Leipziger Querflotenensemble

Leipziger Querflotenensemble    


[Disc 1]
1. Forget-me-not (Ernesto Kohler) / 2. Thunder And Lightning - Johann Strauss II / 3. Theodor Fontane / 4. Albumsheet - Joachim Andersen / 5. Heinrich Heine / 6. Unrequited Love - Paul Lincke / 7. Dream Images - Hans Christian Lumbye / 8. Marche Militaire Op.51 - Franz Schubert / 9. Christian Morgenstern / 10. Rage Over A Lost Coin, Abated In A Caprice (Ludwig Van Beethoven) / 11. Bonsoir - Salonpiece Op.29 (Ernesto Kohler) / 12. Arno Holz / 13. Der Freischutz - Carl Maria Von Weber / 14. E.t.a. Hoffmann / 15. Rigoletto Fantasy Op.38 - Franz Doppler, Karl Doppler
[Disc 1]
1. Divertimento - Leonard Bernstein / 2. Cafe 1930 - Astor Piazzolla / 3. Nightclub 1960 / 4. The Man I Love - George Gershwin / 5. I Got Rhythm / 6. Super Flutes Jazz Suite I - Bill Holcombe / 7. Alexander`s Ragtime Band - Irving Berlin / 8. Caravan - Duke Ellington / 9. Take Five - Paul Desmond / 10. Asa Branca - Luiz Gonzaga / 11. Girl From Ipanema - Tom Jobim / 12. Tico-tico No Fuba - Zequinha Abreu / 13. A Latin Bouquet - Trevor Wye, Venezuelan Folk / 14. Carinhoso - Pixinguinha / 15. The Shadow Of Your Smile - Johnny Mandel / 16. Opus 1a - Trevor Wye

Trackback :: http://d2.maniadb.com/trackback/P175462


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