Birgit Nilsson [소프라노]

Birgit Nilsson [소프라노]    비르기트 닐손 / 본명:Marta Birgit Svensson
1918년 05월 17일 / 스웨덴



Der Freischütz J277: Wie nahte mir der Schlummer...Leise, leise, fromme Weise (Act II)   Birgit Nilsson
from Victoria De Los Angeles, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - The Three Sopranos (2007)
Tristan und Isolde (2000 Digital Remaster): Mild und leise (Liebestod) (Act III) (2000 Digital Remaster)   Birgit Nilsson
from Victoria De Los Angeles, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - The Three Sopranos (2007)
Aida (1989 Digital Remaster), Act 1 (1989 Digital Remaster), Scene 1 (1989 Digital Remaster): Ritorna vincitor! (Aida) (1989 Digital Remaster)   Birgit Nilsson
from Victoria De Los Angeles, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - The Three Sopranos (2007)
Turandot (libretto by Giuseppe Adami & Renato Simoni, after Carlo Gozzi) (1988 Digital Remaster), ACT 2 (1988 Digital Remaster), Scene 2 (1988 Digital Remaster): In questa reggia (Turandot, Corwd,   Birgit Nilsson
from Victoria De Los Angeles, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - The Three Sopranos (2007)
Don Giovanni K.527-or Sai Chi L'onore (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Don Giovanni K.527-non Mi Dir, Bell'idol Mio   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Oberon-ozean, Du Ungeheuer (Carl Maria Von Weber)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Oberon-traure, Mein Herz   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Scena Ed Aria "Ah! Perfido" Op.65 (Ludwig Van Beethoven)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Tannhaeuser-dich, Teure Halle, Gruess Ich Wieder (Richard Wagner)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Tannhaeuser-allmaecht'ge Jungfrau (Elisabeth's Prayer)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Tristan Und Isolde-liebestod(트리스탄과 이졸데-사랑의 죽음)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Salome Op.54-final Scene (Richard Strauss)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Karl Bohm - Or Sai Chi L'onore (2006)
Abscheulicher! (Fidelio) (Ludwig Van Beethoven)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Leise, Leise (Der Freischutz) (Carl Maria Von Weber)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Anch`io Dischiuso (Nabucco) (Giuseppe Verdi)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Pace, Pace, Mio Dio! (La Forza Del Destino)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Liebestod (Tristan Und Isolde) (Richard Wagner)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Immolation Scene (Gotterdammerung)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)
Dich, Teure Halle (Tannhauser)   Birgit Nilsson
from Birgit Nilsson, Various - The Singers (2002)

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