind of man You hear about Who leaves his family for An easy out They never saw the signs He never said a word He couldn't take another day Carry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand Walk me across the water And maybe you'll understand Once the stone You're crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that's raining Over your head disappears The noise that you'll hear Is the crashing down of Hollow Years She's not the kind of girl You hear about She'll never want another She'll never be without She'll give you all the signs She'll tell you everything Then turn around and walk away Once the stone You're crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that's raining Over your head disappears The noise that you'll hear Is the crashing down of Hollow Years Carry me to the shoreline Bury me in the sand Walk me across the water And maybe you'll understand Once the stone You're crawling under Is lifted off your shoulders Once the cloud that's raining Over your head disappears The noise that you'll hear Is the crashing down of Hollow Years
To Rise, To Fall. To Hurt, To Hate. To Want, To Wait. To Heal, To Save. Can't hear it. we fear it awareness won't come near it
Distractive Reactive Disguised in spite of time
I never bared my emotions My passion always strong I never lost my devotion but somewhere fate went wrong
Can't let them rape me again Your venom's not family here won't let them fill me with fatalistic remedies
What if the rest of the world was hopelessly blinded by fear? Where would my sanctity live? Suddenly nobody cares.
It's never enough you're wasting your time isn't there something I could say? You don't understand You're closing me out How can we live our lives this way?
You tell me I'm wrong I'm risking my life Still, I have nothing in return I show you my hands You don't see the scars Maybe you'll leave me here to burn.
What if the rest of the world was hopelessly drowning in vain? Where would our self pity run? Suddenly everyone cares,
Blood...Heal me Fear...Change me Belief will always save me Blood...Swearing Fear...Staring Conviction made aware
Give up on misery Turn your back on dissent Leave their distrust behind Wash your hands of regret
Do you feel you don't know me anymore? And do you feel I'm afraid of your love? And how come you don't want me asking? And how come my heart's not invited? You say you want everyone happy Well, we're not laughing. And how come you don't understand me? And how come I don't understand you? Thirty years say we're in this together So open your eyes. People in prayer for me everyone there for me Sometimes I feel I should face this alone My soul exposed It calms me to know that I won't
Blood...Heal me Fear...Change me Belief will always save me Blood...Swearing Fear...Staring Conviction made aware
Give up on misery Turn your back on dissent Leave their distrust behind Wash your hands of regret
Blood...Heal me Fear...Change me Belief will always save me Blood...Swearing Fear...Staring Conviction made aware
Learning from misery Staring back at dissent Leaving distrust behind I'm inspired and content
Music: Dream Theater Six o'clock the siren kicks him from a dream Tries to shake it off but it just won't stop Can't find the strength but he's got promises to keep And wood to chop before he sleeps I may never get over but never's better than now I've got bases to cover
He's in the parking lot just sitting in his car It's nine o'clock but he can't get out He lights a cigarette and turns the music down but just can't seem to shake that sound
Once I thought I'd get over but it's too late for me now I've got bases to cover
Melody walks through the door and memory flies out the window and nobody knows what they want 'til they finally let it all go
The pain inside coming outside
So many ways to drown a man So many ways to drag him down Some are fast and some take years and years Can't hear what he's saying when he's talking in his sleep Finally found the sound but he's in too deep I could never get over Is it too late for me now? Feel like blowing my cover
Melody walks through the door and memory flies out the window and nobody knows what they want 'til they finally let it all go
But don't cut your losses too soon 'cause you'll only be cutting your throat And answer a call while you still hear at all 'cause nobody will if you won't
Temptation- why won't you leave me alone? Lurking Every Corner, everywhere I go -Self Control- Don't turn your back on me now When I need you most Constant pressure tests my will My will or my wont My Self Control escapes from me still ....
Hypocrite- How could you be so cruel and expect my faith in return? -Resistance- Is not as hard as it seems When you close the door
I spent so long trusting in you I trust you forgot Just when I thought I believed in you...
It's time for me to deal Becoming all too real living in fear,- Why did you lie and pretend? This has come to an end I'll never trust you again It's time you made your amends Look in the mirror my friend
Let's stare the problem right in the eye It's plagued me from coast to coast Racing the clock to please everyone All but the one who matters the most
Reflections of reality are slowly coming into view How in the hell could you possibly forgive me? After the hell I put you through
It's time for me to deal Becoming all too real living in fear Why'd I betray my friend? Lying until the end Living life so pretend It's time to make my amends I'll never hurt you again
Music: Dream Theater Silence disguised I watch you Show me the hurt that haunts you would you despise the thrill If all you hide were mine? I can't hold on any longer These feelings keep growing stronger Echoes that deafen the mind will bury my voice in their wake
Caught in a Web Removed from the world Hanging on by a thread Spinning the lies devised in my head I've seen the path the one you take shows the truth for you to make This turn of phrase we might not see is the thirst of desire found so easily
Try to push me 'round the world some more And make me live in fear I bare all that I am made of now Attractive I don't care 'Cause even when I danced with life no one was there to share
Does this voice the wounds of your soul?
