
2000s -


[Disc 1]
1. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 1. Symphony - Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 2. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 2, Recit. Comfort Ye, My People (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 3. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 3, Aria. Every Valley Shall Be Exalted (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 4. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 4, Chorus. And the Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealed - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 5. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 5, Recit. Thus Saith the Lord of Hosts (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 6. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 6, Aria. But Who May Abide the Day of His Coming? (Alto/Bass) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 7. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 7, Chorus. And He Shall Purify the Sons of Levi - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 8. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 8, Recit. Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive, and Bear a Son (Alto) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 9. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 9, Aria with Chorus. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion (Alto) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 10. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 10, Recit. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 11. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 11, Aria. The People That Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 12. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 12, Chorus. For Unto Us a Child Is Born - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 13. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 13. Pifa "Pastoral Symphony" - Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 14. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 14, Recit. There Were Shepherds, Abiding in the Field (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 15. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 15, Recit. And the Angel Said Unto Them, Fear Not (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 16. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 16, Recit. And Suddenly There Was With the Angel a Multitude (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 17. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 17, Chorus. Glory to God in the Highest - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 18. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 18, Aria. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 19. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 19, Recit. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind Be Opened (Alto) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 20. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 20, Aria. He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd (Alto/Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 21. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 1: No. 21, Chorus. His Yoke Is Easy and His Burthen Is Light - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 22. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 22, Chorus. Behold the Lamb of God - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 23. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 23, Aria. He Was Despised and Rejected of Men (Alto) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton
[Disc 2]
1. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 24, Chorus. Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 2. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 25, Chorus. And with His Stripes We Are Healed - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 3. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 26, Chorus. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 4. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 27, Recit. All They That See Him Laugh Him to Scorn (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 5. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 28, Chorus. He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver Him - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 6. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 29, Recit. Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (Soprano/Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 7. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 30, Aria. Behold and See If There Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow (Soprano/Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 8. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 31, Recit. He Was Cut Off Out of the Land of the Living (Soprano/Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 9. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 32, Aria. But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (Soprano/Tenor) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 10. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 33, Chorus. Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 11. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 34, Recit. Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time? (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 12. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 35, Chorus. Let All the Angels of God Worship Him - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 13. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 36, Aria. Thou Art Gone Up on High (Alto/Bass) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 14. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 37, Chorus. The Lord Gave the Word - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 15. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 38, Aria. How Beautiful Are the Feet of Them That Preach (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 16. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 39, Chorus. Their Sound Is Gone Out into All Lands - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 17. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 40, Aria. Why Do the Nations So Furiously Rage Together? (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 18. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 41, Chorus. Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 19. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 42, Recit. He That Dwelleth in Heaven Shall Laugh Them to Scorn (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 20. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 43, Aria. Thou Shalt Break Them with a Rod of Iron (Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 21. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 2: No. 44, Chorus. Hallelujah, for the Lord God Omnipotent Reigneth - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 22. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 45, Aria. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 23. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 46, Chorus. Since By Man Came Death - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 24. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 47, Recit. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 25. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 48, Aria. The Trumpet Shall Sound (Bass) - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Stephen Layton / 26. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 49, Recit. Then Shall Be Brought to Pass (Alto) - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 27. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 50, Aria. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? (Alto/Tenor) - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Stephen Layton / 28. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 51, Chorus. But Thanks Be to God Who Giveth Us the Victory - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 29. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 52, Aria. If God Be For Us, Who Can Be Against Us? (Soprano) - Britten Sinfonia, Julia Doyle, Stephen Layton / 30. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 53a, Chorus. Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 31. Handel: Messiah, HWV 56, Pt. 3: No. 53b, Chorus. Amen - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton
[Disc 1]
1. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Introduction: Chorus. Via Crucis - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 2. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 1: Jesus Is Condemned to Death - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 3. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 1: Universa turba - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony 외 / 4. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 2: Jesus Takes Up the Cross - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 5. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 2: Dicebat autem Jesus ad omnes - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Roger Allam 외 / 6. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 3: Jesus Falls the First Time - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 7. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 3: Quis credidit auditui nostro? - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 8. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 4: Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 9. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 4: Senex Simeon prophetizans - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Roger Allam 외 / 10. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 5: Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 11. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 5: Exeuntes autem invenerunt - Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 12. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 6: Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 13. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 6: Auferet Dominus Deus lacrymam - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony 외 / 14. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 7: Jesus Falls the Second Time - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 15. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 7: Vere languores nostros ipse tulit - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 16. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 8: The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 17. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 8: Sequebatur autem illum multa turba - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony 외 / 18. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 9: Jesus Falls the Third Time - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 19. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 9: Omnes nos quasi oves erravimus - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 20. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 10: Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothes - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 21. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 10: Milites ergo cum crucifixissent eum - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 22. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 11: Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 23. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 11: Et perducunt illum Golgotha locum - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 24. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 12: Jesus Dies on the Cross - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 25. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 12: Stabat autem iuxta crucem Jesu mater - Andrew Foster-Williams, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony 외 / 26. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 13: Jesus Is Taken Down from the Cross - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 27. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 13: Judaei ergo - Allan Clayton, Britten Sinfonia, Iestyn Davies, Polyphony 외 / 28. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 14: Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 29. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 14: Post haec autem rogavit Pilatum Joseph - Britten Sinfonia, Roger Allam, Stephen Layton / 30. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Station 15: The Resurrection - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton / 31. Łukaszewski: Via Crucis: Final Chorus. Christus vincit - Britten Sinfonia, Polyphony, Stephen Layton

