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from Keith & Kristyn Getty - Sing! The Life Of Christ Quintology (2020) | |||||
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from Keith & Kristyn Getty - Passion - Sing! The Life Of Christ Quintology (Live) (2020) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega, Keith & Kristyn Getty - My Worth Is Not In What I Own (At The Cross) (Live) (2020) | |||||
6:04 | ||||
from Techno For DJ'S Only! 2 (2009) | |||||
5:44 | ||||
from Techno For DJ'S Only! 2 (2009) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008)
Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight. Let no evil come into my dreams; Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace. Remind me how You made dark spirits flee, And spoke Your power to the raging sea. And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man; Remind me, Jesus, this is what I am. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord. Tomorrow, let me love You even more. And rise to speak the goodness of Your name Until I close my eyes and sleep again. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light, Hold my hand and keep me through this night. |
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Christmas Songs (2008) | |||||
3:15 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008) | |||||
4:30 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 복의 근원 강림하사 찬송하게 하소서
한량없이 자비하심 측량할 길 없도다 천사들의 찬송가로 나를 가르치소서 구속하신 그 사랑을 항상 찬송합니다 2. 주의 크신 도움 받아 이때까지 왔으니 이와 같이 천국에도 이르기를 바라네 하나님의 품을 떠나 죄에 빠진 우리를 예수 구원하시려고 보혈 흘려 주셨네 3. 주의 귀한 은혜 받고 일생 빚진자 되네 주의 은혜 사슬되사 나를 주께 매소서 우리 맘은 연약하여 범죄하기 쉬우니 하나님이 받으시고 천국인을 치소서 아멘 |
3:45 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
우리가 주의 은혜에 어찌 보답하리오 Con Que Pagaremos amor tan inmeso, 그 무엇으로 주의 크신 사랑에 보답할 수 있을까요 Que diste Tu vida por el pecador? 나같은 죄인을 위해 생명까지 버리신 주님께 En cambio recibes la ofrenda humilde, 다만 나의 부족한 마음을 드립니다 La ofrenda humilde, Senor Jesucristo, De mi corazon. 주님을 향한 나의 마음을 주님.. 받아주세요 Y cuando la noche extiende su mano 밤의 장막이 덮일 때에 Mis ojos en llanto en ti fijare 눈물이 흐르는 고통 중에서도 오직 주님만을 바라보겠습니다 Alzando mis ojos vere las estrellas 눈을 들어 밤하늘을 가득 채운 별들을 바라볼 때에 Yo se que tras ellas, Cual Padre amoroso Tu velas por mi 나를 눈동자처럼 지키시는 주님의 사랑을 기억하겠습니다 No puede pagarte con oro ni plata, 그 어떤 금과 은으로도 주의 은혜에 보답할 수 없습니다 El gran sacrificio que hicisto por mi 당신께서 나를 위해 치르신 그 위대한 희생.. No tengo que duarte por tanto amarme 나를 그토록 사랑하시는 당신께 나는 드릴 것이 아무것도 없습니다 Recibe este canto, mezclado con llanto, Y mi corazon 내 온 마음을 담아 드리는 이 노래를, 주님.. 받아주세요 |
8:05 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 주 음성 외에는 더 기쁨 없도다 날 사랑하신 주 늘 계시옵소서
기쁘고 기쁘도다 항상 기쁘도다 나 주께 왔사오니 복 주옵소서 2. 나 주께 왔으니 복 주시옵소서 주 함께 계시면 큰 시험 이기네 기쁘고 기쁘도다 항상 기쁘도다 나 주께 왔사오니 복 주옵소서 3. 주 떠나 가시면 내 생명 헛되네 즐겁고 슬플 때 늘 계시옵소서 기쁘고 기쁘도다 항상 기쁘도다 나 주께 왔사오니 복 주옵소서 4. 그 귀한 언약을 이루어 주시고 주 명령 따를 때 늘 계시옵소서 기쁘고 기쁘도다 항상 기쁘도다 나 주께 왔사오니 복 주옵소서 아멘 |
3:46 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 예수 나를 위하여 십자가를 질때
세상 죄를 지시고 고초 당하셨네 예수여 예수여 나의 죄 위하여 보배 피를 흘리니 죄인 받으소서 2. 십자가를 지심은 무슨 죄가 있나 저 무지한 사람들 메시야 죽였네 예수여 예수여 나의 죄 위하여 보배 피를 흘리니 죄인 받으소서 3. 피와 같이 붉은 죄 없는 이가 없네 십자가의 공로로 눈과 같이 되네 예수여 예수여 나의 죄 위하여 보배 피를 흘리니 죄인 받으소서 4. 아름답다 예수여 나의 좋은 친구 예수 공로 아니면 영원 형벌 받네 예수여 예수여 나의 죄 위하여 보배 피를 흘리니 죄인 받으소서 |
2:08 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 내 주를 가까이 하게 함은
십자가 짐같은 고생이나 내 일생 소원은 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 2. 내 고생하는 것 옛 야곱이 돌베개 베고 잠 같습니다 꿈에도 소원이 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 3. 천성에 가는 길 험하여도 생명길 되나니 은혜로다 천사 날 부르니 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 4. 야곱이 잠깨어 일어난 후 돌단을 쌓은 것 본 받아서 숨질 때 되도록 늘 찬송하면서 주께 더 나가기 원합니다 아멘 |
4:01 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 나의 죄를 씻기는 예수의 피밖에 없네 다시 성케 하기도 예수의 피밖에 없네
2. 나를 정케 하기는 예수의 피밖에 없네 사죄하는 증거도 예수의 피밖에 없네 3. 나의 죄 속하기는 예수의 피밖에 없네 나는 공로 없도다 예수의 피밖에 없네 4. 평안함과 소망은 예수의 피밖에 없네 나의 의는 이것뿐 예수의 피밖에 없네 5. 영원토록 내할말 예수의 피밖에 없네 나의 찬미 제목은 예수의 피밖에 없네 [후렴] 예수의 흘린피 날 희게 하오니 귀하고 귀하다 예수의 피밖에 없네 |
4:29 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 오 거룩하신 주님 그 상하신 머리
조롱과 욕에 싸여 가시관 쓰셨네 아침해 처럼 밝던 주님의 얼굴이 고통과 치욕으로 창백해지셨네 2. 주 당하신 그 고난 죄인 위함이라 내 지은 죄로 인해 주 형벌 받았네 내 주여 비옵나니 이 약한 죄인을 은혜와 사랑으로 늘 지켜 주소서 3. 나 무슨 말로 주께 다 감사 드리랴 끝 없는 주의 사랑 한 없이 고마와 보잘것 없는 나를 주의 것 삼으사 주님만 사랑하며 나 살게 하소서 아멘 |
3:41 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008)
1. 예수가 우리를 부르는 소리 그 음성 부드러워
문앞에 나와서 사면을 보며 우리를 기다리네 오라 오라 방황치 말고 오라 죄있는 자들아 이리로 오라 주 예수 앞에 오라 2. 간절히 오라고 부르실 때에 우리는 지체하랴 주님의 은혜를 왜 아니받고 못들은체 하려나 오라 오라 방황치 말고 오라 죄있는 자들아 이리로 오라 주 예수 앞에 오라 3. 세월이 살같이 빠르게 지나 쾌락이 끝이 나고 사망의 그늘이 너와 내 앞에 둘리며 가리우네 오라 오라 방황치 말고 오라 죄있는 자들아 이리로 오라 주 예수 앞에 오라 4. 우리를 위하여 예비해 두신 영원한 집이 있어 죄많은 세상을 떠나게 될 때 영접해 주시겠네 오라 오라 방황치 말고 오라 죄있는 자들아 이리로 오라 주 예수 앞에 오라 |
5:04 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Fernando Ortega - 찬미의 제사 (2008) | |||||
