Gerald Finley [Bariton]

Gerald Finley [Bariton]    제랄드 핀리
2000s -
1960년 01월 30일 / 캐나다



  Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Schumann - Dichterliebe & Other Heine Settings(G.Finley) (2008)
Histories Naturelles: 1. Le Paon   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Histories Naturelles: 2. Le Grillon   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Histories Naturelles: 3. Le Cygne   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Histories Naturelles: 4. La Martin-pecheur   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Histories Naturelles: 5. La Pintade   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Ronsard A Son Ame   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Don Quichotte A Dulcinee: 1. Chanson Romanesque   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Don Quichotte A Dulcinee: 2. Chanson Epique   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Don Quichotte A Dulcinee: 3. Chanson A Boire   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Un Grand Sommeil Noir   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Les Grands Vents Venus D'outre-mer   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Sur I'herbe 'l'abbe Divague-et Toi, Marquis   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Chants Populaires: 2. Chanson Francaise, "janeta Ount Anirem Gardar"   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Chants Populaires: 3. Chanson Italienne, "m'affaccio La Finestra E Vedo L'onde"   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Chants Populaires: 4. Chanson Hebraique   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Chants Populaires: 5. Chanson Ecossaise "ye Banks And Braes O'bonnie Doon"   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
Noel Des Jouets   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
2 Epigrammes De Clement Marot: 1. D'anne Qui M'a Jecta De La Neige   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)
2 Epigrammes De Clement Marot: 2. D'anne Jouant De L'espinette   Gerald Finley
from Gerald Finley - Ravel Songs By... (2009)

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