
Rachel's    레이첼스
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Moscow Is In The Telephone / 2. Water From The Same Source / 3. Systems / Layers / 4. Expect Delays / 5. Arterial / 6. Even / Odd / 7. Wouldn't Live Anywhere Else / 8. Esperanza / 9. Packet Switching / 10. Where_Have_All_My Files_Gone? / 11. Reflective Surfaces / 12. Unclear Channel / 13. Last Things Last / 14. Anytime Soon / 15. Air Conditioning / A Closed Feeling / 16. Singing Bridge / 17. And Keep Smiling / 18. 4 Or 5 Trees / 19. Ny Snow Globe
[Disc 1]
1. Rhine & Courtesan - Rachel'S / 2. The Voyage Of Camille - Rachel'S / 3. Tea Merchants - Rachel'S / 4. Lloyd`s Register - Rachel'S / 5. Withe More Air Than Words - Rachel'S / 6. All Is Calm - Rachel'S / 7. Cypress Branches - Rachel'S / 8. The Sirens - Rachel'S / 9. Night At Sea - Rachel'S / 10. Letters Home - Rachel'S / 11. To Rest Near To Yu - Rachel'S / 12. The Blue-skinned Waltz - Rachel'S / 13. His Eyes - Rachel'S
[Disc 1]
1. A French Galleasse - Rachel'S / 2. On Demeter - Rachel'S / 3. The Last Light - Rachel'S / 4. Kentucky Nocturne - Rachel'S / 5. Honeysuckle Suite (Sugar Maple-elm-sweetgum) - Rachel'S / 6. Artemisia - Rachel'S / 7. Old Road 60 - Rachel'S / 8. An Evening Of Long Goodbyes - Rachel'S / 9. Cuts The Metal Cold - Rachel'S / 10. The Mysterious Disappearnce Of Louis Leprince - Rachel'S / 11. Forgiveness - Rachel'S / 12. Hearts And Drums - Rachel'S
[Disc 1]
1. Southbound To Marion - Rachel'S / 2. M. Daguerre - Rachel'S / 3. Saccharin - Rachel'S / 4. Frida Kahlo - Rachel'S / 5. Seratonin - Rachel'S / 6. Full On Night - Rachel'S / 7. Handwriting - Rachel'S
[Disc 1]
1. Family Portrait / 2. Egon & Gertie / 3. First Self-Portrait Series / 4. Mime Van Osen / 5. Second Self-Portrait Series / 6. Wally, Egon, & Models In The Studio / 7. Promenade / 8. Third Self-Portrait Series / 9. Egon, Edith & Wally Meet / 10. Egon & Wally Embrace & Say Farewell / 11. Egon & Edith / 12. Second Family Portrait

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P129139


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