6:22 | ||||
from Schranzworks Vol.2 (2006) | |||||
5:44 | ||||
from Schranzworks Vol.2 (2006) | |||||
6:06 | ||||
from The Techno Experience Vol.3 (2006) | |||||
6:53 | ||||
from The Techno Experience Vol.3 (2006) | |||||
3:41 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
4:23 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:56 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:59 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:42 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
2:54 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:17 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:20 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:58 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:45 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:15 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:19 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
3:09 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Para Mi Gente (2006) | |||||
2:26 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:56 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:09 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:09 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
4:20 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:47 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:41 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:01 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
4:32 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
2:51 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
3:27 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Que MaS Puedo Pedir (2006) | |||||
6:26 | ||||
from Schranzworks Vol.1 (2005) | |||||
6:50 | ||||
from 100 Degrees - The Techno Experience Vol.2 (2005) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - "Jesus, King Of Angels [Studio Series Performance Track]" (2005)
Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight. Let no evil come into my dreams; Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace. Remind me how You made dark spirits flee, And spoke Your power to the raging sea. And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man; Remind me, Jesus, this is what I am. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord. Tomorrow, let me love You even more. And rise to speak the goodness of Your name Until I close my eyes and sleep again. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light, Hold my hand and keep me through this night. |
3:58 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - "Jesus, King Of Angels [Studio Series Performance Track]" (2005) | |||||
4:02 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - "Jesus, King Of Angels [Studio Series Performance Track]" (2005) | |||||
4:02 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - "Jesus, King Of Angels [Studio Series Performance Track]" (2005) | |||||
4:02 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - "Jesus, King Of Angels [Studio Series Performance Track]" (2005) | |||||
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from Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus [Studio Series Performance Track] (2005) | |||||
4:09 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus [Studio Series Performance Track] (2005) | |||||
4:14 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus [Studio Series Performance Track] (2005) | |||||
4:14 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Give Me Jesus [Studio Series Performance Track] (2005) | |||||
6:24 | ||||
from 100 Degrees (2005) | |||||
3:53 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004)
Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart
Naught be all else to me save that thou art Thou my best thought by day or by night Waking or sleeping thy presence my light. Be thou my wisdom, thou my true word I ever with thee, thou with me, Lord Thou my great Father, I thy true Son Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one. Be thou my battleshield, sword for the fight Be thou my armour, thou my might Thou my soul's shelter, thou my high tower Raise thou me heavenward, O power of my power. Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise Thou mine inheritance, now and always Thou and thou only, first in my heart High King of heavem, my treasure thou art. High King of heaven, after victory won May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's sun Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, O ruler of all. |
4:08 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004)
He wraps Himself in light
