Wolf Simons

Wolf Simons    


[Disc 1]
1. Sitra Ahra / 2. Kings Of Edom / 3. Unguentum Sabbati / 4. Land Of Canaan / 5. Hellequin / 6. 2012 / 7. Cu Chulain / 8. Kali Yoga Iii / 9. The Shells Are Open / 10. Din / 11. After The Inquisition - Children Of The Stone
[Disc 1]
1. Clavicula Nox (Live In Miskolc) / 2. Dvorak: Excerpt From Symphony No.9 (Live In Miskolc) / 3. Verdi: Vedi! Le Fosche Notturne Spotigle From Il Trovatore (Live In Miskolc) / 4. Mozart: 'Dies Irae' From Reqiuem (Live In Miskolc) / 5. Saint-saens: Excerpt From Symphony No.3 (Live In Miskolc) / 6. Wagner: 'Notung! Notung! Niedliches Schwert!' From The Ring (Live In Miskolc) / 7. Wagner: Excerpt From The Overture From Rienzi (Live In Miskolc) / 8. Wagner: Second Part Of 'Der Tag Ist Da' From Rienzzi (Live In Miskolc) / 9. Wagner: First Part Of 'Herbei! Herbei!' From Rienzi (Live In Miskolc)
[Disc 2]
1. Blood Of Kingu (Live In Miskolc) / 2. Sirius B (Live In Miskolc) / 3. Lemuria (Live In Miskolc) / 4. Eternal Return (Live In Miskolc) / 5. Draconian Trilogy (Live In Miskolc) / 6. Schwartsalbenheim (Live In Miskolc) / 7. Via Nocturna (Live In Miskolc) / 8. The Rise Of Sodom And Gommorrah (Live In Miskolc) / 9. Grand Finale (Live In Miskolc)
[Disc 1]
1. The Rise Of Sodom And Gomor / 2. Birth Of Venus Illegitima / 3. Wine Of Aluqah / 4. Clavicula Nox / 5. Wild Hunt / 6. Eye Of Shiva / 7. Black Sun/ Draconian Trilogy / 8. Opening / 9. Morning Star / 10. Black Diamonds / 11. Raven Of Dispersion
[Disc 1]
1. Ginnungagap / 2. Invocations Of Naamah / 3. Birth Of Venus Illegitima (I Capitalized The Two L'S Since So It Would Look Like: Illegitima) / 4. Enter Vril-Ya / 5. Riders Of Theli / 6. Symphony Of The Dead / 7. A Black Rose / 8. The Return / 9. The Return / 10. Flesh Of The Gods / 11. Seawinds / 12. Schwarzalbenheim / 13. In The Desert Of Set / 14. The Wings Of The Hydra / 15. Asgard / 16. The Secret Of The Runes / 17. The Rise Of Sodom And Gomorrah / 18. Summernight City / 19. Beauty In Black / 20. Seven Secrets Of The Sphinx / 21. The Wine Of Aluqah / 22. The Raven Of Dispersion / 23. To Mega Therion / 24. Cults Of The Shadows
[Disc 1]
1. In Rememberance / 2. Black Fairy / 3. Fly to the Rainbow / 4. Children of the Damned / 5. Under Jolly Roger / 6. Symphony of the Dead / 7. Hear Comes the Tears / 8. Enter Transcendental Sleep / 9. Quiet Desert / 10. Down the Qliphothic Tunnel / 11. Up to Netzach/Floating Back / 12. Fall into Eclipse / 13. Enter Transcendental Sleep / 14. Gates to A'arab Zaraq Are Open / 15. Quiet Desert / 16. Down the Qliphothic Tunnel / 17. Up to Netzach / 18. Floating Back
[Disc 1]
1. Blood Of Kingu / 2. Son Of The Sun / 3. The Khlysti Evangelist / 4. Dark Venus Persephone / 5. Kali Yuga Part 1 / 6. Kali Yuga Part 2 / 7. The Wonderous World Of Punt / 8. Melek Taus / 9. Call Of Dagon / 10. Sirius B / 11. The Voyage Of Gurdjieff
[Disc 1]
1. Typhon / 2. Uthark Runa / 3. Three Ships Of Berik Part 1: Calling To Arms And Fighting The Battle / 4. Three Ships Of Berik Part 2: Victory! / 5. Lemuria / 6. Quetzalcoatl / 7. The Dreams Of Swedenborg / 8. An Arrow From The Sun / 9. Abraxas / 10. Feuer Overture/Prometheus Entfesselt
[Disc 2]
1. Blood Of Kingu / 2. Son Of The Sun / 3. The Khlysti Evangelist / 4. Dark Venus Persephone / 5. Kali Yuga Part 1 / 6. Kali Yuga Part 2 / 7. The Wonderous World Of Punt / 8. Melek Taus / 9. Call Of Dagon / 10. Sirius B / 11. The Voyage Of Gurdjieff (The Fourth Way)
[Disc 1]
1. Ginnungagap / 2. Midgard / 3. Asgard / 4. Jotunheim / 5. Schwarzalbenheim / 6. Uusalfheim / 7. Muspelheim / 8. Nifelheim / 9. Vanaheim / 10. Helheim / 11. Secret Of The Runes / 12. Crying Days [Scorpions Tribute] / 13. Summer Night City [Abba Tribute] / 14. The King [Accept Tribute]
[Disc 1]
1. Seven Secrets Of The Sphinx / 2. Eternal Return / 3. Enter Vril-Ya / 4. Ship Of Luna / 5. The Invicible / 6. Deggial / 7. Emerald Crown / 8. The Flight Of Lord Of Flies / 9. Flesh Of The Gods / 10. Via Nocturna [Part 1 And 2] / 11. O Fortuna / 12. From The Dionysian Days / 13. Seawinds / 14. Crazy Nights

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