Caught in a Web Removed from the world Hanging on by a thread Spinning the lies devised in my head
Tried to live the life you live and saw It doesn't work for me I bare all that I am made of now Attractive, I can't be Inside the Dance of Life is one I'll never hold to me
You can't heal the wounds of my soul.
Caught in a Web Removed from the world Hanging on by a thread Spinning the lies devised in my head
Caught in a Web Refused by the world Hanging on by a thread Spinning a cage Denied and misread
'Love, just don't stare' He used to say to me every Sunday morning The spider in the window The angel in the pool The old man takes the poison Now the widow makes the rules
'So speak, I'm right here' She used to say to me not a word, not a word Judas on the ceiling the Devil in my bed I guess Easter's never coming So I'll just wait inside my head
Like a scream but sort of silent living off my nightmares
Voices repeating me 'Feeling threatened? We reflect your hopes and fears.' Voices discussing me 'Others steal your thoughts they're not confined within your mind.'
Thought disorder Dream control Now they read my mind on the radio But where was the Garden of Eden?
I feel elated I feel depressed Sex is death, Death is sex Says it right here on my Crucifix
Like a scream but sort of silent living off my nightmares
Voices protecting me 'Good behavior brings the Savior to his knees.' Voices rejecting me 'Others steal your thoughts they're not confined to your own mind.'
'I don't wanna be here, 'cause of my [Dialogue by rap artist Prix-mo ] suffering, 'cause of my illness. [reading from the book 'Cultural ] Only love is worth having, only [Revolution'. ] love is what matters, loving every people on equal terms. ' 'You've got to know who you're dealin' with because, like a stranger, a-heh, just might come in through here with a gun... and then, what would you do? (Heh.)' 'Everything is immaterial...' ''n' you know that reality is immaterial.' 'This is not reality...'
I'm kneeling on the floor staring at the wall like the spider in the window I wish that I could speak Is there fantasy in refuge? God in politicians? Should I turn on my religion? These demons in my head tell me to
I'm lying here in bed Swear my skin is inside out Just another Sunday morning
Seen my diary on the newsstand Seems we've lost the truth to quicksand It's a shame no one is praying 'Cause these voices in my head keep saying...
'Love, just don't stare.' 'Reveal the Word when you're supposed to' Withdrawn and introverted Infectiously perverted 'Being laughed at and confused keeps us pleasantly amused enough to stay.'
Maybe I'm just Cassandra fleeting Twentieth century Icon bleeding Willing to risk Salvation to escape from isolation
I'm witness to redemption heard you speak but never listened Can you rid me of my secrets? Deliver us from Darkness?
Voices repeating me 'Feeling threatened? We reflect your hopes and fears.' Voices discussing me Don't expect your own Messiah This neverworld which you desire is only in your mind.
A question well served, 'Is silence like a fever?' 'A voice never heard?' 'Or a message with no receiver?'
Pray they won't ask Behind the stained glass There's always one more mask
Has man been a victim of his woman, of his father? if he elects not to bother, will he suffocate their faith?
Desperate to fall Behind the Great Wall That separates us all
When there is reason Tonight I'm Awake when there's no answer Arrive the Silent Man
If there is balance tonight He's Awake If they have to suffer There lies the Silent Man
Sin without deceivers A God with no believers I could sail by on the Winds of Silence And maybe they won't notice But this time I think It'd be better if I swim
When there is reason Tonight I'm Awake When there's no answer Arrive the Silent Man If there's balance Tonight he's Awake If they have to suffer There lies the Silent Man
Music: Dream Theater Animation breathes a cloudless mind Fascination leaves the doubting blind Until the circle breaks and wisdom lies ahead the faithful live Awake the rest remain misled Some will transcend spinning years One as if time disappears
Innocence faded the mirror falls behind you Trinity jaded I break down walls to find you
Callow and vain fixed like a fossil, shrouding pain Passionless stage Distant like brothers Wearing apathetic displays Sharing flesh like envy in cages Condescending Not intending to end
Some will transcend spinning years One as if time disappears
Innocence faded the mirror falls behind you Trinity jaded I break down walls to find you
Beginnings get complicated the farther we progress Opinions are calculated Immune to openness
Beyond the circle's edge We're driven by her blessings Forever hesitating Caught beneath the wheel
Innocence faded the mirror falls behind you Cynically jaded The child will crawl to find you.