As with a garment, He spreads out the heavens And walks on the wings of the wind. He sends forth the springs from the valleys The flow between moutains. The birds of the air dwell by the waters, Lifting their voices in song- Singing glory, glory! Glory to the Lamb! All praises and honor forever. He made the moon for its season, The sun knows it setting. He looks at the Earth and it trembles, He touches the mountains and they smoke, I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praises to my God - As long as I live, Praises to the Lord, oh my soul. Singing glory, hallelujah! Glory to our God! All praises and honor forever. |
2:51 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
2:41 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
3:59 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004)
Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight. Let no evil come into my dreams; Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace. Remind me how You made dark spirits flee, And spoke Your power to the raging sea. And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man; Remind me, Jesus, this is what I am. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord. Tomorrow, let me love You even more. And rise to speak the goodness of Your name Until I close my eyes and sleep again. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light, Hold my hand and keep me through this night. |
4:33 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004)
Lord of Eternity
Blessed is the man Who walks in Your favor Who loves all Your words And hides them like treasure In the darkest place Of his desperate heart, They are a light A strong, sure light. Sometimes I call out Your name But I cannot find You. I look for Your face, But You are not there. By my sorrows, Lord, Lift me to You, Lift me to Your side. : Lord of Eternity, Father of mercy, Look on my fainting soul. Keeper of all the stars, Friend of the poorest heart Touch me and make me whole. If You are my defender, Who is against me? No one can trouble or harm me If You are my strength . All I ask, all I desire Is to live in Your house all my days. |
3:50 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004)
My dearest, darling Margee, sleeping in my arms,
dreams flutter just behind your eyes. And in the eucalyptus branches all along the hill, birds sing their songs to the night. I love to hold you near me, I love to hear your breath, blending with the swaying of the trees. I love to wake together in our quiet home, that looks down the hill to the sea, white sails on the sea.... You're the first light of the morning, my cool sunrise. You're my love across the table, a little sleep in your eyes. You're my strong cup of coffee, you like to laugh right with me. You're my heart's companion, my one true companion, sweet darling, lover of mine. Dear Margee stay with me, don't wander from my side, I can't imagine life without you here. The longer we're together, the more I realize, our love was meant for the years, we're made for the years.... You're the first light of the morning, my cool sunrise. You're my love across the table, a little sleep in your eyes. You're my strong cup of coffee, you like to laugh right with me. You're my heart's companion, my one true companion, sweet darling, lover of mine. You're the first light of the morning, you like to laugh right with me, sweet darling, lover of mine. |
4:18 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
4:59 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
4:49 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
2:52 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - The Breaking Of The Dawn (2004) | |||||
3:42 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004) | |||||
4:12 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
In the morning, when I rise,
In the morning, when I rise. In the morning, when I rise, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. And when I am alone, And when I am alone. And when I am alone, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. And when I come to die, And when I come to die. And when I come to die, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. |
5:04 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004) | |||||
5:28 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
I look for You in the middle of the night
