Virgil Thomson

Virgil Thomson    
1896년 11월 25일 / 미국,Kansas City, MO
1989년 09월 30일
실내악 / 독주곡



4 Songs To Poems Of Thomas Campion (2-5)   Virgil Thomson
from Mia Wu, Cherly Seltzer - Vocal And Chamber Music (2005)
Finale   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Tenancy   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Requiem   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Floods   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Coal   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Logging   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Ruins   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Cotton Pickers   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
A Big River   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
First Forest   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
[The River] Prelude   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Devastation   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Wind And Dust   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Drought   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Speculation (Blues)   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
War And The Tractor   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Warning   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
The Homesteader   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)
Cattle   Virgil Thomson
from Angel Gil-Ordonez, Post-Classical Ensemble - The Plow The Broke The Plains/ Angel Gil-ordonez (2007)

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