Citizen Cope [기타]

Citizen Cope [기타]    본명:Clarence Greenwood
2000s -
0000년 / 미국
1992년 / Cope Citizen

얼터너티브 락
포크 락



Pablo Picasso   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Every Waking Moment   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Friendly Fire   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
More Than It Seems   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Brother Lee   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
107 Degrees   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Somehow   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
John Lennon   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
All Dressed Up   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Awe   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Left For Dead   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
Nobody Wins A War     featuring Algebra,Anthony Hamilton,Bilal,Chico Debarge,Chrisette Michele,Citizen Cope,Dwele,Jill Scott,Ledisi,Rudy Currence,Shelby Johnson Raheem Devaughn
from Raheem Devaughn - The Love & War MasterPeace (2010)
Nite Becomes Day   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Back Together   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - Every Waking Moment (2006)
My Way Home   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Son's Gonna Rise     featuring Carlos Santana Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Penitentiary   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Hurricane Waters   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Dartagnan's Theme   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)
Bullet and a Target   Citizen Cope
from Citizen Cope - The Clarence Greenwood Recordings (2004)

Trackback ::

Trackback from :: 자기만의 방 :: 2008-05-14 17:18:24

Subject : Citizen Cope - Let the drummer kick / Holdin' on

사랑하는 시티즌 코프의 02년도 앨범. 이 앨범이 제일제일 좋은 것 같다. 이게 1집인건가? 난 가장 최근 앨범 딱 한 장 갖고 있는데 아마존 찾아봤더니 비싸지도 않아. 만원 정도네. 아쉽다. 울 나라에서도 구할 수 있음 좋을텐데. Let the drummer kick은 무슨 영화에 삽입됐나보다. 그래서 포스팅된 곳이 꽤 있더군. 그래봤...


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