Savior and guardian of my soul From highest heaven You hear my call And in my trouble You comfort and hold me I long for You when I cannot hear Your voice And my heart is dry as the dust Oh Lord, be near me if I should fall And show me how to believe and to trust You alone There is no one else beside You In the darkest night, in the wilderness There is no one else beside You At Your feet I cry, in Your arms I rest I hope in You and Your promise to return With angels and dark clouds of thunder When death and evil, and sorrow flee away And all creation will bow and proclaim You alone There is no one else beside You You will fill the sky when You come again There is no one else beside You Heaven's only light burning without end There is no one else beside You In the darkest night, in the wilderness There is no one else beside You At Your feet I cry, in Your arms I rest There is no one else beside You You will fill the sky when You come again There is no one else beside You Heaven's only light burning without end No one, no one, no one beside You No one, no one, no one beside You No one, no one, no one beside You No one, no one, no one beside You No one, no one, no one beside You |
5:24 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004) | |||||
4:42 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004) | |||||
2:11 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
1. 인애하신 구세주여 내말 들으사 죄인 오라하실 때에 날 부르소서
2. 자비하신 보좌 앞에 꿇어 엎드려 자복하고 회개하니 믿음 주소서 3. 주의 공로 의지하여 주께 가오니 상한맘을 고치시고 구원하소서 4. 만복 근원 예수시여 위로하소서 우리 주와 같으신 이 어디 있을까 [후렴] 주여 주여 내말 들으사 죄인 오라 하실 때에 날 부르소서 아멘 |
5:14 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
Grant them peace, most precious gift of all
Keep the worried world far away and small When they return, may quiet fill their souls, Dearest Lord, keep them safe within it's walls. May the stone be cool beneath their feet. The canyon breezes circle soft and sweet When darkness falls, the stars and opal moon Find them wrapped in each other, ever warm. Chorus: May it be a refuge for their love, A harbor for their deepest prayer. May they come to flourish in the grove, Grow ever nearer to You there. Many a burdened friend in their company rises, A heavy heart is soon released to fly. May their table be blessed with laughter and with grace And by the comfort of kinship be surprised. Chorus May the cold wind blow far from their front door May the winter rains never bring them harm May their hearthfires burn throughout the night Grant them peace until morning's perfect light. Chorus |
4:20 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
Morning sun and morning glories
Pouring down the hill, Through my window I can feel the ocean breeze. Noisy sparrows fill the oak trees Swallows can't stay still, And in the glad commotion Lord, You speak to me. [Chorus] If the rain clouds come Or the cold winds blow, You're the one who goes before me And in my heart I know. This good day It is a gift from You. The world is turning in its place because You made it to. I lift my voice To sing a song of praise On this good day. I will walk to Woodman's Cove, The fishing boats are leaving, Seagulls follow just above the water. I will wait until the sunset Brings them home again, Rigging lines and anchors in the harbor. |
3:27 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
She's a bird song high up in the hickories
She's a river running on to the silver sea She's a starlight on a summer evening A little rose, my Virginia, she's a rose We went walking by the shady harpeth The morning wind blew her hair across her face She held my hand, I whispered her name She's my rose, sweet Virginia, she's my rose Yesterday I rode the late bus from Tupelo And in the long night I thought of all the miles to go I closed my eyed and dreamed of my good home And my rose, I dreamed of my Virginia rose She's a rose, my Virginia, she's a rose |
3:49 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Home (2004)
The snow on your eyelids that curtsy with age
is freezing the stares and tearing the swings The bitter is hard in the warmth of your skin disease with familiar caresses Withdrawing from splendor and draw your decay among all their triumphs and jaded wars Being angry at blazing circles of sun that screams as the crown arises One cannot beget all the sins that you owe to people of paradise magic Intending answer passion and form with foreign rationalizations Primroses are the Druids that look upon masks of pleasure that flicker with doubt Wind restless is a fate that is simultaneously feared to advance in demand to be recognized The river shall flow through hollow green faces of caricatures resentment etch out of the tunnel Wellington sphinxes are sleepy poor birds the classic are sensitive failures With worshipping we can cling to the doubts of your heart lying there in wait of your angel Moan and ravish from dawn to dusk the are voracious young lovers |
6:08 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Satans Sidekick (2004) | |||||
5:44 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Satans Sidekick (2004) | |||||
6:32 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Satans Sidekick (2004) | |||||
3:11 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
All creatures of our God and King,