A single star behind me A red sky burns ahead A lonely light below me Awake among the dead An overwhelming feeling Leaves me numb and strange A sense of new beginning I sense a wind of change
Out with the old useless People so cold ruthless Welcome in a new millennium How many times must I Live out this nightmare I Can't wait until a new millennium
I've got this feeling The tide is turning now baby Funny feeling Everything's gonna be alright now
Living out a constant deja vu Keep your head up Please be patient we will get to you Keep your head up Just have some faith and you can see it through Keep your head up But faith don't pay the rent that's overdue Keep your head up All that's glittering is turning blue Keep your head up What they want from me ain't gotta clue Keep your head up Swallow pride before it swallows you Keep your head up Don't dare bite the hand that's starving you Keep your head up
How can you keep your head And not go insane When the only light at the end Of the tunnel is another train
Lies ten feet tall Have broken my fall Welcome you all new millennium It's well overdue And I can't wait to Welcome in a new millennium
I've got this feeling The tide is turning now baby Funny feeling Everything's gonna be alright now
Being round you is driving me crazy Watching you run is making me lazy You're trying to buy a place in my head Telling me lines I've already read Speaking my name to try to confuse me Say it again you're starting to lose me
That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day It's all the same But I'm not blind
It's all about you not me It's all about the things That you're expecting me to be There's not enough time to live And all that you're expecting me to give
It's all about you not me It's all about you not me
You're building my prison brick by brick Eating your words is making me sick You get what you want Cause nothing is sacred You're reading my mind And leaving me naked You say I gotta give before I receive it One of these days I'll believe it.
It's all about you not me It's all about the things That you're expecting me to be There's not enough time to live And all that you're expecting me to give
It's all about you not me It's all about you not me
That's alright I'm okay It happens every single day It's all the same But I'm not blind
It's all about you not me It's all about the things That you're expecting me to be There's not enough time to live And all that you're expecting me to give
It's all about you not me It's all about you not me It's all about you not me
A thorn in my side, a chip on my shoulder A lump in my throat, the size of a boulder The chill up my spine, can't get any colder And you wonder why I can't smile
A knot in my gut, an ape on my back In the heat of the moment I'm knocked off the track You drop the ball, I pick up the slack And you ask me why my hair's gray
Twisting, turning Losing all sense of yearning Living and learning The pressure keeps on burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul
I say it's green and then you tell me it's red Keep your thoughts and ideas Locked inside of your head We've got someone Who can think for you instead And he sounds just like the last one
Twisting, turning Losing all sense of yearning Living and learning The pressure keeps on burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul
Responsible thinkers Throw caution to the wind But I find myself Speaking from within I can't live my life Walking on eggshells To stay on your good side
Using your words Controlling my life Can't you see it's my words That gives you your life So I hurt your feelings Well I'm really sorry But I don't give a shit, no...
Twisting, turning Losing all sense of yearning Living and learning
The pressure keeps on burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul Burning my soul, yeah
Sometimes, for a moment of bliss And the passion, we're craving There's a message we miss Sometimes when, the spirits left alone We must believe in something To find if we've grown
Swept away with the tide (Swept away with the tide) Through the holes in my hands (Through the holes in my hands) Crown of thorns at my side (Crown of thorns at my side, yeah, yeah, yeah) Drawing lines in the sand
Sometimes, if you're perfectly still You can hear the virgin weeping For the savior of your will Sometimes, your castles in the air And the fantasies you're seeking Are the crosses you bear
Swept away with the tide (Swept away with the tide) Through the holes in my hands (Through the holes in my hands, yeah) Crown of thorns at my side (Crown of thorns at my side) Drawing lines in the sand
We fabricate our demons Invite them into our homes Have supper with the aliens And fight the war alone We conjure up our skeletons Enlist the den of thieves Frightened from our closets Then sewn upon our sleeves
In the stream of consciousness There is a river crying Living comes much easier Once we admit We're dying
Sometimes, in the wreckage of our wake There's a bitterness we harbor And hate for hatred's sake Sometimes we dig an early grave And crucify our instincts For the hope we couldn't save
Sometimes a view from sinless eyes Centers our perspective And pacifies our cries Sometimes the anguish we survive And the mysteries we nurture Are the fabrics of our lives
Swept away with the tide (Swept away with the tide, yeah) Through the holes in my hands (Through the holes, holes in my hands) Crown of thorns at my side (Crown of thorns in my side) Drawing lines in the sand
I was sitting on the edge of his bed Staring at the headlines on the paper He said, 'Look at poor Gene Kelly I guess he won't be singing in the rain.' You can take away my heroes Can you take away my pain
Take away my pain Leave the cold outside Please don't let it rain Don't stumble on my pride Take away my pain I'm not frightened anymore Just stay with me tonight I'm tired of this fight Soon I'll be knocking at your door
She was standing by the edge of his bed Staring at the message on their faces He said, 'What else can you do, babe? I guess I won't be coming home again.' They just took away all my promises Make them take away my pain
Take away my pain Leave the cold outside Please don't let it rain Don't stumble on my pride Take away my pain I'm not frightened anymore Just stay with me tonight I'm tired of this fight Soon I'll be knocking at your door
His final scene The actor bows And all those years Are gone somehow The crowd applauds The curtain falls
I was standing by the edge of the water I noticed my reflection in the waves Then I saw you looking back at me And I knew that for a moment You were calling out my name You took away my hero Will you take away my pain
Take away my pain Let the cold inside It's time to let it rain There's nothing left to hide Take away my pain I'm not frightened anymore I'm learning to survive Without you in my life Til you come knocking at my door...
