Bro.Hi [Human Beat Box, MC]

Bro.Hi [Human Beat Box, MC]    브로 하이


[Disc 1]
1. Kopernik / 2. Quarter 5 / 3. Unisong / 4. Superfeel / 5. and 7 / 6. Soooooooo_mania / 7. カーテン • コール(curtain Call) / 8. Bastard / 9. Stay Gold / 10. Sue / 11. Ima / 12. Velvet Romance / 13. Singin' My Lu
[Disc 1]
1. Stealth / 2. Cozmic Travel / 3. Tongue Te Tongue / 4. Voodoo Kingdom / 5. Gasoline / 6. Shuffle Dayz Pt.2 / 7. Funny Girl Ducky Boy / 8. Megalopolis Patrol / 9. Cinozoic / 10. Taboo  featuring Blistah / 11. Master's Groove 2 / 12. Widespread Panic / 13. Grown Kidz / 14. Starlight Destiny
[Disc 1]
1. Deep Space [Intro] / 2. Alive / 3. Tokyo通信 [Urbs Communication] / 4. Pop N' Top / 5. Dressing Room [Interlude] / 6. Catwalk / 7. Dd [(탄)[改]] / 8. バナナスプリット [Banana Split] / 9. Shuffle Dayz / 10. A Spacious Floor / 11. Sick / 12. Fire Rhymer / 13. イルカ [Iruka/돌고래] / 14. Morning [Outro]
[Disc 1]
1. Introduction [Message From...] / 2. Stardust / 3. 1,000,000 Monsters Attack / 4. ルルㆍベル / 5. Interlude [Like The Bird, Like The Clouds] / 6. To All Tha Dreamers / 7. Diggy, Diggy, Diggy Pt.Iii  featuring Dj Mass / 8. Interlude [エイジャ] / 9. Magenta Magenta / 10. Interlude [Pranet Earth, Your Network] / 11. 二夕二夕Therapy / 12. Parasite Paradise Lonesome  featuring Hammer / 13. Interlude [Tribal Program] / 14. Clone As A Funny Creature Preacher / 15. The Show / 16. Edge / 17. 告白  featuring Tsuyoshi / 18. W.W.W / 19. Interlude [I Met You] / 20. Blues / 21. Love, Peace & Soul / 22. Love, Peace & Dream
[Disc 1]
1. Thunder Storm -Instrumental- / 2. ウェカピポ (웨카피포) / 3. Interlude:Channel / 4. Soul'D Out Is Comin' / 5. Diggy Diggy Diggy / 6. 円卓の騎士 (원탁의 기사) / 7. ア アラララァ ア アァ! (아 아라라라아 아 아아) / 8. Dream Drive / 9. Flyte Tyme (Extended) / 10. 輪舞曲 (윤무곡) / 11. Game / 12. H.B.B Noizzz! / 13. See You @ Tha Hot Spot / 14. Master's Groove -Instrumental- / 15. Interlude:Break It Down / 16. Shut Out / 17. True To Myself / 18. 戰士達 天使達 ~Livin' For Today~ (전사들 천사들)

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