Lift up your voice and with us sing, Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou burning sun with golden beam, Thou silver moon with softer gleam! O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Thou rushing wind that art so strong, Ye clouds that sail in heavn along, O praise Him! Alleluia! Thou rising morn, in praise rejoice, Ye lights of evening, find a voice! O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! And all ye men of tender heart, Forgiving others, take your part, O sing ye! Alleluia! Ye who long pain and sorrow bear, Praise God and on Him cast your care! O praise Him, O praise Him! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! |
3:53 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
Be Thou My Vision
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought by day or by night Waking more sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my wisdom, and Thou my true word I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord Thou my Great Father and I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling and I with Thee one Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise Thou mine inheritance, now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art High King of Heaven, my victory won May I reach heaven's joys, oh bright heaven's sun Part of my young heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, oh Ruler of all |
3:21 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003) | |||||
4:08 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
He wraps Himself in light
As with a garment, He spreads out the heavens And walks on the wings of the wind. He sends forth the springs from the valleys The flow between moutains. The birds of the air dwell by the waters, Lifting their voices in song- Singing glory, glory! Glory to the Lamb! All praises and honor forever. He made the moon for its season, The sun knows it setting. He looks at the Earth and it trembles, He touches the mountains and they smoke, I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing praises to my God - As long as I live, Praises to the Lord, oh my soul. Singing glory, hallelujah! Glory to our God! All praises and honor forever. |
4:12 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
In the morning, when I rise,
In the morning, when I rise. In the morning, when I rise, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. And when I am alone, And when I am alone. And when I am alone, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. And when I come to die, And when I come to die. And when I come to die, Give me Jesus. Give me Jesus, Give me Jesus, You can have all this world, But give me Jesus. |
3:24 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003) | |||||
3:50 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003) | |||||
3:50 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
1.I will sing of my Redeemer And his wondrous love to me On the cruel cross he suffered From the curse to set me free <Chorus> Sing oh sing of my Redeemer With his blood, He purchased me On the cross, He sealed my pardon Paid the debt and made me free 2. I will tell the wondrous story How my lost estate to save In his boundless love and mercy He the ransom freely gave 3. I will praise my dear Redeemer His triumphant power I'll tell How the victory he giveth Over sin and death and hell |
3:59 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light,
Shine Your face upon this house tonight. Let no evil come into my dreams; Light of heaven, keep me in Your peace. Remind me how You made dark spirits flee, And spoke Your power to the raging sea. And spoke Your mercy to a sinful man; Remind me, Jesus, this is what I am. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . With all my heart I love You, Sovereign Lord. Tomorrow, let me love You even more. And rise to speak the goodness of Your name Until I close my eyes and sleep again. The universe is vast beyond the stars, But You are mindful when a sparrow falls, And mindful of the anxious thoughts That find me, surround me, and bind me . . . . Jesus, King of angels, heaven`s light, Hold my hand and keep me through this night. |
2:11 | ||||
from Fernando Ortega - Hymns Of Worship (2003)
Pass me not, O gentle saviour,
Hear my humble cry While on others Thou art smiling, Do not pass me by Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble cry; While on others Thour art calling, Do not pass me by. Let me at a throne of mercy, Find a sweet relief; Kneeling there in deep contrition, Help my unbelief. Trusting only in Thy merit, Would I seek Thy face; Heal my wounded, broken spirit, Save me by Thy grace. Thou the Spring of all my comfort, More than life to me, Whom have I on earth be-side Thee? Whom in heav'n but Thee? |