Open your eyes And turn off your mind Step right up folks "Step right up folks" and you will find A growing trend An epidemic Spread with zen And hypodermics, yeah Yeah
Just close your mind You can find all you need with your eyes
The big machines take care of you Until you kill yourself And then the sales go through the roof Calculated, formulated Feed my head with simple thoughts And let me breathe instead of being taught All bottled up and tearing at the seams I'm bored Just let me breathe
A daily dose of eMpTyV Will flush your mind right down the drain Shannon Hoon and Kurt Cobain, Make yourself a household name, yeah-yeah Yeah
Just close your mind You can find all you need with your eyes
The big machines take care of you Until you kill yourself And then the sales go through the roof Calculated, formulated Feed my head with simple thoughts And let me breathe instead of being taught All bottled up and tearing at the seams I'm bored Just let me breathe
Strike up your best angst ridden posture, whoa Manufactured anger Let's not forget my legacy All my heroes have failed me Now they're dead and buried, yeah
Just close your mind You can find all you need with your eyes
The big machines will take care of you Until the fashion fades And the checks go through My bankroll's red And my face is blue And still they'll turn their backs on me for someone new
Feed my head With some real thoughts And let me think instead Of being taught I'll say things You won't believe Just stand back Just let me breathe...
Helpless child They invite your hands to fill their needs Will you be the same Shameless smile To steal from you the innocence that bleeds Will they feel your pain
Trying to believe The scars unseen The tears wash clean You don't wanna breathe the air you breathe You don't know how you'll live a life alone
She keeps holding on Holding on to you Let her breathe the air Don't wanna be alone Where do you belong Anna Lee
Behind those eyes A vivid scene A lucid dream within Questioned secrets are revealed And every time You can't deny The lines that trace your skin Wounds that never heal
Trying to believe The scars unseen The tears wash clean You don't wanna breathe the air you breathe You don't know how you'll live a life alone
She keeps holding on Holding on to you Let her breathe the air Don't wanna be alone Where do you belong Anna Lee
And now she's calling out a name Can't keep on hiding all her pain You feel the rain move in As you begin To turn and answer the call
Trying to believe The scars unseen The tears wash clean You don't wanna breathe the air you breathe You don't know how you'll live a life alone
She keeps holding on Holding on to you Let her breathe the air Don't wanna be alone Where do you belong Anna Lee
It's Raining Under the sun, there is nothing to hide Under the moon, a stranger waits inside People disappear The music fades away Splashing through the rain I'll dream with them one day
It's raining, raining, On the streets of New York City It's raining, raining, raining, deep in heaven
I may have wasted all those years They're not worth their time in tears I may have spent too long in darkness In the warmth of my fears
Take a look at yourself Not at anyone else And tell me what you see I know the air is cold I know the streets are cruel But I'll enjoy the ride today
It's raining, raining, On the streets of New York City It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven Raining deep in heaven
I may have wasted all those years They're not worth their time in tears I may have spent too long in darkness In the warmth of my fears
As I walk through all my myths Rising and sinking like the waves With my thoughts wrapped around me Through a trial of tears
Hidden by disguise, stumbling in a world Feeling uninspired, he gets into his car Not within his eyes to see, open up, open up Not much better than the man you hate
Deep In Heaven (instrumental)
The Wasteland Still awake I continue to move along Cultivating my own nonsense Welcome to the wasteland Where you'll find ashes, nothing but ashes Still awake Bringing change, bringing movement, bringing life A silent prayer thrown away, Disappearing in the air Rising, sinking, raining deep inside me Nowhere to turn, I look for a way back home
It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven It's raining, raining, raining deep in heaven