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[Disc 1]
1. Juggernaut / 2. 40 Second Thing In 39 Seconds / 3. Ariels Flight: - Gorgons Of The Glade/ The One Irocritic Man/ The Frog Prince / 4. Crimson Dagger
[Disc 1]
1. Birthday Sleep - John Tavener / 2. Butterfly Dreams - John Tavener / 3. The Second Coming - John Tavener / 4. Schuon Hymnen - John Tavener / 5. As One Who Has Slept - John Tavener / 6. The Bridal Chamber - John Tavener / 7. Exhortation And Kohima - John Tavener / 8. Shunya - John Tavener
[Disc 1]
1. Berliner Messe - Arvo Pärt / 2. Annum Per Annum - Arvo Pärt / 3. The Beatitudes - Arvo Pärt / 4. Magnificat - Arvo Pärt / 5. Sieben Magnificat - Antiphonen - Arvo Pärt / 6. De Rofundis - Arvo Pärt
[Disc 1]
1. Irish Tune From County Derry (Percy Grainger) - Percy Grainger / 2. Dollar And A Half A Day - Percy Grainger / 3. Shenandoah - Percy Grainger / 4. Stormy - Percy Grainger / 5. The Gypsy`s Wedding Day - Percy Grainger / 6. Brigg Fair - Percy Grainger / 7. Mo Nighean Dubh - Percy Grainger / 8. O Mistress Mine - Percy Grainger / 9. Four Psalms Op.74 : How Fair Is Thy Face (Edvard Hagerup Grieg) - Percy Grainger / 10. Four Psalms Op.74 : God`s Son Hath Set Me Free - Percy Grainger / 11. Four Psalms Op.74 : Jesus Christ Our Lord Is Risen - Percy Grainger / 12. Four Psalms Op.74 : In Heav`n Above - Percy Grainger / 13. Ave, Maris Stella - Percy Grainger / 14. Soldier, Soldier (Percy Grainger) - Percy Grainger / 15. Mary Thomson - Percy Grainger / 16. Ye Banks And Braes - Percy Grainger / 17. Dalvisa - Percy Grainger / 18. Australian Up-country Song - Percy Grainger / 19. Near Woodstock Town - Percy Grainger / 20. The Sussex Mummers` Carol - Percy Grainger / 21. A Song Of Varmeland - Percy Grainger / 22. At Twilight - Percy Grainger
[Disc 1]
1. Dopo La Vittoria - Arvo Pärt / 2. Nunc Dimittis - Arvo Pärt / 3. ...which Was The Son Of... - Arvo Pärt / 4. I Am The True Vine - Arvo Pärt / 5. Littlemore Tractus - Arvo Pärt / 6. Triodion - Arvo Pärt / 7. My Heart`s In The Highlands - Arvo Pärt / 8. Salve Regina - Arvo Pärt
[Disc 1]
1. A Queen`s Fanfare (William Walton) - Sir William Walton / 2. Coronation Te Deum - Sir William Walton / 3. A Litany (Version 1) - Sir William Walton / 4. The Twelve - Sir William Walton / 5. Set Me As A Seal Upon Thine Heart - Sir William Walton / 6. Magnificat - Sir William Walton / 7. Nunc Dimittis - Sir William Walton / 8. Where Does The Uttered Music Go? - Sir William Walton / 9. Jubilate Deo - Sir William Walton / 10. Missa Brevis - Kyrie - Sir William Walton / 11. Missa Brevis - Sanctus And Benedictus - Sir William Walton / 12. Missa Brevis - Agnus Dei - Sir William Walton / 13. Missa Brevis - Gloria - Sir William Walton / 14. Cantico Del Sole - Sir William Walton / 15. A Litany (Version 2) - Sir William Walton / 16. Make We Joy Now In This Fest - Sir William Walton / 17. King Herod And The Cock - Sir William Walton / 18. All This Time - Sir William Walton / 19. What Cheer? - Sir William Walton / 20. A Litany (Version 3) - Sir William Walton / 21. Antiphon - Sir William Walton
[Disc 1]
1. Five Flower Songs Op.47 (Track 1~5) - Benjamin Britten / 2. A.m.d.g. (Track 6~12) - Benjamin Britten / 3. A Hymn To The Virgin (Track 13) - Benjamin Britten / 4. Choral Dances From `Gloriana` (Track 14~19) - Benjamin Britten / 5. Chorale After An Old French Carol (Track 20) - Benjamin Britten / 6. Sacred And Profane Op.91 (Track 21) - Benjamin Britten

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P140219


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